598 research outputs found

    Design Architecture-Based on Web Server and Application Cluster in Cloud Environment

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    Cloud has been a computational and storage solution for many data centric organizations. The problem today those organizations are facing from the cloud is in data searching in an efficient manner. A framework is required to distribute the work of searching and fetching from thousands of computers. The data in HDFS is scattered and needs lots of time to retrieve. The major idea is to design a web server in the map phase using the jetty web server which will give a fast and efficient way of searching data in MapReduce paradigm. For real time processing on Hadoop, a searchable mechanism is implemented in HDFS by creating a multilevel index in web server with multi-level index keys. The web server uses to handle traffic throughput. By web clustering technology we can improve the application performance. To keep the work down, the load balancer should automatically be able to distribute load to the newly added nodes in the server

    Parallel detrended fluctuation analysis for fast event detection on massive PMU data

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    ("(c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works.")Phasor measurement units (PMUs) are being rapidly deployed in power grids due to their high sampling rates and synchronized measurements. The devices high data reporting rates present major computational challenges in the requirement to process potentially massive volumes of data, in addition to new issues surrounding data storage. Fast algorithms capable of processing massive volumes of data are now required in the field of power systems. This paper presents a novel parallel detrended fluctuation analysis (PDFA) approach for fast event detection on massive volumes of PMU data, taking advantage of a cluster computing platform. The PDFA algorithm is evaluated using data from installed PMUs on the transmission system of Great Britain from the aspects of speedup, scalability, and accuracy. The speedup of the PDFA in computation is initially analyzed through Amdahl's Law. A revision to the law is then proposed, suggesting enhancements to its capability to analyze the performance gain in computation when parallelizing data intensive applications in a cluster computing environment

    HadoopT - breaking the scalability limits of Hadoop

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    The increasing use of computing resources in our daily lives leads to data generation at an astonishing rate. The computing industry is being repeatedly questioned for its ability to accommodate the unpredictable growth rate of data. It has encouraged the development of cluster based storage systems. Hadoop is a popular open source framework known for its massive cluster based storage. Hadoop is widely used in the computer industry because of its scalability, reliability and low cost of implementation. The data storage of the Hadoop cluster is managed by a user level distributed file system. To provide a scalable storage on the cluster, the file system metadata is decoupled and is managed by a centralized namespace server known as NameNode. Compute Nodes are primarily responsible for the data storage and processing. In this work, we analyze the limitations of Hadoop such as single point of access of the file system and fault tolerance of the cluster. The entire namespace of the Hadoop cluster is stored on a single centralized server which restricts the growth and data storage capacity. The efficiency and scalability of the cluster depends heavily on the performance of the single NameNode. Based on thorough investigation of Hadoop limitations, this thesis proposes a new architecture based on distributed metadata storage. The solution involves three layered architecture of Hadoop, first two layers for the metadata storage and a third layer storing actual data. The solution allows the Hadoop cluster to scale up further with the use of multiple NameNodes. The evaluation demonstrates effectiveness of the design by comparing its performance with the default Hadoop implementation

    High Performance Fault-Tolerant Hadoop Distributed File System

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    The Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) is designed to store very large data sets reliably, and to stream those data sets at high bandwidth to user applications. Huge amounts of data generated from many sources daily. Maintenance of such data is a challenging task. One proposing solution is to use Hadoop. The solution provided by Google, ?Doug Cutting? and his team developed an Open Source Project called Hadoop. Hadoop is a framework written in Java for running applications on large clusters of commodity hardware. The Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) is designed to be scalable, fault-tolerant, distributed storage system. Hadoop?s HDFS is a highly fault-tolerant distributed file system and, like Hadoop in general, designed to be deployed on low-cost hardware. The HDFS stores filesystem Metadata and application data separately. HDFS stores Metadata on separate dedicated server called NameNode and application data stored on separate servers called DataNodes. The file system data is accessed via HDFS clients, which first contact the NameNode data location and then transfer data to (write) or from (read) the specified DataNodes. Download file request chooses only one of the servers to download. Other replicated servers are not used. As the file size increases the download time increases. In this paper we work on three policies for selection of blocks. Those are first, random and loadbased. By observing the results the speed of download time for file is ?first? runs slower than ?random? and ?random? runs slower than ?loadbased?

    Parallel detrended fluctuation analysis for fast event detection on massive PMU data

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    ("(c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works.")Phasor measurement units (PMUs) are being rapidly deployed in power grids due to their high sampling rates and synchronized measurements. The devices high data reporting rates present major computational challenges in the requirement to process potentially massive volumes of data, in addition to new issues surrounding data storage. Fast algorithms capable of processing massive volumes of data are now required in the field of power systems. This paper presents a novel parallel detrended fluctuation analysis (PDFA) approach for fast event detection on massive volumes of PMU data, taking advantage of a cluster computing platform. The PDFA algorithm is evaluated using data from installed PMUs on the transmission system of Great Britain from the aspects of speedup, scalability, and accuracy. The speedup of the PDFA in computation is initially analyzed through Amdahl's Law. A revision to the law is then proposed, suggesting enhancements to its capability to analyze the performance gain in computation when parallelizing data intensive applications in a cluster computing environment