17 research outputs found

    A distributionally robust linear receiver design for multi-access space-time block coded MIMO systems

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    A receiver design problem for multi-access space-time block coded multiple-input multiple-output systems is considered. To hedge the mismatch between the true and the estimated channel state information (CSI), several robust receivers have been developed in the past decades. Among these receivers, the Gaussian robust receiver has been shown to be superior in performance. This receiver is designed based on the assumption that the CSI mismatch has Gaussian distribution. However, in real-world applications, the assumption of Guassianity might not hold. Motivated by this fact, a more general distributionally robust receiver is proposed in this paper, where only the mean and the variance of the CSI mismatch distribution are required in the receiver design. A tractable semi-definite programming (SDP) reformulation of the robust receiver design is developed. To suppress the self-interferences, a more advanced distributionally robust receiver is proposed. A tight convex approximation is given and the corresponding tractable SDP reformulation is developed. Moreover, for the sake of easy implementation, we present a simplified distributionally robust receiver. Simulations results are provided to show the effectiveness of our design by comparing with some existing well-known receivers

    Transceiver Optimization for Wireless Powered Time-Division Duplex MU-MIMO Systems: Non-Robust and Robust Designs

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    Wireless powered communication (WPC) has been considered as one of the key technologies in the Internet of Things (IoT) applications. In this paper, we study a wireless powered time-division duplex (TDD) multiuser multiple-input multiple-output (MU-MIMO) system, where the base station (BS) has its own power supply and all users can harvest radio frequency (RF) energy from the BS. We aim to maximize the users' information rates by jointly optimizing the duration of users' time slots and the signal covariance matrices of the BS and users. Different to the commonly used sum rate and max-min rate criteria, the proportional fairness of users' rates is considered in the objective function. We first study the ideal case with the perfect channel state information (CSI), and show that the non-convex proportionally fair rate optimization problem can be transformed into an equivalent convex optimization problem. Then we consider practical systems with imperfect CSI, where the CSI mismatch follows a Gaussian distribution. A chance-constrained robust system design is proposed for this scenario, where the Bernstein inequality is applied to convert the chance constraints into the convex constraints. Finally, we consider a more general case where only partial knowledge of the CSI mismatch is available. In this case, the conditional value-at-risk (CVaR) method is applied to solve the distributionally robust system rate optimization problem. Simulation results are presented to show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms

    A Survey of Physical Layer Security Techniques for 5G Wireless Networks and Challenges Ahead

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    Physical layer security which safeguards data confidentiality based on the information-theoretic approaches has received significant research interest recently. The key idea behind physical layer security is to utilize the intrinsic randomness of the transmission channel to guarantee the security in physical layer. The evolution towards 5G wireless communications poses new challenges for physical layer security research. This paper provides a latest survey of the physical layer security research on various promising 5G technologies, including physical layer security coding, massive multiple-input multiple-output, millimeter wave communications, heterogeneous networks, non-orthogonal multiple access, full duplex technology, etc. Technical challenges which remain unresolved at the time of writing are summarized and the future trends of physical layer security in 5G and beyond are discussed.Comment: To appear in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communication

    Sample Approximation-Based Deflation Approaches for Chance SINR Constrained Joint Power and Admission Control

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    Consider the joint power and admission control (JPAC) problem for a multi-user single-input single-output (SISO) interference channel. Most existing works on JPAC assume the perfect instantaneous channel state information (CSI). In this paper, we consider the JPAC problem with the imperfect CSI, that is, we assume that only the channel distribution information (CDI) is available. We formulate the JPAC problem into a chance (probabilistic) constrained program, where each link's SINR outage probability is enforced to be less than or equal to a specified tolerance. To circumvent the computational difficulty of the chance SINR constraints, we propose to use the sample (scenario) approximation scheme to convert them into finitely many simple linear constraints. Furthermore, we reformulate the sample approximation of the chance SINR constrained JPAC problem as a composite group sparse minimization problem and then approximate it by a second-order cone program (SOCP). The solution of the SOCP approximation can be used to check the simultaneous supportability of all links in the network and to guide an iterative link removal procedure (the deflation approach). We exploit the special structure of the SOCP approximation and custom-design an efficient algorithm for solving it. Finally, we illustrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed sample approximation-based deflation approaches by simulations.Comment: The paper has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication

