32 research outputs found

    Concurrent Dual Band Radio-over-Fiber Transmission Using 1-bit Envelope Delta-Sigma Modulation

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    With the growing demand for bandwidth and transmission speed, mobile communication network designs must stay adaptable, efficient and cost-effective. A key integration has been Radio-over-Fiber (RoF) transmission systems that provide a cheaper option and low loss for high frequency signal transfer. For the optical transmitter, delta-sigma modulation (DSM) can be a beneficial addition. The partnership simplifies the Digital-Radio-over-Fiber setup by removing the need for additional converters and prompts adjustments based on system need. Main factors in delta-sigma modulators are the amount of quantization bits and the order of the modulator. Changing quantization bits to a single bit allows the system to use less processing bandwidth and less error experienced from optical transmission. High order structures provide more noise shaping to shift noise away from the band of interest. Still, such setups are prone to linearity problems due to clock jitter from multiple feedback loops. Different adaptations of delta-sigma modulation have been designed to combat the problems, but a key standout is the implementation of an envelope delta-sigma modulation (EDSM). Envelope delta-sigma modulation’s separate processing of envelope and phase delivers time alignment and noise shaping counter the negative implications from high order DSMs. Combining envelope delta-sigma modulation with RoF transmission is an attractive option, but research has yet to delve into carrier aggregation with these setups. This thesis explores concurrent dual band 64-QAM 20 MHz LTE Radio-over-Fiber using 1-bit envelope delta-sigma modulation. It expands transmitter functionality by concurrent signal integration. Inside the EDSM is a 4th order bandpass delta-sigma modulator custom tailored one of two carrier frequencies. The two frequencies come from two different LTE bands to show interband compatibility. The carrier frequencies are 2.112 GHz from LTE band 1 and 2.64 GHz from LTE band 7. Simulation and experimental results confirm the functionality of the proposed envelope delta-sigma modulation RoF system in single and dual band for LTE standards (error vector magnitude < 8%). Experimental results confirm that EDSM is more resilient to RoF transmission than BP-DSM. However, the EVM values for BP-DSM are better for carrier aggregated transmission

    System-Level Design of All-Digital LTE / LTE-A Transmitter Hardware

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    This thesis presents a detailed system-level analysis of an all-digital transmitter hardware based on the Direct-Digital RF-Modulator (DDRM). The purpose of the presented analysis is to evaluate whether this particular transmitter architecture is suitable to be used in LTE / LTE-A mobile phones. The DDRM architecture is based on the Radio Frequency Digital-to-Analog Converter (RF-DAC), whose system-level characteristics are investigated in this work through mathematical analysis and MATLAB simulations. In particular, a new analytical model for the timing error in the distributed upconversion is developed and verified. Moreover, this thesis reviews the LTE and LTE-A standards, and describes how a baseband environment for signal generation/demodulation can be implemented in MATLAB. The presented system enables much more flexibility with respect to current commercial softwares like Agilent Signal Studio. Simulation results show that the most challenging specification to meet is the out-of-band noise floor, because of the stringent linearity and timing requirements posed on the RF-DAC. This suggests that new means of reducing the out-of-band noise in all-digital transmitters should be researched, in order not to make their design more complicated than for their analog counterpart

    Linear Predistortion-less MIMO Transmitters

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    Characterization and Modelling of Scattered Wireless Channel at 60 GHZ in an Underground Mine Gallery

