8,270 research outputs found

    Determining service trustworthiness in inter loud computing environments

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    Deployment of applications and scientific workflows that require resources from multiple distributed platforms are fuelling the federation of autonomous clouds to create cyber infrastructure environments. As the scope of federated cloud computing enlarges to ubiquitous and pervasive computing, there will be a need to assess and maintain the trustworthiness of the cloud computing entities. In this paper, we present a fully distributed framework that enable interested parties determine the trustworthiness of federated cloud computing entities.<br /


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    This paper presents a functional design sketch for the resource management module of a highly scalable collaborative system. Small and medium enterprises require such tools in order to benefit from and develop innovative business ideas and technologies. As computing power is a modern increasing demand and no easy and cheap solutions are defined, especially small companies or emerging business projects abide a more accessible alternative. Our work targets to settle a model for how P2P architecture can be used as infrastructure for a collaborative system that delivers resource access services. We are focused on finding a workable collaborative strategy between peers so that the system offers a cheap, trustable and quality service. Thus, in this phase we are not concerned about solutions for a specific type of task to be executed by peers, but only considering CPU power as resource. This work concerns the resource management module as a part of a larger project in which we aim to build a collaborative system for businesses with important resource demandsresource management, p2p, open-systems, service oriented computing, collaborative systems

    A Taxonomy of Workflow Management Systems for Grid Computing

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    With the advent of Grid and application technologies, scientists and engineers are building more and more complex applications to manage and process large data sets, and execute scientific experiments on distributed resources. Such application scenarios require means for composing and executing complex workflows. Therefore, many efforts have been made towards the development of workflow management systems for Grid computing. In this paper, we propose a taxonomy that characterizes and classifies various approaches for building and executing workflows on Grids. We also survey several representative Grid workflow systems developed by various projects world-wide to demonstrate the comprehensiveness of the taxonomy. The taxonomy not only highlights the design and engineering similarities and differences of state-of-the-art in Grid workflow systems, but also identifies the areas that need further research.Comment: 29 pages, 15 figure

    An efficient approach based on trust and reputation for secured selection of grid resources

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    Security is a principal concern in offering an infrastructure for the formation of general-purpose computational grids. A number of grid implementations have been devised to deal with the security concerns by authenticating the users, hosts and their interactions in an appropriate fashion. Resource management systems that are sophisticated and secured are inevitable for the efficient and beneficial deployment of grid computing services. The chief factors that can be problematic in the secured selection of grid resources are the wide range of selection and the high degree of strangeness. Moreover, the lack of a higher degree of confidence relationship is likely to prevent efficient resource allocation and utilisation. In this paper, we present an efficient approach for the secured selection of grid resources, so as to achieve secure execution of the jobs. This approach utilises trust and reputation for securely selecting the grid resources. To start with, the self-protection capability and reputation weightage of all the entities are computed, and based on those values, the trust factor (TF) of all the entities are determined. The reputation weightage of an entity is the measure of both the user&rsquo;s feedback and other entities&rsquo; feedback. Those entities with higher TF values are selected for the secured execution of jobs. To make the proposed approach more comprehensive, a novel method is employed for evaluating the user&rsquo;s feedback on the basis of the existing feedbacks available regarding the entities. This approach is proved to be scalable for an increased number of user jobs and grid entities. The experimentation portrays that this approach offers desirable efficiency in the secured selection of grid resources

    FRTRUST: a fuzzy reputation based model for trust management in semantic P2P grids

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    Grid and peer-to-peer (P2P) networks are two ideal technologies for file sharing. A P2P grid is a special case of grid networks in which P2P communications are used for communication between nodes and trust management. Use of this technology allows creation of a network with greater distribution and scalability. Semantic grids have appeared as an expansion of grid networks in which rich resource metadata are revealed and clearly handled. In a semantic P2P grid, nodes are clustered into different groups based on the semantic similarities between their services. This paper proposes a reputation model for trust management in a semantic P2P Grid. We use fuzzy theory, in a trust overlay network named FR TRUST that models the network structure and the storage of reputation information. In fact we present a reputation collection and computation system for semantic P2P Grids. The system uses fuzzy theory to compute a peer trust level, which can be either: Low, Medium, or High. Our experimental results demonstrate that FR TRUST combines low (and therefore desirable) a good computational complexity with high ranking accuracy.Comment: 12 Pages, 10 Figures, 3 Tables, InderScience, International Journal of Grid and Utility Computin

    A Utility-Based Reputation Model for Grid Resource Management System

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    In this paper we propose extensions to the existing utility-based reputation model for virtual organizations (VOs) in grids, and present a novel approach for integrating reputation into grid resource management system. The proposed extensions include: incorporation of statistical model of user behaviour (SMUB) to assess user reputation; a new approach for assigning initial reputation to a new entity in a VO; capturing alliance between consumer and resource; time decay and score functions. The addition of the SMUB model provides robustness and dynamics to the user reputation model comparing to the policy-based user reputation model in terms of adapting to user actions. We consider a problem of integrating reputation into grid scheduler as a multi-criteria optimization problem. A non-linear trade-off scheme is applied to form a composition of partial criteria to provide a single objective function. The advantage of using such a scheme is that it provides a Pareto-optimal solution partially satisfying criteria with corresponding weights. Experiments were run to evaluate performance of the model in terms of resource management using data collected within the EGEE Grid-Observatory project. Results of simulations showed that on average a 45 % gain in performance can be achieved when using a reputation-based resource scheduling algorithm
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