3 research outputs found

    Evidence-based lean logic profiles for conceptual data modelling languages

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    Multiple logic-based reconstruction of conceptual data modelling languages such as EER, UML Class Diagrams, and ORM exists. They mainly cover various fragments of the languages and none are formalised such that the logic applies simultaneously for all three modelling language families as unifying mechanism. This hampers interchangeability, interoperability, and tooling support. In addition, due to the lack of a systematic design process of the logic used for the formalisation, hidden choices permeate the formalisations that have rendered them incompatible. We aim to address these problems, first, by structuring the logic design process in a methodological way. We generalise and extend the DSL design process to apply to logic language design more generally and, in particular, by incorporating an ontological analysis of language features in the process. Second, availing of this extended process, of evidence gathered of language feature usage, and of computational complexity insights from Description Logics (DL), we specify logic profiles taking into account the ontological commitments embedded in the languages. The profiles characterise the minimum logic structure needed to handle the semantics of conceptual models, enabling the development of interoperability tools. There is no known DL language that matches exactly the features of those profiles and the common core is small (in the tractable ALNI). Although hardly any inconsistencies can be derived with the profiles, it is promising for scalable runtime use of conceptual data models

    Lenguajes austeros de modelado conceptual de datos basados en evidencias

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    Multiple logic-based reconstructions of UML class diagram, Entity Relationship diagrams, and Obect-Role Model diagrams exists. They mainly cover various fragments of these Conceptual Data Modelling Languages and none are formalised such that the logic applies simultaneously for the three language families as a unifying mechanism. This hampers interchangeability, interoperability, and tooling support. In addition, due to the lack of a systematic design process of the logic used for the formalisation, hidden choices permeate the formalisations that have rendered them incompatible. We aim to address these problems, first, by structuring the logic design process in a methodological way. We generalise and extend the DSL design process to logic language design. In particular, a new phase of ontological analysis of language features is included, to apply to logic language design more generally and, in particular, by incorporating an ontological analysis of language features in the process. Second, we specify minimal logic profiles availing of this extended process, including the ontological commitments embedded in the languages, of evidence gathered of language feature usage, and of computational complexity insights from Description Logics (DL). The profiles characterise the essential logic structure needed to handle the semantics of conceptual models, therewith enabling the development of interoperability tools. No known DL language matches exactly the features of those profiles and the common core is in the tractable DL ACJfl. Although hardly any inconsistencies can be derived with the profiles, it is promising for scalable runtime use of conceptual data models.Existen varias reconstrucciones basadas en l贸gica de lenguajes de modelado conceptual como EER, diagramas de clases UML y ORM. Principalmente cubren fragmentos de estos lenguajes, y sus formalizaciones no est谩n hechas para que se apliquen simult谩neamente a estas tres familias de lenguajes como un mecanismo de unificaci贸n. Este hecho atenta contra el intercambio y la interoperabilidad de los modelos y el desarrollo de herramientas de soporte. Adem谩s, dada la falta de un proceso sistem谩tico de dise帽o, ciertas decisiones ocultas en la representaci贸n l贸gica hacen que las formalizaciones sean incompatibles. En este trabajo nos proponemos atacar este problema, proponiendo primero un proceso de dise帽o l贸gico que puede ser aplicado en forma metodol贸gica. Se generaliza y extiende el proceso DSL para que se pueda aplicar al dise帽o de lenguajes l贸gicos en general, incorporando an谩lisis ontol贸gico de las caracter铆sticas del lenguaje. Segundo, se especifican perfiles l贸gicos minimales que sacan provecho de este proceso extendido, incluyendo los compromisos ontol贸gicos asumidos, de evidencia de uso de las caracter铆sticas del lenguaje, y de los propiedades computacionales de las L贸gicas Descriptivas (DL, description logics). Estos perfiles caracterizan la estructura l贸gica esencial que se necesita para manejar la sem谩ntica de los modelos conceptuales, habilitando el desarrollo de herramientas autom谩ticas de interoperabilidad. No existe correspondencia exacta directa entre estos perfiles y fragmentos conocidos de lenguajes DL, y el n煤cleo com煤n es peque帽o (la l贸gica tratable ACNT). Aunque es muy poca la posibilidad de derivar inconsistencias dentro de estos perfiles, es prometedor su uso en modelos conceptuales dado su complejidad en tiempo escalable.Facultad de Inform谩tic