66,478 research outputs found

    Expressing OLAP operators with the TAX XML algebra

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    With the rise of XML as a standard for representing business data, XML data warehouses appear as suitable solutions for Web-based decision-support applications. In this context, it is necessary to allow OLAP analyses over XML data cubes (XOLAP). Thus, XQuery extensions are needed. To help define a formal framework and allow much-needed performance optimizations on analytical queries expressed in XQuery, having an algebra at one's disposal is desirable. However, XOLAP approaches and algebras from the literature still largely rely on the relational model and/or only feature a small number of OLAP operators. In opposition, we propose in this paper to express a broad set of OLAP operators with the TAX XML algebra.Comment: in 3rd International Workshop on Database Technologies for Handling XML Information on the Web (DataX-EDBT 08), Nantes : France (2008

    Generic model for application driven XML data processing

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    Abstract XML technology has emerged during recent years as a popular choice for representing and exchanging semi-structured data on the Web. It integrates seamlessly with web- based applications. If data is stored and represented as XML documents, then it should be possible to query the contents of these documents in order to extract, synthesize and analyze their contents. This thesis for experimental study of Web architecture for data processing is based on semantic mapping of XML Schema. The thesis involves complex methods and tools for specification, algorithmic transformation and online processing of semi- structured data over the Web in XML format with persistent storage into relational databases. The main focus of the research is preserving the structure of original data for data reconciliation during database updates and also to combine different technologies for XML data processing such as storing (SQL), transformation (XSL Processors), presenting (HTML), querying (XQUERY) and transporting (Web services) using a common framework, which is both theoretically and technologically well grounded. The experimental implementation of the discussed architecture requires a Web server (Apache), Java container (Tomcat) and object-relational DBMS (Oracle 9) equipped with Java engine and corresponding libraries for parsing and transformation of XML data (Xerces and Xalan). Furthermore the central idea behind the research is to use a single theoretical model of the data to be processed by the system (XML algebra) controlled by one standard metalanguage specification (XML Schema) for solving a class of problems (generic architecture). The proposed work combines theoretical novelty and technological advancement in the field of Internet computing. This thesis will introduce a generic approach since both our model (XML algebra) and our problem solver (the architecture of the integrated system) are XML Schema- driven. Starting with the XML Schema of the data, we first develop domain-specific XML algebra suitable for data processing of the specific data and then use it for implementing the main offline components of the system for data processing

    A KPN based Model for Describing and Verifying the Interaction of Web Services

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    Correct interaction between Web services is essential for successful Web service composition. This paper proposes a Web Service Interaction Model (IWSN) that aims to ensure correct interaction between Web services, improve the scalability of Web service composition, solve behavioral compatibility issues in the process of Web service interaction, and promote the application of service composition technology in related fields. The Kahn Process Network (KPN) supports parallel computing based on data streams and channels, and the proposed Web Service Interaction Model in this article is based on the KPN. The formal semantics of the IWSN model are based on process algebra Pi calculus, and the model's properties are discussed. Finally, an application case is used to demonstrate how the IWSN model can be applied to Web service composition and interaction

    Generic model for application driven XML data processing

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    XML technology has emerged during recent years as a popular choice for representing and exchanging semi-structured data on the Web. It integrates seamlessly with web-based applications. If data is stored and represented as XML documents, then it should be possible to query the contents of these documents in order to extract, synthesize and analyze their contents. This thesis for experimental study of Web architecture for data processing is based on semantic mapping of XML Schema. The thesis involves complex methods and tools for specification, algorithmic transformation and online processing of semi-structured data over the Web in XML format with persistent storage into relational databases. The main focus of the research is preserving the structure of original data for data reconciliation during database updates and also to combine different technologies for XML data processing such as storing (SQL), transformation (XSL Processors), presenting (HTML), querying (XQUERY) and transporting (Web services) using a common framework, which is both theoretically and technologically well grounded. The experimental implementation of the discussed architecture requires a Web server (Apache), Java container (Tomcat) and object-relational DBMS (Oracle 9) equipped with Java engine and corresponding libraries for parsing and transformation of XML data (Xerces and Xalan). Furthermore the central idea behind the research is to use a single theoretical model of the data to be processed by the system (XML algebra) controlled by one standard metalanguage specification (XML Schema) for solving a class of problems (generic architecture). The proposed work combines theoretical novelty and technological advancement in the field of Internet computing. This thesis will introduce a generic approach since both our model (XML algebra) and our problem solver (the architecture of the integrated system) are XML Schema- driven. Starting with the XML Schema of the data, we first develop domain-specific XML algebra suitable for data processing of the specific data and then use it for implementing the main offline components of the system for data processing.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Protein ontology development using OWL

