13,648 research outputs found

    Convective regularization for optical flow

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    We argue that the time derivative in a fixed coordinate frame may not be the most appropriate measure of time regularity of an optical flow field. Instead, for a given velocity field vv we consider the convective acceleration vt+∇vvv_t + \nabla v v which describes the acceleration of objects moving according to vv. Consequently we investigate the suitability of the nonconvex functional ∥vt+∇vv∥L22\|v_t + \nabla v v\|^2_{L^2} as a regularization term for optical flow. We demonstrate that this term acts as both a spatial and a temporal regularizer and has an intrinsic edge-preserving property. We incorporate it into a contrast invariant and time-regularized variant of the Horn-Schunck functional, prove existence of minimizers and verify experimentally that it addresses some of the problems of basic quadratic models. For the minimization we use an iterative scheme that approximates the original nonlinear problem with a sequence of linear ones. We believe that the convective acceleration may be gainfully introduced in a variety of optical flow models

    Parameter selection in sparsity-driven SAR imaging

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    We consider a recently developed sparsity-driven synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imaging approach which can produce superresolution, feature-enhanced images. However, this regularization-based approach requires the selection of a hyper-parameter in order to generate such high-quality images. In this paper we present a number of techniques for automatically selecting the hyper-parameter involved in this problem. In particular, we propose and develop numerical procedures for the use of Stein’s unbiased risk estimation, generalized cross-validation, and L-curve techniques for automatic parameter choice. We demonstrate and compare the effectiveness of these procedures through experiments based on both simple synthetic scenes, as well as electromagnetically simulated realistic data. Our results suggest that sparsity-driven SAR imaging coupled with the proposed automatic parameter choice procedures offers significant improvements over conventional SAR imaging

    Robust optical flow with combined Lucas-Kanade/Horn-Schunck and automatic neighborhood selection

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    Variational optic flow computation with a spatio-temporal smoothness constraint

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    Nonquadratic variational regularization is a well-known and powerful approach for the discontinuity-preserving computation of optic flow. In the present paper, we consider an extension of flow-driven spatial smoothness terms to spatio-temporal regularizers. Our method leads to a rotationally invariant and time symmetrie convex optimization problem. It has a unique minimum that can be found in a stable way by standard algorithms such as gradient descent. Since the convexity guarantees global convergence, the result does not depend on the flow initialization. An iterative algorithm is presented that is not difficult to implement. Qualitative and quantitative results for synthetic and real-world scenes show that our spatio-temporal approach (i) improves optic flow fields significantly, (ii) smoothes out background noise efficiently, and (iii) preserves true motion boundaries. The computational costs are only 50 % higher than for a pure spatial approach applied to all subsequent image pairs of the sequence
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