17 research outputs found

    A deterministic algorithm to compute approximate roots of polynomial systems in polynomial average time

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    We describe a deterministic algorithm that computes an approximate root of n complex polynomial equations in n unknowns in average polynomial time with respect to the size of the input, in the Blum-Shub-Smale model with square root. It rests upon a derandomization of an algorithm of Beltr\'an and Pardo and gives a deterministic affirmative answer to Smale's 17th problem. The main idea is to make use of the randomness contained in the input itself

    Condition Numbers for the Cube. I: Univariate Polynomials and Hypersurfaces

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    The condition-based complexity analysis framework is one of the gems of modern numerical algebraic geometry and theoretical computer science. One of the challenges that it poses is to expand the currently limited range of random polynomials that we can handle. Despite important recent progress, the available tools cannot handle random sparse polynomials and Gaussian polynomials, that is polynomials whose coefficients are i.i.d. Gaussian random variables. We initiate a condition-based complexity framework based on the norm of the cube that is a step in this direction. We present this framework for real hypersurfaces and univariate polynomials. We demonstrate its capabilities in two problems, under very mild probabilistic assumptions. On the one hand, we show that the average run-time of the Plantinga-Vegter algorithm is polynomial in the degree for random sparse (alas a restricted sparseness structure) polynomials and random Gaussian polynomials. On the other hand, we study the size of the subdivision tree for Descartes' solver and run-time of the solver by Jindal and Sagraloff (arXiv:1704.06979). In both cases, we provide a bound that is polynomial in the size of the input (size of the support plus logarithm of the degree) for not only on the average, but all higher moments.Comment: 34 pages. Version 1, conference version; from version 2, journal versio

    Condition Numbers for the Cube. I: Univariate Polynomials and Hypersurfaces

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    International audienceThe condition-based complexity analysis framework is one of the gems of modern numerical algebraic geometry and theoretical computer science. One of the challenges that it poses is to expand the currently limited range of random polynomials that we can handle. Despite important recent progress, the available tools cannot handle random sparse polynomials and Gaussian polynomials, that is polynomials whose coefficients are i.i.d. Gaussian random variables. We initiate a condition-based complexity framework based on the norm of the cube, that is a step in this direction. We present this framework for real hypersurfaces. We demonstrate its capabilities by providing a new probabilistic complexity analysis for the Plantinga-Vegter algorithm, which covers both random sparse (alas a restricted sparseness structure) polynomials and random Gaussian polynomials. We present explicit results with structured random polynomials for problems with two or more dimensions. Additionally, we provide some estimates of the separation bound of a univariate polynomial in our current framework

    Rigid continuation paths I. Quasilinear average complexity for solving polynomial systems

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    How many operations do we need on the average to compute an approximate root of a random Gaussian polynomial system? Beyond Smale's 17th problem that asked whether a polynomial bound is possible, we prove a quasi-optimal bound (input size)1+o(1)\text{(input size)}^{1+o(1)}. This improves upon the previously known (input size)32+o(1)\text{(input size)}^{\frac32 +o(1)} bound. The new algorithm relies on numerical continuation along \emph{rigid continuation paths}. The central idea is to consider rigid motions of the equations rather than line segments in the linear space of all polynomial systems. This leads to a better average condition number and allows for bigger steps. We show that on the average, we can compute one approximate root of a random Gaussian polynomial system of~nn equations of degree at most DD in n+1n+1 homogeneous variables with O(n5D2)O(n^5 D^2) continuation steps. This is a decisive improvement over previous bounds that prove no better than 2min⁥(n,D)\sqrt{2}^{\min(n, D)} continuation steps on the average

    The average condition number of most tensor rank decomposition problems is infinite

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    The tensor rank decomposition, or canonical polyadic decomposition, is the decomposition of a tensor into a sum of rank-1 tensors. The condition number of the tensor rank decomposition measures the sensitivity of the rank-1 summands with respect to structured perturbations. Those are perturbations preserving the rank of the tensor that is decomposed. On the other hand, the angular condition number measures the perturbations of the rank-1 summands up to scaling. We show for random rank-2 tensors with Gaussian density that the expected value of the condition number is infinite. Under some mild additional assumption, we show that the same is true for most higher ranks r≄3r\geq 3 as well. In fact, as the dimensions of the tensor tend to infinity, asymptotically all ranks are covered by our analysis. On the contrary, we show that rank-2 Gaussian tensors have finite expected angular condition number. Our results underline the high computational complexity of computing tensor rank decompositions. We discuss consequences of our results for algorithm design and for testing algorithms that compute the CPD. Finally, we supply numerical experiments

    New data structure for univariate polynomial approximation and applications to root isolation, numerical multipoint evaluation, and other problems

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    We present a new data structure to approximate accurately and efficiently a polynomial ff of degree dd given as a list of coefficients. Its properties allow us to improve the state-of-the-art bounds on the bit complexity for the problems of root isolation and approximate multipoint evaluation. This data structure also leads to a new geometric criterion to detect ill-conditioned polynomials, implying notably that the standard condition number of the zeros of a polynomial is at least exponential in the number of roots of modulus less than 1/21/2 or greater than 22.Given a polynomial ff of degree dd with ∄f∄1≀2τ\|f\|_1 \leq 2^\tau for τ≄1\tau \geq 1, isolating all its complex roots or evaluating it at dd points can be done with a quasi-linear number of arithmetic operations. However, considering the bit complexity, the state-of-the-art algorithms require at least d3/2d^{3/2} bit operations even for well-conditioned polynomials and when the accuracy required is low. Given a positive integer mm, we can compute our new data structure and evaluate ff at dd points in the unit disk with an absolute error less than 2−m2^{-m} in O~(d(τ+m))\widetilde O(d(\tau+m)) bit operations, where O~(⋅)\widetilde O(\cdot) means that we omit logarithmic factors. We also show that if Îș\kappa is the absolute condition number of the zeros of ff, then we can isolate all the roots of ff in O~(d(τ+log⁥Îș))\widetilde O(d(\tau + \log \kappa)) bit operations. Moreover, our algorithms are simple to implement. For approximating the complex roots of a polynomial, we implemented a small prototype in \verb|Python/NumPy| that is an order of magnitude faster than the state-of-the-art solver \verb/MPSolve/ for high degree polynomials with random coefficients

    A Deterministic Algorithm to Compute Approximate Roots of Polynomial Systems in Polynomial Average Time

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