7 research outputs found

    Video Surveillance Over Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks Using Active Cameras

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    Although there has been much work focused on the camera control issue on keeping tracking a target of interest, few has been done on jointly considering the video coding, video transmission, and camera control for effective and efficient video surveillance over wireless sensor and actuator networks (WSAN). In this work, we propose a framework for real-time video surveillance with pan-tilt cameras where the video coding and transmission as well as the automated camera control are jointly optimized by taking into account the surveillance video quality requirement and the resource constraint of WSANs. The main contributions of this work are: i) an automated camera control method is developed for moving target tracking based on the received surveillance video clip in consideration of the impact of video transmission delay on camera control decision making; ii) a content-aware video coding and transmission scheme is investigated to save network node resource and maximize the received video quality under the delay constraint of moving target monitoring. Both theoretical and experimental results demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed optimization framework over existing systems

    Making decisions based on context: models and applications in cognitive sciences and natural language processing

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    It is known that humans are capable of making decisions based on context and generalizing what they have learned. This dissertation considers two related problem areas and proposes different models that take context information into account. By including the context, the proposed models exhibit strong performance in each of the problem areas considered. The first problem area focuses on a context association task studied in cognitive science, which evaluates the ability of a learning agent to associate specific stimuli with an appropriate response in particular spatial contexts. Four neural circuit models are proposed to model how the stimulus and context information are processed to produce a response. The neural networks are trained by modifying the strength of neural connections (weights) using principles of Hebbian learning. Such learning is considered biologically plausible, in contrast to back propagation techniques that do not have a solid neurophysiological basis. A series of theoretical results for the neural circuit models are established, guaranteeing convergence to an optimal configuration when all the stimulus-context pairs are provided during training. Among all the models, a specific model based on ideas from recommender systems trained with a primal-dual update rule, achieves perfect performance in learning and generalizing the mapping from context-stimulus pairs to correct responses. The second problem area considered in the thesis focuses on clinical natural language processing (NLP). A particular application is the development of deep-learning models for analyzing radiology reports. Four NLP tasks are considered including anatomy named entity recognition, negation detection, incidental finding detection, and clinical concept extraction. A hierarchical Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) is proposed for anatomy named entity recognition, which is then used to produce a set of features for incidental finding detection of pulmonary nodules. A clinical context word embedding model is obtained, which is used with an RNN to model clinical concept extraction. Finally, feature-enriched RNN and transformer-based models with contextual word embedding are proposed for negation detection. All these models take the (clinical) context information into account. The models are evaluated on different datasets and are shown to achieve strong performance, largely outperforming the state-of-art

    Optimal control approaches for persistent monitoring problems.

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Boston UniversityPersistent monitoring tasks arise when agents must monitor a dynamically changing environment which cannot be fully covered by a stationary team of available agents. It differs from traditional coverage tasks due to the perpetual need to cover a changing environment, i.e., all areas of the mission space must be visited infinitely often. This dissertation presents an optimal control framework for persistent monitoring problems where the objective is to control the movement of multiple cooperating agents to minimize an uncertainty metric in a given mission space. In an one-dimensional mission space, it is shown that the optimal solution is for each agent to move at maximal speed from one switching point to the next, possibly waiting some time at each point before reversing its direction. Thus, the solution is reduced to a simpler parametric optimization problem: determining a sequence of switching locations and associated waiting times at these switching points for each agent. This amounts to a hybrid system which is analyzed using Infinitesimal Perturbation Analysis (IPA) , to obtain a complete on-line solution through a gradient-based algorithm. IPA is a method used to provide unbiased gradient estimates of performance metrics with respect to various controllable parameters in Discrete Event Systems (DES) as well as in Hybrid Systems (HS). It is also shown that the solution is robust with respect to the uncertainty model used, i.e., IPA provides an unbiased estimate of the gradient without any detailed knowledge of how uncertainty affects the mission space. In a two-dimensional mission space, such simple solutions can no longer be derived. An alternative is to optimally assign each agent a linear trajectory, motivated by the one dimensional analysis. It is proved, however, that elliptical trajectories outperform linear ones. With this motivation, the dissertation formulates a parametric optimization problem to determine such trajectories. It is again shown that the problem can be solved using IPA to obtain performance gradients on line and obtain a complete and scalable solution. Since the solutions obtained are generally locally optimal, a stochastic comparison algorithm is incorporated for deriving globally optimal elliptical trajectories. The dissertation also approaches the problem by representing an agent trajectory in terms of general function families characterized by a set of parameters to be optimized. The approach is applied to the family of Lissajous functions as well as a Fourier series representation of an agent trajectory. Numerical examples indicate that this scalable approach provides solutions that are near optimal relative to those obtained through a computationally intensive two point boundary value problem (TPBVP) solver. In the end, the problem is tackled using centralized and decentralized Receding Horizon Control (RHC) algorithms, which dynamically determine the control for agents by solving a sequence of optimization problems over a planning horizon and executing them over a shorter action horizon