113,186 research outputs found

    A Sequential Two-Step Algorithm for Fast Generation of Vehicle Racing Trajectories

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    The problem of maneuvering a vehicle through a race course in minimum time requires computation of both longitudinal (brake and throttle) and lateral (steering wheel) control inputs. Unfortunately, solving the resulting nonlinear optimal control problem is typically computationally expensive and infeasible for real-time trajectory planning. This paper presents an iterative algorithm that divides the path generation task into two sequential subproblems that are significantly easier to solve. Given an initial path through the race track, the algorithm runs a forward-backward integration scheme to determine the minimum-time longitudinal speed profile, subject to tire friction constraints. With this fixed speed profile, the algorithm updates the vehicle's path by solving a convex optimization problem that minimizes the resulting path curvature while staying within track boundaries and obeying affine, time-varying vehicle dynamics constraints. This two-step process is repeated iteratively until the predicted lap time no longer improves. While providing no guarantees of convergence or a globally optimal solution, the approach performs very well when validated on the Thunderhill Raceway course in Willows, CA. The predicted lap time converges after four to five iterations, with each iteration over the full 4.5 km race course requiring only thirty seconds of computation time on a laptop computer. The resulting trajectory is experimentally driven at the race circuit with an autonomous Audi TTS test vehicle, and the resulting lap time and racing line is comparable to both a nonlinear gradient descent solution and a trajectory recorded from a professional racecar driver. The experimental results indicate that the proposed method is a viable option for online trajectory planning in the near future

    Agile Autonomous Driving using End-to-End Deep Imitation Learning

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    We present an end-to-end imitation learning system for agile, off-road autonomous driving using only low-cost sensors. By imitating a model predictive controller equipped with advanced sensors, we train a deep neural network control policy to map raw, high-dimensional observations to continuous steering and throttle commands. Compared with recent approaches to similar tasks, our method requires neither state estimation nor on-the-fly planning to navigate the vehicle. Our approach relies on, and experimentally validates, recent imitation learning theory. Empirically, we show that policies trained with online imitation learning overcome well-known challenges related to covariate shift and generalize better than policies trained with batch imitation learning. Built on these insights, our autonomous driving system demonstrates successful high-speed off-road driving, matching the state-of-the-art performance.Comment: 13 pages, Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS) 201

    Identifying Heavy-Flavor Jets Using Vectors of Locally Aggregated Descriptors

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    Jets of collimated particles serve a multitude of purposes in high energy collisions. Recently, studies of jet interaction with the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) created in high energy heavy ion collisions are of growing interest, particularly towards understanding partonic energy loss in the QGP medium and its related modifications of the jet shower and fragmentation. Since the QGP is a colored medium, the extent of jet quenching and consequently, the transport properties of the medium are expected to be sensitive to fundamental properties of the jets such as the flavor of the parton that initiates the jet. Identifying the jet flavor enables an extraction of the mass dependence in jet-QGP interactions. We present a novel approach to tagging heavy-flavor jets at collider experiments utilizing the information contained within jet constituents via the \texttt{JetVLAD} model architecture. We show the performance of this model in proton-proton collisions at center of mass energy s=200\sqrt{s} = 200 GeV as characterized by common metrics and showcase its ability to extract high purity heavy-flavor jet sample at various jet momenta and realistic production cross-sections including a brief discussion on the impact of out-of-time pile-up. Such studies open new opportunities for future high purity heavy-flavor measurements at jet energies accessible at current and future collider experiments.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures and 3 tables. Accepted by JINS

    Solving Parity Games in Scala

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    Parity games are two-player games, played on directed graphs, whose nodes are labeled with priorities. Along a play, the maximal priority occurring infinitely often determines the winner. In the last two decades, a variety of algorithms and successive optimizations have been proposed. The majority of them have been implemented in PGSolver, written in OCaml, which has been elected by the community as the de facto platform to solve efficiently parity games as well as evaluate their performance in several specific cases. PGSolver includes the Zielonka Recursive Algorithm that has been shown to perform better than the others in randomly generated games. However, even for arenas with a few thousand of nodes (especially over dense graphs), it requires minutes to solve the corresponding game. In this paper, we deeply revisit the implementation of the recursive algorithm introducing several improvements and making use of Scala Programming Language. These choices have been proved to be very successful, gaining up to two orders of magnitude in running time

    Kassiopeia: A Modern, Extensible C++ Particle Tracking Package

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    The Kassiopeia particle tracking framework is an object-oriented software package using modern C++ techniques, written originally to meet the needs of the KATRIN collaboration. Kassiopeia features a new algorithmic paradigm for particle tracking simulations which targets experiments containing complex geometries and electromagnetic fields, with high priority put on calculation efficiency, customizability, extensibility, and ease of use for novice programmers. To solve Kassiopeia's target physics problem the software is capable of simulating particle trajectories governed by arbitrarily complex differential equations of motion, continuous physics processes that may in part be modeled as terms perturbing that equation of motion, stochastic processes that occur in flight such as bulk scattering and decay, and stochastic surface processes occuring at interfaces, including transmission and reflection effects. This entire set of computations takes place against the backdrop of a rich geometry package which serves a variety of roles, including initialization of electromagnetic field simulations and the support of state-dependent algorithm-swapping and behavioral changes as a particle's state evolves. Thanks to the very general approach taken by Kassiopeia it can be used by other experiments facing similar challenges when calculating particle trajectories in electromagnetic fields. It is publicly available at https://github.com/KATRIN-Experiment/Kassiopei

    Cooperative Curve Tracking in Two Dimensions Without Explicit Estimation of the Field Gradient

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    We design a control law for two agents to successfully track a level curve in the plane without explicitly estimating the field gradient. The velocity of each agent is decomposed along two mutually perpendicular directions, and separate control laws are designed along each direction. We prove that the formation center will converge to the neighborhood of the level curve with the desired level value. The algorithm is tested on some test functions used in optimization problems in the presence of noise. Our results indicate that in spite of the control law being simple and gradient-free, we are able to successfully track noisy planar level curves fast and with a high degree of accuracy.Comment: 4th International Conference on Control, Decision, and Information Technologies (CoDIT) 201

    Trajectory design for autonomous underwater vehicles based on ocean model predictions for feature tracking

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    Trajectory design for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) is of great importance to the oceanographic research community. Intelligent planning is required to maneuver a vehicle to high-valued locations for data collection. We consider the use of ocean model predictions to determine the locations to be visited by an AUV, which then provides near-real time, in situ measurements back to the model to increase the skill of future predictions. The motion planning problem of steering the vehicle between the computed waypoints is not considered here. Our focus is on the algorithm to determine relevant points of interest for a chosen oceanographic feature. This represents a first approach to an end to end autonomous prediction and tasking system for aquatic, mobile sensor networks. We design a sampling plan and present experimental results with AUV retasking in the Southern California Bight (SCB) off the coast of Los Angeles