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    To efficiently represent the protein annotation framework and to integrate all the existing data representations into a standardized protein data specification for the bioinformatics community, the protein ontology need to be represented in a format that not enforce semantic constraints on protein data, but can also facilitate reasoning tasks on protein data using semantic query algebra. This motivates the representation of Protein Ontology (PO) Model in Web Ontology Language (OWL). In this paper we briefly discuss the usage of OWL in achieving the objectives of Protein Ontology Project. We provide a brief overview of Protein Ontology (PO) to start with. In the later sections discuss why OWL was an ideal choice for PO Development

    WEB application evaluation for learning the basics of computer science : code.org web application, computer science fundamentals, TAM model, PLS-SEM analysis, students evaluation

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    Danas su djeca okružena digitalnim tehnologijama i obrazovnim web aplikacijama koje nisu bile dostupne prije nekoliko godina. Kao informatički edukator i instruktor Digitalne akademije u obrazovnoj ustanovi Algebra Pula za ovo istraživanje izabrala sam Code.org web aplikaciju za učenje osnova računalstva. U prvom dijelu rada nakon opisa web aplikacije prikazani su primjeri provedenih aktivnosti projektne nastave informatike koja se izvodila tijekom školske godine 2017./2018. na Algebra Digitalnoj akademiji u OŠ Vidikovac. Cilj ovog rada bio je prilagodba istraživačkog modela koji opisuje stavove ka budućoj upotrebi i zadovoljstvu korištenjem Code.org web aplikacije, temeljenog na modelu prihvaćanja tehnologije (TAM) kojeg je razvio Fred Davis. Upitnik za evaluaciju web aplikacije Code.org kreiran je kako bi ispitali stavove prihvaćanja učenika prema korištenju web aplikacije i njihovo zadovoljstvo korištenjem web aplikacije. Podaci 114 učenika osnovnih škola (8-14 godina) prikupljeni su u privatnoj školi Algebra Digitalna akademija u nekoliko gradova Republike Hrvatske. Model se sastoji od četiri varijable: stavovi prema upotrebi, zadovoljstvo, percipirana korisnost i percipirana jednostavnost korištenja. Model je procijenjen korištenjem modela strukturne jednadžbe (SEM) za koji je korišten softver SmartPLS3. Rezultati pokazuju da učenička percepcija o korisnosti prilikom korištenja tog alata najviše utječe na njihov stav prema uporabi alata u nastavi. Rezultati dobiveni iz ovog rada mogu pružiti korisni uvid u proces implementacije suvremenih ICT tehnologija primijenjenih u nastavi i razvoju e-sadržaja za informatiku u školama Republike Hrvatske.Today, children are surrounded by digital technologies and educational web applications that were not available a few years ago. As an IT educator and instructor of the Digital Academy at the educational institution Algebra Pula for this research, I chose the Code.org web application for learning the basics of computing. In the first part of the work, after the description of the web application, examples of the implemented activities of project teaching of informatics, which were performed during the school year 2017. / 2018., are shown. at the Algebra Digital Academy in the OŠ Vidikovac Elementary School. The aim of this paper was to adapt the research model that describes attitudes towards future use and satisfaction using the Code.org web application, based on the TAM model developed by Fred Davis. The Code.org evaluation questionnaire was created to examine the attitudes of students accepting the use of the web application and their satisfaction with the use of the web application. Data were collected from 114 elementary school students (8-14 years old) in the private school Algebra Digital Academy in several cities of the Republic of Croatia. The model consists of four variables: attitude towards usage, satisfaction, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. The model was estimated using the structural equation model (SEM) for which the SmartPLS3 software was used. The results show that the pupil's perceptions of usefulness when using this tool most affect their attitude towards the use of teaching tools. The results obtained from this paper can provide a useful insight into the process of implementing modern ICT technologies applied in the teaching and development of e-content for IT in schools in the Republic of Croatia

