301 research outputs found

    Towards Better Interpretability in Deep Q-Networks

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    Deep reinforcement learning techniques have demonstrated superior performance in a wide variety of environments. As improvements in training algorithms continue at a brisk pace, theoretical or empirical studies on understanding what these networks seem to learn, are far behind. In this paper we propose an interpretable neural network architecture for Q-learning which provides a global explanation of the model's behavior using key-value memories, attention and reconstructible embeddings. With a directed exploration strategy, our model can reach training rewards comparable to the state-of-the-art deep Q-learning models. However, results suggest that the features extracted by the neural network are extremely shallow and subsequent testing using out-of-sample examples shows that the agent can easily overfit to trajectories seen during training.Comment: Accepted at AAAI-19; (16 pages, 18 figures

    The primacy bias in Model-based RL

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    The primacy bias in deep reinforcement learning (DRL), which refers to the agent's tendency to overfit early data and lose the ability to learn from new data, can significantly decrease the performance of DRL algorithms. Previous studies have shown that employing simple techniques, such as resetting the agent's parameters, can substantially alleviate the primacy bias. However, we observe that resetting the agent's parameters harms its performance in the context of model-based reinforcement learning (MBRL). In fact, on further investigation, we find that the primacy bias in MBRL differs from that in model-free RL. In this work, we focus on investigating the primacy bias in MBRL and propose world model resetting, which works in MBRL. We apply our method to two different MBRL algorithms, MBPO and DreamerV2. We validate the effectiveness of our method on multiple continuous control tasks on MuJoCo and DeepMind Control Suite, as well as discrete control tasks on Atari 100k benchmark. The results show that world model resetting can significantly alleviate the primacy bias in model-based setting and improve algorithm's performance. We also give a guide on how to perform world model resetting effectively
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