29 research outputs found

    A Family of Implementation-Friendly BN Elliptic Curves

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    For the last decade, elliptic curve cryptography has gained increasing interest in industry and in the academic community. This is especially due to the high level of security it provides with relatively small keys and to its ability to create very efficient and multifunctional cryptographic schemes by means of bilinear pairings. Pairings require pairing-friendly elliptic curves and among the possible choices, Barreto-Naehrig (BN) curves arguably constitute one of the most versatile families. In this paper, we further expand the potential of the BN curve family. We describe BN curves that are not only computationally very simple to generate, but also specially suitable for efficient implementation on a very broad range of scenarios. We also present implementation results of the optimal ate pairing using such a curve defined over a 254-bit prime field

    On the Computation of the Optimal Ate Pairing at the 192-bit Security Level

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    Barreto, Lynn and Scott elliptic curves of embedding degree 12 denoted BLS12 have been proven to present fastest results on the implementation of pairings at the 192-bit security level [1]. The computation of pairings in general involves the execution of the Miller algorithm and the final exponentiation. In this paper, we improve the complexity of these two steps up to 8% by searching an appropriate parameter. We compute the optimal ate pairing on BLS curves of embedding degree 12 and we also extend the same analysis to BLS curves with embedding degree 24. Furthermore, as many pairing based protocols are implemented on memory constrained devices such as SIM or smart cards, we describe an efficient algorithm for the computation of the final exponentiation less memory intensive with an improvement up to 25% with respect to the previous work

    Efficient Implementation of Bilinear Pairings on ARM Processors

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    Abstract. As hardware capabilities increase, low-power devices such as smartphones represent a natural environment for the efficient imple-mentation of cryptographic pairings. Few works in the literature have considered such platforms despite their growing importance in a post-PC world. In this paper, we investigate the efficient computation of the Optimal-Ate pairing over Barreto-Naehrig curves in software at differ-ent security levels on ARM processors. We exploit state-of-the-art tech-niques and propose new optimizations to speed up the computation in the tower field and curve arithmetic. In particular, we extend the concept of lazy reduction to inversion in extension fields, analyze an efficient al-ternative for the sparse multiplication used inside the Miller’s algorithm and reduce further the cost of point/line evaluation formulas in affine and projective homogeneous coordinates. In addition, we study the effi-ciency of using M-type sextic twists in the pairing computation and carry out a detailed comparison between affine and projective coordinate sys-tems. Our implementations on various mass-market smartphones and tablets significantly improve the state-of-the-art of pairing computation on ARM-powered devices, outperforming by at least a factor of 3.7 the best previous results in the literature

    Pairing Inversion via Non-degenerate Auxiliary Pairings

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    The security of pairing-based cryptosystems is closely related to the difficulty of the pairing inversion problem(PI). In this paper, we discuss the difficulty of pairing inversion on the generalized ate pairings of Vercauteren. First, we provide a simpler approach for PI by generalizing and simplifying Kanayama-Okamoto’s approach; our approach involves modifications of exponentiation inversion(EI) and Miller inversion(MI), via an “auxiliary” pairing. Then we provide a complexity of the modified MI, showing that the complexity depends on the sum-norm of the integer vector defining the auxiliary pairing. Next, we observe that degenerate auxiliary pairings expect to make modified EI harder. We provide a sufficient condition on the integer vector, in terms of its max norm, so that the corresponding auxiliary paring is non-degenerate. Finally, we define an infinite set of curve parameters, which includes those of typical pairing friendly curves, and we show that, within those parameters, PI of arbitrarily given generalized ate pairing can be reduced to modified EI in polynomial time

    Elliptic and Hyperelliptic Curves: A Practical Security Analysis

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    Motivated by the advantages of using elliptic curves for discrete logarithm-based public-key cryptography, there is an active research area investigating the potential of using hyperelliptic curves of genus 2. For both types of curves, the best known algorithms to solve the discrete logarithm problem are generic attacks such as Pollard rho, for which it is well-known that the algorithm can be sped up when the target curve comes equipped with an efficiently computable automorphism. In this paper we incorporate all of the known optimizations (including those relating to the automorphism group) in order to perform a systematic security assessment of two elliptic curves and two hyperelliptic curves of genus 2. We use our software framework to give concrete estimates on the number of core years required to solve the discrete logarithm problem on four curves that target the 128-bit security level: on the standardized NIST CurveP-256, on a popular curve from the Barreto-Naehrig family, and on their respective analogues in genus 2. © 2014 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

    Robust Subgroup Multi-Signatures for Consensus

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    Multi-signatures are used to attest that a fixed collection of nn parties, represented by their respective public keys, have all signed a given message. An emerging application of multi-signatures is to be found in consensus protocols to attest that a qualified subset of a global set of nn validators have reached agreement. In this paper, we point out that the traditional security model for multi-signatures is insufficient for this new application, as it assumes that every party in the set participates in the multi-signature computation phase and is honest. None of these assumptions hold in the typical adversarial scenarios in consensus protocols (aka. byzantine agreement). We address this by introducing a new multi-signature variant called robust subgroup multi-signatures, whereby any eligible subgroup of signers from the global set can produce a multi-signature on behalf of the group, even in the presence of a byzantine adversary. We provide syntax and security definitions for the new variant. We argue that existing unforgeability security proofs for multi-signatures do not carry over to the consensus setting; a consequence of this observation is that many multi-signature based consensus protocols lack a rigorous security proof for correctness. To remedy this we propose several constructions which we prove secure under widely held cryptographic assumptions using our newly introduced formal definitions and also improve upon multi-signature computation time. Finally, we report on benchmarks from a proof-of-concept implementation

    Subgroup security in pairing-based cryptography

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    Pairings are typically implemented using ordinary pairing-friendly elliptic curves. The two input groups of the pairing function are groups of elliptic curve points, while the target group lies in the multiplicative group of a large finite field. At moderate levels of security, at least two of the three pairing groups are necessarily proper subgroups of a much larger composite-order group, which makes pairing implementations potentially susceptible to small-subgroup attacks. To minimize the chances of such attacks, or the effort required to thwart them, we put forward a property for ordinary pairing-friendly curves called subgroup security. We point out that existing curves in the literature and in publicly available pairing libraries fail to achieve this notion, and propose a list of replacement curves that do offer subgroup security. These curves were chosen to drop into existing libraries with minimal code change, and to sustain state-of-the-art performance numbers. In fact, there are scenarios in which the replacement curves could facilitate faster implementations of protocols because they can remove the need for expensive group exponentiations that test subgroup membership

    Efficient Algorithms for Large Prime Characteristic Fields and Their Application to Bilinear Pairings

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    We propose a novel approach that generalizes interleaved modular multiplication algorithms to the computation of sums of products over large prime fields. This operation has widespread use and is at the core of many cryptographic applications. The method reformulates the widely used lazy reduction technique, crucially avoiding the need for storage and computation of double-precision operations. Moreover, it can be easily adapted to the different methods that exist to compute modular multiplication, producing algorithms that are significantly more efficient and memory-friendly. We showcase the performance of the proposed approach in the computation of multiplication over an extension field Fpk\mathbb{F}_{p^k}, and demonstrate its impact with a record-breaking implementation for bilinear pairings: a full optimal ate pairing over the popular BLS12-381 curve is computed in under half a millisecond on a 3.2GHz Intel Coffee Lake processor, which is about 1.40Ă—1.40\times faster than the state-of-the-art