754 research outputs found

    A Dual-Band Shared-Aperture Antenna with Wide-Angle Scanning Capability for Mobile System Applications

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    Millimeter-Wave Transmitarray and Reflectarray Antennas for Communications Systems

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    Concept Design of a Multi-Band Shared Aperture Reflectarray/Reflector Antenna

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    A scalable dual-band (Ka/W) shared-aperture antenna system design has been developed as a proposed solution to meet the needs of the planned NASA Earth Science Aerosol, Clouds, and Ecosystem (ACE) mission. The design is comprised of a compact Cassegrain reflector/reflectarray with a fixed pointing W-band feed and a cross track scanned Ka-band Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA). Critical Sub-scale prototype testing and flight tests have validated some of the key aspects of this innovative antenna design, including the low loss reflector/reflectarray surface. More recently the science community has expressed interest in a mission that offers the ability to measure precipitation in addition to clouds and aerosols. In this paper we present summaries of multiple designs that explore options for realizing a tri-frequency (Ku/Ka/W), shared-aperture antenna system to meet these science objectives. Design considerations include meeting performance requirements while emphasizing payload size, weight, prime power, and cost. The extensive trades and lessons learned from our previous dual-band ACE system development were utilized as the foundation for this work

    DBDP SAR Microstrip Array Technology

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    Ka-band integrated focal-plane arrays for two-way satellite communication

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    Ka-band integrated focal-plane arrays for two-way satellite communication

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    Low-Profile Wideband Antenna Arrays for Mobile Satellite and 5G Communication

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    Three innovative low-profile antenna arrays are designed and tested for vehicular satellite and 5G communication. All of the systems presented target key challenges of GEO, LEO and 5G communication. Each design provides a high level of performance for the given application in a far more compact and lower cost design than existing systems.Firstly, a wideband curl antenna array is developed to enable L-band GEO satellite communication for emergency vehicles. This novel 1×3 rotated array utilises a hybrid switch beam and phase shifting technique to enable full beamforming down to 70° in all directions with 40% lower cost than standard phased array systems. Uniquely, this provides excellent azimuth beam steering at low angles from a linear array. This system also utilises a high impedance surface to reduce the height of the antenna elements by 50% compared to existing curl antenna designs.Secondly, a shared aperture antenna array is developed to enable Ka-band LEO satellite communication for vehicular integration. This system utilise a new combination of circular polarised triangular antennas in an interlaced planar triangular lattice such that the topology provides optimal tessellation. As a result, the system provides high performance beam steering and reconfigurable circular polarisation in a highly compact design. This array has been developed such that it is suitable for common PCB manufacturing methods. Unlike existing shared aperture arrays for LEO terminals, this topology enables reconfigurable circular polarisation in a single, planar PCB structure.Finally, a low-cost wideband compressed spiral antenna array is designed and fabricated for global 5G ground-to-air communication for aircraft. An innovative spiral antenna optimisation is presented where the spiral is highly compressed such that it can provide an axial beam over a wide bandwidth while maintaining a lower profile than existing wideband solutions

    A Novel Reflector/Reflectarray Antenna: An Enabling Technology for NASA's Dual-Frequency ACE Radar

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    This paper describes a novel dual-frequency shared aperture Ka/W-band antenna design that enables wide-swath Imaging via electronic scanning at Ka-band and Is specifically applicable to NASA's Aerosol, Cloud and Ecosystems (ACE) mission. The innovative antenna design minimizes size and weight via use of a shared aperture and builds upon NASA's investments in large-aperture reflectors and high technology-readiness-level (TRL) W-band radar architectures. The antenna is comprised of a primary cylindrical reflector/reflectarray surface illuminated by a fixed W-band feed and a Ka-band Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) line feed. The reflectarray surface provides beam focusing at W-band, but is transparent at Ka-band

    Dual-band beam scanning reflectarrays and novel wideband and polarization diversified planar antennas

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    The reflectarray antenna has been considered as a suitable candidate to replace the traditional parabolic reflectors because of its high-gain and low-profile features. Beam scanning capability and multi-band operation are the current trends of the reflectarray design. It is desired to implement these functionalities with simple and effective techniques. Narrow bandwidth is the main issue which restricts the applications of the microstrip antennas. New microstrip slot antennas and polarization diversified planar antennas are introduced as the solutions to the issue of narrow bandwidth in this dissertation. A dual-band beam scanning reflectarray has been developed. It is the first offset-fed reflectarray that has been ever practically developed to emulate a cylindrical/parabolic type of reflector. Unlike other beam scanning reflectarrays which integrate phase tuning devices into the reflectarray elements and control the reflection phase, the beam scanning capability of this reflectarray is provided by its feed array. This method significantly reduces the complexity of the design of the beam scanning reflectarray. A new dual-band reflectarray configuration is also developed to eliminate the possible top layer blocking effects in the dual-layer reflectarray configuration. Perforated patches loaded with slots on the ground plane and rectangular patches loaded with slots on the patches are adopted as the low and high frequency bands, respectively. It is guaranteed that no physical contact between any two elements will occur. The bandwidth of the conventional microstrip antenna is small. A new wideband circularly polarized microstrip slot antenna is introduced in this dissertation. Very wide 3-dB axial ratio bandwidth is observed for the proposed antenna. The antennas are assembled in triangularly arranged array with sequential rotation feed technique. Polarization polarity is an alternative solution to the narrow bandwidth. A reconfigurable circularly polarized microstrip antenna is proposed. The antenna has both right-hand and left-hand circular polarizations which are controlled by two piezoelectric transducers. In addition, a dual-band dual-linearly-polarized planar array is designed based on the concepts of polarization diversity and multi-band operation. The research presented in this dissertation suggests useful techniques for reflectarrays and novel antenna designs. The results should have many applications for the modern wireless communication and radar systems