4 research outputs found

    Aspectos de la Cultura Organizacional que Influencian el Proceso de Implantaci贸n de Sistemas de Informaci贸n en las Organizaciones

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    En la presente Tesis de Investigaci贸n se documenta un modelo para categorizar y caracterizar los aspectos de la Cultura Organizacional que influencian el proceso de Implantaci贸n de Sistemas de Informaci贸n en Organizaciones. Para el cumplimiento del objetivo descrito se estructura una investigaci贸n desde el enfoque cualitativo, el paradigma realista cr铆tico y diferentes m茅todos que cohesionan y contrastan dos entornos: el primero, el contexto de trabajo con expertos en procesos que evidencian la relaci贸n Sistema de Informaci贸n-Organizaci贸n; el segundo, la participaci贸n directa de la autora en los procesos de implantaci贸n de tres sistemas organizacionales. La categorizaci贸n y caracterizaci贸n, de los aspectos de la Cultura Organizacional que tienen injerencia en la implantaci贸n de Sistemas de Informaci贸n, resultan 煤tiles a la hora de abarcar procesos donde las organizaciones tienen claridad frente a que los Sistemas de Informaci贸n representan m谩s que una aplicaci贸n de software.Abstract. The present document shows the categorization and characterization model of the Organizational Culture aspects that influences the Implantation process of Information Systems in organizations. To achieve the main goal of investigation it is structured a qualitative research that exhibits the critical realism paradigm and the methods that cohere and contrast two environments: the first one, the context that results working with experts in process that evidences the Information Systems-Organization relationship; the second one, the direct author participation in three organizational implantation processes. The categorization and the characterization, of the organizational culture aspects that influences the Information Systems implantation, are helpful when the organizations have the main clarity to visualize the Information Systems as more as a software application.Maestr铆

    A formalised business forms driven object oriented user approach

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    An Introduction to Database Systems

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    This textbook introduces the basic concepts of database systems. These concepts are presented through numerous examples in modeling and design. The material in this book is geared to an introductory course in database systems offered at the junior or senior level of Computer Science. It could also be used in a first year graduate course in database systems, focusing on a selection of the advanced topics in the latter chapters