3 research outputs found

    Temporalized logics and automata for time granularity

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    Suitable extensions of the monadic second-order theory of k successors have been proposed in the literature to capture the notion of time granularity. In this paper, we provide the monadic second-order theories of downward unbounded layered structures, which are infinitely refinable structures consisting of a coarsest domain and an infinite number of finer and finer domains, and of upward unbounded layered structures, which consist of a finest domain and an infinite number of coarser and coarser domains, with expressively complete and elementarily decidable temporal logic counterparts. We obtain such a result in two steps. First, we define a new class of combined automata, called temporalized automata, which can be proved to be the automata-theoretic counterpart of temporalized logics, and show that relevant properties, such as closure under Boolean operations, decidability, and expressive equivalence with respect to temporal logics, transfer from component automata to temporalized ones. Then, we exploit the correspondence between temporalized logics and automata to reduce the task of finding the temporal logic counterparts of the given theories of time granularity to the easier one of finding temporalized automata counterparts of them.Comment: Journal: Theory and Practice of Logic Programming Journal Acronym: TPLP Category: Paper for Special Issue (Verification and Computational Logic) Submitted: 18 March 2002, revised: 14 Januari 2003, accepted: 5 September 200

    Representing and Reasoning about Temporal Granularities

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    Juízes portugueses : uma perspectiva sociológica

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Administração da JustiçaA figura do juiz tem vindo a assumir, ao longo dos tempos, uma posição de crescente destaque não só no espaço jurídico mas a vários níveis da sociedade em geral. A sociedade moderna procura, nos tribunais, uma decisão justa para resolução dos vários conflitos que lhe são inerentes, assumindo o juiz um papel central na realização dessa justiça. O presente estudo pretende analisar sob uma perspectiva sociológica os juízes portugueses. Tem como ponto de partida o estudo do Professor J. A. Oliveira Rocha “Juízes portugueses: contributos para um estudo “ para a realização da análise comparativa. Esta pesquisa versa, essencialmente, sobre o background social dos juízes, os factores que são tidos em conta na tomada de decisão e sobre as suas atitudes e orientações ideológicas, procurando destacar as diferenças existentes entre ambos os estudos e as suas possíveis causas. Tem também como objectivo contribuir para futuras pesquisas e desenvolvimento de trabalhos de investigação, uma vez que em Portugal são ainda poucos os trabalhos neste campo.The judge´s image has gained along the years a growing highlighted position, not only in the legal space, but also in various levels of the society in general. Modern society looks in the courts for a just decision for the resolution of various conflicts that are inherent, assuming, the judge, a central role in the realization of that justice. This study pretends to analyze, on a sociological perspective, the Portuguese judges. Its starting point is Professor J.A. Oliveira Rocha's review "Juízes portugueses: contributos para um estudo” for the realization of a comparative analysis. This research focuses essentially on the judges' social background, on the factors that are taken on their decisions and their attitudes and their ideological orientation. It also has as objective, a contribution to future researches and development of investigation plans, since that in Portugal there are still few studies in this field