1,720 research outputs found

    Consuming data sources to generate actionable items

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    Plataforma que consumeixi sensors IoT i sistemes d'alertes per a generar accions de resposta relacionades amb els sistemes d'alerta. Per a demostrar els casos d'ús possibles s'incorporaran funcions requerides per Projectes Europeus, solucions comercials i solucions compatibles amb estàndards

    IWARN: A people-centered approach for early warning

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    Early warning is the activity of the mitigation phase concerned with monitoring precursors of a potential hazard to decide whether it is evolving to real risk and eventually initiate an early response. The first step consists of collecting updated and reliable data to support situational awareness from emergency operators. Data-centered Early Warning Systems (EWS) are focused on gathering data and run simulations to support decision-makers. A more sustainable approach consists of a people-centered EWS that takes profit from citizens who act as intelligent sensors collecting and sharing purposeful information. This people-centered approach can contribute to raising community awareness of the local environment and its vulnerabilities. In this paper, we introduce iWarn, a system relying upon mobile to integrate citizens in this process. The system has been developed following an action research approach to involve different stakeholders, including professionals, volunteers and citizens

    IWARN: A people-centered approach for early warning

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    Early warning is the activity of the mitigation phase concerned with monitoring precursors of a potential hazard to decide whether it is evolving to real risk and eventually initiate an early response. The first step consists of collecting updated and reliable data to support situational awareness from emergency operators. Data-centered Early Warning Systems (EWS) are focused on gathering data and run simulations to support decision-makers. A more sustainable approach consists of a people-centered EWS that takes profit from citizens who act as intelligent sensors collecting and sharing purposeful information. This people-centered approach can contribute to raising community awareness of the local environment and its vulnerabilities. In this paper, we introduce iWarn, a system relying upon mobile to integrate citizens in this process. The system has been developed following an action research approach to involve different stakeholders, including professionals, volunteers and citizens.This work is partly funded by “Comunidad de Madrid en el marco del convenio plurianual con la Universidad Carlos III Madrid en su línea de actuación Excelencia para el Profesorado Universitario-V Plan Regional de Investigación Científica e Innovación Tecnológica 2016-2020” the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness Project TIN2016-77690-R “PACE


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    Given the exposure of university campuses to hazards, disaster mitigation is a critical element of higher education policy. Although U.S. higher education institutions are leaders in the global education market, emergency warning systems give little consideration to how international students perceive risk, prepare for hazards, or access warning technologies available to them. This poses several questions regarding the suitability of hazards mitigation practices and the welfare of international students. This thesis investigates the relationship between USM international students and natural hazards. Responses from online surveys and semi-structured interviews data were analyzed through qualitative and quantitative methods to document the extent to which being an international student influences the way one deals with natural hazards and risk communication. Results show that most international students perceive their exposure to hazards but almost half of them do not know appropriate responses. Likewise, the majority do not have emergency plans. Despite these shortcomings, the overwhelming majority of international students support the idea of the university providing hazards mitigation training to them. Statistical analysis identified that variations in gender, academic degree, previous experience, age, world region and length of residency all play significant roles in how international students relate to hazards. These corroborate a recent study by Abukhalaf and von Meding (2020), who recommended that university communication plans must accommodate the diversity of student populations and should be able to account for differences in the behavior of subgroups before, during, and after disasters

    Understanding Advice Sharing among Physicians: Towards Trust-Based Clinical Alerts

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    Safe prescribing of medications relies on drug safety alerts, but up to 96% of such warnings are ignored by physicians. Prior research has proposed improvements to the design of alerts, but with limited increase in adherence. We propose a different perspective: before re-designing alerts, we focus on improving the trust between physicians and computerized advice by examining why physicians trust their medical colleagues. To understand trusted advice among physicians, we conducted three contextual inquiries in a hospital setting (22 participants), and corroborated our findings with a survey (37 participants). Drivers that guide physicians in trusting peer advice include: timeliness of the advice, collaborative language, empathy, level of specialization and medical hierarchy. Based on these findings, we introduce seven design directions for trust-based alerts: endorsement, transparency, team sensing, collaborative, empathic, conflict mitigating and agency laden. Our work contributes to novel alert design strategies to improve the effectiveness of drug safety advice

