113 research outputs found

    Dynamic Virtual Page-based Flash Translation Layer with Novel Hot Data Identification and Adaptive Parallelism Management

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    Solid-state disks (SSDs) tend to replace traditional motor-driven hard disks in high-end storage devices in past few decades. However, various inherent features, such as out-of-place update [resorting to garbage collection (GC)] and limited endurance (resorting to wear leveling), need to be reduced to a large extent before that day comes. Both the GC and wear leveling fundamentally depend on hot data identification (HDI). In this paper, we propose a hot data-aware flash translation layer architecture based on a dynamic virtual page (DVPFTL) so as to improve the performance and lifetime of NAND flash devices. First, we develop a generalized dual layer HDI (DL-HDI) framework, which is composed of a cold data pre-classifier and a hot data post-identifier. Those can efficiently follow the frequency and recency of information access. Then, we design an adaptive parallelism manager (APM) to assign the clustered data chunks to distinct resident blocks in the SSD so as to prolong its endurance. Finally, the experimental results from our realized SSD prototype indicate that the DVPFTL scheme has reliably improved the parallelizability and endurance of NAND flash devices with improved GC-costs, compared with related works.Peer reviewe

    Self-Learning Hot Data Prediction: Where Echo State Network Meets NAND Flash Memories

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Well understanding the access behavior of hot data is significant for NAND flash memory due to its crucial impact on the efficiency of garbage collection (GC) and wear leveling (WL), which respectively dominate the performance and life span of SSD. Generally, both GC and WL rely greatly on the recognition accuracy of hot data identification (HDI). However, in this paper, the first time we propose a novel concept of hot data prediction (HDP), where the conventional HDI becomes unnecessary. First, we develop a hybrid optimized echo state network (HOESN), where sufficiently unbiased and continuously shrunk output weights are learnt by a sparse regression based on L2 and L1/2 regularization. Second, quantum-behaved particle swarm optimization (QPSO) is employed to compute reservoir parameters (i.e., global scaling factor, reservoir size, scaling coefficient and sparsity degree) for further improving prediction accuracy and reliability. Third, in the test on a chaotic benchmark (Rossler), the HOESN performs better than those of six recent state-of-the-art methods. Finally, simulation results about six typical metrics tested on five real disk workloads and on-chip experiment outcomes verified from an actual SSD prototype indicate that our HOESN-based HDP can reliably promote the access performance and endurance of NAND flash memories.Peer reviewe

    DeltaFS: Pursuing Zero Update Overhead via Metadata-Enabled Delta Compression for Log-structured File System on Mobile Devices

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    Data compression has been widely adopted to release mobile devices from intensive write pressure. Delta compression is particularly promising for its high compression efficacy over conventional compression methods. However, this method suffers from non-trivial system overheads incurred by delta maintenance and read penalty, which prevents its applicability on mobile devices. To this end, this paper proposes DeltaFS, a metadata-enabled Delta compression on log-structured File System for mobile devices, to achieve utmost compressing efficiency and zero hardware costs. DeltaFS smartly exploits the out-of-place updating ability of Log-structured File System (LFS) to alleviate the problems of write amplification, which is the key bottleneck for delta compression implementation. Specifically, DeltaFS utilizes the inline area in file inodes for delta maintenance with zero hardware cost, and integrates an inline area manage strategy to improve the utilization of constrained inline area. Moreover, a complimentary delta maintenance strategy is incorporated, which selectively maintains delta chunks in the main data area to break through the limitation of constrained inline area. Experimental results show that DeltaFS substantially reduces write traffics by up to 64.8\%, and improves the I/O performance by up to 37.3\%

    Improving the Performance and Endurance of Persistent Memory with Loose-Ordering Consistency

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    Persistent memory provides high-performance data persistence at main memory. Memory writes need to be performed in strict order to satisfy storage consistency requirements and enable correct recovery from system crashes. Unfortunately, adhering to such a strict order significantly degrades system performance and persistent memory endurance. This paper introduces a new mechanism, Loose-Ordering Consistency (LOC), that satisfies the ordering requirements at significantly lower performance and endurance loss. LOC consists of two key techniques. First, Eager Commit eliminates the need to perform a persistent commit record write within a transaction. We do so by ensuring that we can determine the status of all committed transactions during recovery by storing necessary metadata information statically with blocks of data written to memory. Second, Speculative Persistence relaxes the write ordering between transactions by allowing writes to be speculatively written to persistent memory. A speculative write is made visible to software only after its associated transaction commits. To enable this, our mechanism supports the tracking of committed transaction ID and multi-versioning in the CPU cache. Our evaluations show that LOC reduces the average performance overhead of memory persistence from 66.9% to 34.9% and the memory write traffic overhead from 17.1% to 3.4% on a variety of workloads.Comment: This paper has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed System

    Prototyping a high-performance low-cost solid-state disk

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    Letter from the Special Issue Editor

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    Editorial work for DEBULL on a special issue on data management on Storage Class Memory (SCM) technologies