5 research outputs found

    Alternativas de mejora para un filtro no lineal adaptativo, tipo seguidor de fase (PLL) como herramienta para monitoreo de magnitud y 谩ngulo en tensiones de nodo

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    El presente trabajo permite analizar un filtro tipo seguidor de fase (PLL) el cual es un controlador a lazo cerrado capaz de sincronizarse con una se帽al de entrada. Se emplea para sistemas de control que involucran transformada de Park y los convertidores de las microrredes. El PLL contra de tres (3) partes principales una se帽al de entrada, un filtro (PD) y un oscilador controlado por voltaje (VCO). Se procedi贸 a plantear modificaciones a un PLL de arquitectura abierta, con el objetivo de extraer hasta cuatro se帽ales de una forma de onda de voltaje a frecuencia industrial: frecuencia, frecuencia angular, 谩ngulo de desfase y magnitud pico. Para la verificaci贸n de su funcionamiento y su sintonizaci贸n se utiliz贸 la variaci贸n en la frecuencia base, 50 (Hz) y 60 (Hz), arm贸nicos tanto de frecuencia baja como media, as铆 como variaciones en la amplitud de la forma de onda y contenido de CC. El PLL modificado act煤a en 0.2 (s) con una sintonizaci贸n del tipo Kp1-LF = 10, Kp2-VCO = 10 y Kp-PD = 100 para formas de ondas cercanas a 1 en por unidad, haci茅ndose m谩s lenta con la depresi贸n del voltaje normalizado. Finalmente, el an谩lisis se complementa con aspectos relacionados al estudio de reacci贸n del PLL ante diversas fuentes de perturbaci贸n, de los cuales, se analizaron los estados de funcionamiento del PLL ante problemas que suelen aparecer en su funcionamiento como son: la presencia de arm贸nicos, el aumento o disminuci贸n de amplitud y la relaci贸n que sostienen las ganancias dentro del sistema. Lo que lleva a un extra el cual se trata de que suceder谩 al sistema ante la presencia de corriente continua, para el efecto de realizar el estudio y an谩lisis del sistema se utiliza el simulador Simulink de Matlab.The work allows analyzing a phase lock loop (PLL) which is a controller with closed loop capable of synchronizing with an input signal. It used for control systems involving Park transform and micro-reed converters. The PLL against three (3) main parts and input signal, a filter (PD) and a voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO). We proceeded to propose modifications to an open architecture PLL, with the aim of extracting up to four signals from a waveform of voltage at industrial frequency: frequency, angular frequency, angle of offset and peak magnitude. For the verification of its operation and tuning, variations in the base frequency, 50 (Hz) and 60 (Hz), harmonics of both low and medium frequency, as well as variations in the amplitude of the waveform and DC content were used. The modified PLL acts in 0.2 (s) with a tuning of the type Kp1-LF = 10, Kp2-VCO = 10 and Kp-PD = 100 for waveforms close to 1 in per unit, slowing down with the depression of the normalized voltage. Finally, analysis is complemented by aspects related to the study of reaction of PLL to various sources of disturbance, of which the states of operation of the PLL were analyzed before problems that usually appear in its operation such as: the presence of harmonics, the increase or decrease in amplitude and the relationship that sustain the gains within the system. Which leads to an extra, which is that it will happen to the system in the presence of direct current, for performing the study and analysis of the system is, used the Simulink simulator of Matlab

    A Dynamic Phase Error Compensation Technique for Fast-Locking Phase-Locked Loops

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    Low Power Circuit Design in Sustainable Self Powered Systems for IoT Applications

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    The Internet-of-Things (IoT) network is being vigorously pushed forward from many fronts in diverse research communities. Many problems are still there to be solved, and challenges are found among its many levels of abstraction. In this thesis we give an overview of recent developments in circuit design for ultra-low power transceivers and energy harvesting management units for the IoT. The first part of the dissertation conducts a study of energy harvesting interfaces and optimizing power extraction, followed by power management for energy storage and supply regulation. we give an overview of the recent developments in circuit design for ultra-low power management units, focusing mainly in the architectures and techniques required for energy harvesting from multiple heterogeneous sources. Three projects are presented in this area to reach a solution that provides reliable continuous operation for IoT sensor nodes in the presence of one or more natural energy sources to harvest from. The second part focuses on wireless transmission, To reduce the power consumption and boost the Tx energy efficiency, a novel delay cell exploiting current reuse is used in a ring-oscillator employed as the local oscillator generator scheme. In combination with an edge-combiner power amplifier, the Tx showed a measured energy efficiency of 0.2 nJ=bit and a normalized energy efficiency of 3.1 nJ=bit:mW when operating at output power levels up to -10 dBm and data rates of 3 Mbps