2,273 research outputs found

    A Deep Generative Model for Fragment-Based Molecule Generation

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    Molecule generation is a challenging open problem in cheminformatics. Currently, deep generative approaches addressing the challenge belong to two broad categories, differing in how molecules are represented. One approach encodes molecular graphs as strings of text, and learns their corresponding character-based language model. Another, more expressive, approach operates directly on the molecular graph. In this work, we address two limitations of the former: generation of invalid and duplicate molecules. To improve validity rates, we develop a language model for small molecular substructures called fragments, loosely inspired by the well-known paradigm of Fragment-Based Drug Design. In other words, we generate molecules fragment by fragment, instead of atom by atom. To improve uniqueness rates, we present a frequency-based masking strategy that helps generate molecules with infrequent fragments. We show experimentally that our model largely outperforms other language model-based competitors, reaching state-of-the-art performances typical of graph-based approaches. Moreover, generated molecules display molecular properties similar to those in the training sample, even in absence of explicit task-specific supervision

    Lingo3DMol: Generation of a Pocket-based 3D Molecule using a Language Model

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    Structure-based drug design powered by deep generative models have attracted increasing research interest in recent years. Language models have demonstrated a robust capacity for generating valid molecules in 2D structures, while methods based on geometric deep learning can directly produce molecules with accurate 3D coordinates. Inspired by both methods, this article proposes a pocket-based 3D molecule generation method that leverages the language model with the ability to generate 3D coordinates. High quality protein-ligand complex data are insufficient; hence, a perturbation and restoration pre-training task is designed that can utilize vast amounts of small-molecule data. A new molecular representation, a fragment-based SMILES with local and global coordinates, is also presented, enabling the language model to learn molecular topological structures and spatial position information effectively. Ultimately, CrossDocked and DUD-E dataset is employed for evaluation and additional metrics are introduced. This method achieves state-of-the-art performance in nearly all metrics, notably in terms of binding patterns, drug-like properties, rational conformations, and inference speed. Our model is available as an online service to academic users via sw3dmg.stonewise.c

    Fr\'echet ChemNet Distance: A metric for generative models for molecules in drug discovery

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    The new wave of successful generative models in machine learning has increased the interest in deep learning driven de novo drug design. However, assessing the performance of such generative models is notoriously difficult. Metrics that are typically used to assess the performance of such generative models are the percentage of chemically valid molecules or the similarity to real molecules in terms of particular descriptors, such as the partition coefficient (logP) or druglikeness. However, method comparison is difficult because of the inconsistent use of evaluation metrics, the necessity for multiple metrics, and the fact that some of these measures can easily be tricked by simple rule-based systems. We propose a novel distance measure between two sets of molecules, called Fr\'echet ChemNet distance (FCD), that can be used as an evaluation metric for generative models. The FCD is similar to a recently established performance metric for comparing image generation methods, the Fr\'echet Inception Distance (FID). Whereas the FID uses one of the hidden layers of InceptionNet, the FCD utilizes the penultimate layer of a deep neural network called ChemNet, which was trained to predict drug activities. Thus, the FCD metric takes into account chemically and biologically relevant information about molecules, and also measures the diversity of the set via the distribution of generated molecules. The FCD's advantage over previous metrics is that it can detect if generated molecules are a) diverse and have similar b) chemical and c) biological properties as real molecules. We further provide an easy-to-use implementation that only requires the SMILES representation of the generated molecules as input to calculate the FCD. Implementations are available at: https://www.github.com/bioinf-jku/FCDComment: Implementations are available at: https://www.github.com/bioinf-jku/FC