    Why Information Matters: A Foundation for Resilience

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    Embracing Change: The Critical Role of Information, a research project by the Internews' Center for Innovation & Learning, supported by the Rockefeller Foundation, combines Internews' longstanding effort to highlight the important role ofinformation with Rockefeller's groundbreaking work on resilience. The project focuses on three major aspects:- Building knowledge around the role of information in empowering communities to understand and adapt to different types of change: slow onset, long-term, and rapid onset / disruptive;- Identifying strategies and techniques for strengthening information ecosystems to support behavioral adaptation to disruptive change; and- Disseminating knowledge and principles to individuals, communities, the private sector, policymakers, and other partners so that they can incorporate healthy information ecosystems as a core element of their social resilience strategies

    An ambient assisted living solution for mobile environments

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    An Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) mobile health application solution with biofeedback based on body sensors is very useful to perform a data collection for diagnosis in patients whose clinical conditions are not favourable. This system allows comfort, mobility, and efficiency in all the process of data collection providing more confidence and operability. A physical fall may be considered something natural in the life span of a human being from birth to death. In a perfect scenario it would be possible to predict when a fall will occur in order to avoid it. Falls represent a high risk for senior people health. Those falls can cause fractures or injuries causing great dependence and debilitation to the elderly and even death in extreme cases. Falls can be detected by the accelerometer included in most of the available mobile phones or portable digital assistants (PDAs). To reverse this tendency, it can be obtained more accurate data for patients monitoring from the body sensors attached to the human body (such as, electrocardiogram (ECG), electromyography (EMG), blood volume pulse (BVP), electro dermal activity (EDA), and galvanic skin response (GSR)). Then, this dissertation reviews the related literature on this topic and introduces a mobile solution for falls prevention, detection, and biofeedback monitoring. The proposed system collects sensed data that is sent to a smartphone or tablet through Bluetooth. Mobile devices are used to process and display information graphically to users. The falls prevention system uses collected data from sensors in order to control and advice the patient or even to give instructions to treat an abnormal condition to reduce the falls risk. In cases of symptoms that last more time it can even detect a possible disease. The signal processing algorithms plays a key role in the fall prevention system. These algorithms in real time, through the capture of biofeedback data, are needed to extract relevant information from the signals detected to warn the patient. Monitoring and processing data from sensors is realized by a smartphone or tablet that will send warnings to users. All the process is performed in real time. These mobile devices are also used as a gateway to send the collected data to a Web service, which subsequently allows data storage and consultation. The proposed system is evaluated, demonstrated, and validated through a prototype and it is ready for use

    Responding to Cybersecurity Challenges: Securing Vulnerable U.S. Emergency Alert Systems

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    Emergency alert systems (EASs) in the United States (US) form part of the nation’s critical infrastructure. These systems rely on aging platforms and suffer from a fragmented interconnected network of partnerships. Some EASs have an easily identifiable vulnerability: one can access their management website via the Internet. Authorities must secure these systems quickly. Other concerns also exist, such as the lack of policies for reporting vulnerabilities. To begin to assess EASs in the US, we used Shodan to evaluate the availability of these websites in six southeastern states. We found 18 such websites that one could access via the Internet and that required only requiring user credentials to login into. Next, we searched for published policies on reporting vulnerabilities; we found no vulnerability-disclosure policies for any system we identified. To identify, prioritize, and address EAS vulnerabilities, we present a list of technical and management strategies to reduce cybersecurity threats. We recommend integrated policies and procedures at all levels of the public-private-government partnerships and system resilience as lines of defense against cybersecurity threats. By implementing these strategies, EASs in the US will be positioned to update critical infrastructure, notify groups of emergencies, and ensure the distribution of valid and reliable information to at-risk populations