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    RÉSUMÉ Depuis plus d’une dĂ©cennie, les applications du systĂšme de communication sans fil sont exigeantes et augmentent rapidement pour fournir des services multimĂ©dias au public. De nos jours, la recherche se concentre sur la conception de communication sans fil Ă  haute vitesse (i.e., 1 Gbps) en particulier dans des zones denses telles que des salles de confĂ©rence, des centres commerciaux,des stades et des lieux d’évĂ©nements publics ouverts. Des rĂ©seaux locaux sans fil (WLAN) et des rĂ©seaux cellulaires utilisent des hauts potentiels pour rĂ©ussir les haut dĂ©bit de donnĂ©es en utilisant diffĂ©rentes technologies de pointe telles que la coexistence entre l’évaluation Ă  long terme non autorisĂ© (LTE-U) et les canaux Wi-Fi. En outre, la faisabilitĂ© d’utiliser le spectre Ă  haute frĂ©quence (i.e,> 6 GHz), une couche physique Ă  60 GHz pour les rĂ©seaux denses sont mis en Ă©vidence lorsque des liens de communication Ă  courte distance (par exemple, <10 m) sont nĂ©cessaires aussi bien dans WLAN (i.e, WiGig) et le rĂ©seau cellulaire (i.e, 5G petite cellule). Cependant, les applications Ă  60 GHz se dirigent vers la communication sans fil souterraine pour une meilleure gĂ©olocalisation, les applications haute dĂ©finition (HD) de streaming vidĂ©o dans une galerie plus grande longueur (i.e,> 100 m) en raison de sa capacitĂ© de formation de faisceau et de plus grande capacitĂ©. Pour aider le concepteur du systĂšme, il est nĂ©cessaire de connaĂźtre les informations de propagation du canal sans fil diffusĂ© puisque le plancher de la galerie, le plafond et le mur ont diffĂ©rentes rugositĂ©s (i.e.,> 5 mm). Cette thĂšse prĂ©sente les rĂ©sultats de la caractĂ©risation du canal sans fil et la modĂ©lisation statistique Ă  60 GHz d’une mine souterraine Ă  CANMET ayant des galeries dont la profondeur varie entre 40 m et 70 m. Depuis plus d’une dĂ©cennie, les applications du systĂšme de communication sans fil sont exigeantes et augmentent rapidement pour fournir des services multimĂ©dias au public. Les rĂ©sultats montrent que l’écart angulaire de la propagation par trajets multiples est inversement proportionnel Ă  la distance entre l’émetteur et le rĂ©cepteur. Un phĂ©nomĂšne de dispersion solide est Ă©galement observĂ© dans le canal en observant l’angle de propagation des diffĂ©rents trajets. Des polarisations horizontales (H) et verticales (V) ont Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©es puisque les diagrammes de rayonnement sont diffĂ©rents et peuvent fournir des comportements de dispersion temporelle diffĂ©rents. Les rĂ©sultats montrent que l’antenne Ă  polarisation verticale fournit un plus grand nombre de trajets multiples par rapport Ă  polarisation horizontale et une valeur plus Ă©levĂ©e de moyenne quadratique (RMS) par rapport Ă  une horizontale. Par ailleurs, les mesures du coefficient de rĂ©flexion ont Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©es pour Ă©tudier l’effet de dispersion de la surface rugueuse. Étant donnĂ© qu’aucun effet de regroupement sur le canal multitrajets n’a Ă©tĂ© observĂ©, une approche de modĂ©lisation statistique a Ă©tĂ© considĂ©rĂ©e en tenant compte des diffĂ©rents trajets parcourus et leur amplitude. Par insertion des paramĂštres de hauteur de la surface de mesure, les modĂšles de diffusion connus ont Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©es pour permettre la mise en oeuvre d’une approche de modĂ©lisation du canal dispersif.----------ABSTRACT More than a decade, there is a surge in demand and development of wireless communication system applications to deliver multimedia services. Nowadays the research is focused on the design of high speed (i.e., 1 Gbps) wireless system particularly in dense areas such as conference room, shopping mall, stadium and open public events. Wireless local area network (WLAN) and cellular network are making high potential approaches to fulfill high data rate by using different advanced technologies such as coexistence between Long Term Evaluation Unlicensed (LTE-U) and Wi-Fi Wireless channels. Moreover, the feasibility to use high-frequency spectrum (i.e., > 6 GHz), a physical layer research at 60 GHz for dense networks are highlighted where short-distance communication links (i.e., 100 m) due to its beamforming capability and higher capacity. To assist the system designer, it is necessary to know the scattered wireless channel propagation information since the gallery floor, ceiling and walls consist of the different magnitude of the roughness (i.e., > 5 mm). This thesis presents the results of wireless channel characterization and statistical modeling at 60 GHz where the measurements were carried out in CANMET underground mine (40 m and 70 m gallery depths). Several measurements were conducted with different antenna configurations and polarizations. Results show that angular and temporal dispersion are proportional to the mine gallery dimensions. Results also show that the angular spread of the multipath is inversely proportional to the transmitter receiver separation distance. A strong scattering phenomenon is also observed in the channel by observing multipath angle of arrivals. The use of Horizontal (H) and vertical (V) polarizations were performed due to its different radiation pattern can provide a different temporal dispersion behavior. The results show that a vertically polarized antenna provides a lower value of path loss exponent and a higher value of root mean square (RMS) delay spread compared to a horizontal one. Since no clustering effect was observed, a statistical modeling approach with the multipath arrivals and amplitudes was considered. In addition, the reflection coefficient measurements were conducted to investigate the scattering effect from the rough surface. By inserting measured surface height parameters, the known scattering models were also analyzed to have an idea to implement a modeling approach of the scattered channel