    Optimal Power Allocation for Integrated Visible Light Positioning and Communication System with a Single LED-Lamp

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    In this paper, we investigate an integrated visible light positioning and communication (VLPC) system with a single LED-lamp. First, by leveraging the fact that the VLC channel model is a function of the receiver's location, we propose a system model that estimates the channel state information (CSI) based on the positioning information without transmitting pilot sequences. Second, we derive the Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRLB) on the positioning error variance and a lower bound on the achievable rate with on-off keying modulation. Third, based on the derived performance metrics, we optimize the power allocation to minimize the CRLB, while satisfying the rate outage probability constraint. To tackle this non-convex optimization problem, we apply the worst-case distribution of the Conditional Value-at-Risk (CVaR) and the block coordinate descent (BCD) methods to obtain the feasible solutions. Finally, the effects of critical system parameters, such as outage probability, rate threshold, total power threshold, are revealed by numerical results.Comment: 13 pages, 14 figures, accepted by IEEE Transactions on Communication


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    Currently, the problems of distortion of measurement data by noise and the appearance of uncertainties in quality criteria have caused increased interest in research in the field of spline approximation. At the same time, existing methods of minimizing empirical risk, assuming that the noise is a uniform distribution with heavier tails than Gaussian, limit the scope of application of these studies. The problem of estimating noise-distorted data is usually based on solving an optimization problem with a function containing uncertainty arising from the problem of finding optimal parameters. In this regard, the estimation of distorted noise cannot be solved by classical methods. Aim. This study is aimed at solving and analyzing the problem of spline approximation of data under uncertainty conditions based on the parametrization of control and the gradient projection algorithm. Methods. The study of the problem of spline approximation of noisy data is carried out by the method of approximation of the piecewise constant control function. In this case, parametrization of the control is possible only for a finite number of break points of the first kind. In the framework of the experimental study, the gradient projection algorithm is used for the numerical solution of the spline approximation problem. The proposed methods are used to study the parameters of the problem of spline approximation of data under conditions of uncertainty. Results. The numerical study of the control parametrization approach and the gradient projection algorithm is based on the developed software and algorithmic tool for solving the problem of the spline approximation model under uncertainty. To evaluate the noise-distorted data, numerical experiments were conducted to study the model parameters and it was found that increasing the value of the parameter α leads to an increase in accuracy, but a loss of smoothness. In addition, the analysis showed that the considered distribution laws did not change the accuracy and convergence rate of the algorithm. Conclusion. The proposed approach for solving the problem of spline approximation under uncertainty conditions allows us to determine the problems of distortion of measurement data by noise and the appearance of uncertainties in the quality criteria. The study of the model parameters showed that the constructed system is stable to the error of the initial approximation, and the distribution laws do not significantly affect the accuracy and convergence of the gradient projection method.В настоящее время проблемы искажения данных измерений шумом и появления неопределенностей в критериях качества послужили причиной повышенного интереса к исследованиям в области сплайновой аппроксимации. При этом существующие методы минимизации эмпирического риска, предполагая, что шум является равномерным распределением с более тяжелыми хвостами, чем гауссов, ограничивают области применения данных исследований. Проблема оценки искаженных шумом данных, как правило, основывается на решении оптимизационной задачи с функцией, содержащей неопределенность, возникающей на основе задачи поиска оптимальных параметров. В связи с этим оценка искаженных шумов не может быть разрешена классическими методами. Цель исследования. Данное исследование направлено на решение и анализ задачи сплайновой аппроксимации данных в условиях неопределённости на основе параметризации управления и алгоритма проекции градиента. Методы. Исследование задачи сплайновой аппроксимации зашумленных данных проведено методом приближения кусочно-постоянной функции управления. При этом параметризация управления возможна только при конечном числе точек разрыва первого рода. В рамках экспериментального исследования применен алгоритм метода проекции градиента для численного решения задачи сплайновой аппроксимации. Предложенные методы применены для исследования параметров задачи сплайновой аппроксимации данных в условиях неопределённости. Результаты. Численное исследование подхода к параметризации управления и алгоритма проекции градиента проведено на основе разработанного программно-алгоритмического средства для решения задачи сплайновой модели аппроксимации в условиях неопределенности. Для оценки искаженных шумом данных проведены численные эксперименты по исследованию параметров модели и установлено, что повышение значения параметра α ведёт к увеличению точности, но к потере гладкости. Кроме того, проведенный анализ показал, что рассмотренные законы распределения не изменили точность и скорость сходимости алгоритма. Заключение. Предложенный подход для решения задачи сплайновой аппроксимации в условиях неопределенности позволяет определить проблемы искажения данных измерений шумом и появления неопределенностей в критериях качества. Исследование параметров модели показало, что построенная система устойчива к ошибке начального приближения, а законы распределения не оказывают существенного влияния на точность и сходимость метода проекции градиента

