22,194 research outputs found

    Data-Driven Abstraction

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    Given a program analysis problem that consists of a program and a property of interest, we use a data-driven approach to automatically construct a sequence of abstractions that approach an ideal abstraction suitable for solving that problem. This process begins with an infinite concrete domain that maps to a finite abstract domain defined by statistical procedures resulting in a clustering mixture model. Given a set of properties expressed as formulas in a restricted and bounded variant of CTL, we can test the success of the abstraction with respect to a predefined performance level. In addition, we can perform iterative abstraction-refinement of the clustering by tuning hyperparameters that determine the accuracy of the cluster representations (abstract states) and determine the number of clusters. Our methodology yields an induced abstraction and refinement procedure for property verification

    A Cyberinfrastructure for BigData Transportation Engineering

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    Big Data-driven transportation engineering has the potential to improve utilization of road infrastructure, decrease traffic fatalities, improve fuel consumption, decrease construction worker injuries, among others. Despite these benefits, research on Big Data-driven transportation engineering is difficult today due to the computational expertise required to get started. This work proposes BoaT, a transportation-specific programming language, and it's Big Data infrastructure that is aimed at decreasing this barrier to entry. Our evaluation that uses over two dozen research questions from six categories show that research is easier to realize as a BoaT computer program, an order of magnitude faster when this program is run, and exhibits 12-14x decrease in storage requirements

    A data-driven approach to spoken dialog segmentation

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    In This Paper, We Present A Statistical Model For Spoken Dialog Segmentation That Decides The Current Phase Of The Dialog By Means Of An Automatic Classification Process. We Have Applied Our Proposal To Three Practical Conversational Systems Acting In Different Domains. The Results Of The Evaluation Show That Is Possible To Attain High Accuracy Rates In Dialog Segmentation When Using Different Sources Of Information To Represent The User Input. Our Results Indicate How The Module Proposed Can Also Improve Dialog Management By Selecting Better System Answers. The Statistical Model Developed With Human-Machine Dialog Corpora Has Been Applied In One Of Our Experiments To Human-Human Conversations And Provides A Good Baseline As Well As Insights In The Model Limitation

    Enabling Data-Driven Transportation Safety Improvements in Rural Alaska

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    Safety improvements require funding. A clear need must be demonstrated to secure funding. For transportation safety, data, especially data about past crashes, is the usual method of demonstrating need. However, in rural locations, such data is often not available, or is not in a form amenable to use in funding applications. This research aids rural entities, often federally recognized tribes and small villages acquire data needed for funding applications. Two aspects of work product are the development of a traffic counting application for an iPad or similar device, and a review of the data requirements of the major transportation funding agencies. The traffic-counting app, UAF Traffic, demonstrated its ability to count traffic and turning movements for cars and trucks, as well as ATVs, snow machines, pedestrians, bicycles, and dog sleds. The review of the major agencies demonstrated that all the likely funders would accept qualitative data and Road Safety Audits. However, quantitative data, if it was available, was helpful
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