    High Efficiency Microwave Amplifiers and SiC Varactors Optimized for Dynamic Load Modulation

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    The increasing use of mobile networks as the main source of internet connectivity is creating challenges in the infrastructure. Customer demand is a moving target and continuous hardware developments are necessary to supply higher data rates in an environmentally sustainable and cost effective way. This thesis reviews and advances the status of realizing wideband and high efficiency power amplifiers, which will facilitate improvements in network capacity and energy efficiency. Several demonstrator PAs are proposed, analyzed, designed, and characterized: First, resistive loading at higher harmonics in wideband power amplifier design suitable for envelope tracking (ET) is proposed. A 40 dBm decade bandwidth 0.4–4.1 GHz PA is designed, with 10–15 dB gain and 40–62% drain efficiency. Its versatility is demonstrated by digital pre-distortion (DPD) linearized measurements resulting in adjacent channel leakage ratios (ACLR) lower than −46 dBc for various downlink signals (WCDMA, LTE, WiMAX). Second, a theory for class-J microwave frequency dynamic load modulation (DLM) PAs is derived. This connects transistor technology and load network requirements to enable power-scalable and bandwidth conscious designs. A 38 dBm PA is designed at 2.08 GHz, maintaining efficiencies >45% over 8 dB of output power back-off (OPBO) dynamic range. From this pre-study a fully packaged 86-W peak power version at 2.14 GHz is designed. ACLR after DPD is −46 dBc at a drain efficiency of 34%. For DLM PAs there is a need for varactors with large effective tuning range and high breakdown voltage. For this purpose, SiC Schottky diode varactors are developed with an effective tuning range of 6:1 and supporting a 3:1 tuning ratio at 36 V of RF swing. Nonlinear characterization to enable Q-factor extraction in the presence of distortion is proposed and demonstrated by multi-harmonic active source- and load-pull, offering insights to tunable network design. Third, a method to evaluate and optimize dual-RF input PAs, while catering to higher harmonic conditions and transistor parasitics, is proposed. The method is validated by a PA design having a peak power of 44 +/- 0.9 dBm and 6 dB OPBO PAE exceeding 45% over a 1–3 GHz bandwidth. The results in this thesis contribute with a novel device and analysis of high efficiency and wideband PAs, aiding in the design of key components for future energy efficient and high capacity wireless systems

    Radio Communications

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    In the last decades the restless evolution of information and communication technologies (ICT) brought to a deep transformation of our habits. The growth of the Internet and the advances in hardware and software implementations modiïŹed our way to communicate and to share information. In this book, an overview of the major issues faced today by researchers in the ïŹeld of radio communications is given through 35 high quality chapters written by specialists working in universities and research centers all over the world. Various aspects will be deeply discussed: channel modeling, beamforming, multiple antennas, cooperative networks, opportunistic scheduling, advanced admission control, handover management, systems performance assessment, routing issues in mobility conditions, localization, web security. Advanced techniques for the radio resource management will be discussed both in single and multiple radio technologies; either in infrastructure, mesh or ad hoc networks