    Cvar-Based Robust Models For Portfolio Selection

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    This study relaxes the distributional assumption of the return of the risky asset, to arrive at the optimal portfolio. Studies of portfolio selection models have typically assumed that stock returns conform to the normal distribution. The application of robust optimization techniques means that only the historical mean and variance of asset returns are required instead of distributional information. We show that the method results in an optimal portfolio that has comparable return and yet equivalent risk, to one that assumes normality of asset returns

    Mutual Information Based Pilot Design for ISAC

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    The following paper presents a novel orthogonal pilot design dedicated for dual-functional radar and communication (DFRC) systems performing multi-user communications and target detection. After careful characterization of both sensing and communication metrics based on mutual information (MI), we propose a multi-objective optimization problem (MOOP) tailored for pilot design, dedicated for simultaneously maximizing both sensing and communication MIs. Moreover, the MOOP is further simplified to a single-objective optimization problem, which characterizes trade-offs between sensing and communication performances. Due to the non-convex nature of the optimization problem, we propose to solve it via the projected gradient descent method on the Stiefel manifold. Closed-form gradient expressions are derived, which enable execution of the projected gradient descent algorithm. Furthermore, we prove convergence to a fixed orthogonal pilot matrix. Finally, we demonstrate the capabilities and superiority of the proposed pilot design, and corroborate relevant trade-offs between sensing MI and communication MI. In particular, significant signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) gains for communication are reported, while re-using the same pilots for target detection with significant gains in terms of probability of detection for fixed false-alarm probability. Other interesting findings are reported through simulations, such as an \textit{information overlap} phenomenon, whereby the fruitful ISAC integration can be fully exploited

    Learning-based Intelligent Surface Configuration, User Selection, Channel Allocation, and Modulation Adaptation for Jamming-resisting Multiuser OFDMA Systems

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    Reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RISs) can potentially combat jamming attacks by diffusing jamming signals. This paper jointly optimizes user selection, channel allocation, modulation-coding, and RIS configuration in a multiuser OFDMA system under a jamming attack. This problem is non-trivial and has never been addressed, because of its mixed-integer programming nature and difficulties in acquiring channel state information (CSI) involving the RIS and jammer. We propose a new deep reinforcement learning (DRL)-based approach, which learns only through changes in the received data rates of the users to reject the jamming signals and maximize the sum rate of the system. The key idea is that we decouple the discrete selection of users, channels, and modulation-coding from the continuous RIS configuration, hence facilitating the RIS configuration with the latest twin delayed deep deterministic policy gradient (TD3) model. Another important aspect is that we show a winner-takes-all strategy is almost surely optimal for selecting the users, channels, and modulation-coding, given a learned RIS configuration. Simulations show that the new approach converges fast to fulfill the benefit of the RIS, due to its substantially small state and action spaces. Without the need of the CSI, the approach is promising and offers practical value.Comment: accepted by IEEE TCOM in Jan. 202