7,100 research outputs found

    A Deterministic Improved Q-Learning for Path Planning of a Mobile Robot

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    This paper provides a new deterministic Q-learning with a presumed knowledge about the distance from the current state to both the next state and the goal. This knowledge is efficiently used to update the entries in the Q-table once only by utilizing four derived properties of the Q-learning, instead of repeatedly updating them like the classical Q-learning. Naturally, the proposed algorithm has an insignificantly small time complexity in comparison to its classical counterpart. Furthermore, the proposed algorithm stores the Q-value for the best possible action at a state and thus saves significant storage. Experiments undertaken on simulated maze and real platforms confirm that the Q-table obtained by the proposed Q-learning when used for the path-planning application of mobile robots outperforms both the classical and the extended Q-learning with respect to three metrics: traversal time, number of states traversed, and 90° turns required. The reduction in 90° turnings minimizes the energy consumption and thus has importance in the robotics literature

    Goal-Directed Planning for Habituated Agents by Active Inference Using a Variational Recurrent Neural Network

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    It is crucial to ask how agents can achieve goals by generating action plans using only partial models of the world acquired through habituated sensory-motor experiences. Although many existing robotics studies use a forward model framework, there are generalization issues with high degrees of freedom. The current study shows that the predictive coding (PC) and active inference (AIF) frameworks, which employ a generative model, can develop better generalization by learning a prior distribution in a low dimensional latent state space representing probabilistic structures extracted from well habituated sensory-motor trajectories. In our proposed model, learning is carried out by inferring optimal latent variables as well as synaptic weights for maximizing the evidence lower bound, while goal-directed planning is accomplished by inferring latent variables for maximizing the estimated lower bound. Our proposed model was evaluated with both simple and complex robotic tasks in simulation, which demonstrated sufficient generalization in learning with limited training data by setting an intermediate value for a regularization coefficient. Furthermore, comparative simulation results show that the proposed model outperforms a conventional forward model in goal-directed planning, due to the learned prior confining the search of motor plans within the range of habituated trajectories.Comment: 30 pages, 19 figure

    Behavior Trees in Robotics and AI: An Introduction

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    A Behavior Tree (BT) is a way to structure the switching between different tasks in an autonomous agent, such as a robot or a virtual entity in a computer game. BTs are a very efficient way of creating complex systems that are both modular and reactive. These properties are crucial in many applications, which has led to the spread of BT from computer game programming to many branches of AI and Robotics. In this book, we will first give an introduction to BTs, then we describe how BTs relate to, and in many cases generalize, earlier switching structures. These ideas are then used as a foundation for a set of efficient and easy to use design principles. Properties such as safety, robustness, and efficiency are important for an autonomous system, and we describe a set of tools for formally analyzing these using a state space description of BTs. With the new analysis tools, we can formalize the descriptions of how BTs generalize earlier approaches. We also show the use of BTs in automated planning and machine learning. Finally, we describe an extended set of tools to capture the behavior of Stochastic BTs, where the outcomes of actions are described by probabilities. These tools enable the computation of both success probabilities and time to completion
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