    WEB application evaluation for learning the basics of computer science : code.org web application, computer science fundamentals, TAM model, PLS-SEM analysis, students evaluation

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    Danas su djeca okružena digitalnim tehnologijama i obrazovnim web aplikacijama koje nisu bile dostupne prije nekoliko godina. Kao informatički edukator i instruktor Digitalne akademije u obrazovnoj ustanovi Algebra Pula za ovo istraživanje izabrala sam Code.org web aplikaciju za učenje osnova računalstva. U prvom dijelu rada nakon opisa web aplikacije prikazani su primjeri provedenih aktivnosti projektne nastave informatike koja se izvodila tijekom školske godine 2017./2018. na Algebra Digitalnoj akademiji u OŠ Vidikovac. Cilj ovog rada bio je prilagodba istraživačkog modela koji opisuje stavove ka budućoj upotrebi i zadovoljstvu korištenjem Code.org web aplikacije, temeljenog na modelu prihvaćanja tehnologije (TAM) kojeg je razvio Fred Davis. Upitnik za evaluaciju web aplikacije Code.org kreiran je kako bi ispitali stavove prihvaćanja učenika prema korištenju web aplikacije i njihovo zadovoljstvo korištenjem web aplikacije. Podaci 114 učenika osnovnih škola (8-14 godina) prikupljeni su u privatnoj školi Algebra Digitalna akademija u nekoliko gradova Republike Hrvatske. Model se sastoji od četiri varijable: stavovi prema upotrebi, zadovoljstvo, percipirana korisnost i percipirana jednostavnost korištenja. Model je procijenjen korištenjem modela strukturne jednadžbe (SEM) za koji je korišten softver SmartPLS3. Rezultati pokazuju da učenička percepcija o korisnosti prilikom korištenja tog alata najviše utječe na njihov stav prema uporabi alata u nastavi. Rezultati dobiveni iz ovog rada mogu pružiti korisni uvid u proces implementacije suvremenih ICT tehnologija primijenjenih u nastavi i razvoju e-sadržaja za informatiku u školama Republike Hrvatske.Today, children are surrounded by digital technologies and educational web applications that were not available a few years ago. As an IT educator and instructor of the Digital Academy at the educational institution Algebra Pula for this research, I chose the Code.org web application for learning the basics of computing. In the first part of the work, after the description of the web application, examples of the implemented activities of project teaching of informatics, which were performed during the school year 2017. / 2018., are shown. at the Algebra Digital Academy in the OŠ Vidikovac Elementary School. The aim of this paper was to adapt the research model that describes attitudes towards future use and satisfaction using the Code.org web application, based on the TAM model developed by Fred Davis. The Code.org evaluation questionnaire was created to examine the attitudes of students accepting the use of the web application and their satisfaction with the use of the web application. Data were collected from 114 elementary school students (8-14 years old) in the private school Algebra Digital Academy in several cities of the Republic of Croatia. The model consists of four variables: attitude towards usage, satisfaction, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. The model was estimated using the structural equation model (SEM) for which the SmartPLS3 software was used. The results show that the pupil's perceptions of usefulness when using this tool most affect their attitude towards the use of teaching tools. The results obtained from this paper can provide a useful insight into the process of implementing modern ICT technologies applied in the teaching and development of e-content for IT in schools in the Republic of Croatia

    Web Services: A Process Algebra Approach

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    It is now well-admitted that formal methods are helpful for many issues raised in the Web service area. In this paper we present a framework for the design and verification of WSs using process algebras and their tools. We define a two-way mapping between abstract specifications written using these calculi and executable Web services written in BPEL4WS. Several choices are available: design and correct errors in BPEL4WS, using process algebra verification tools, or design and correct in process algebra and automatically obtaining the corresponding BPEL4WS code. The approaches can be combined. Process algebra are not useful only for temporal logic verification: we remark the use of simulation/bisimulation both for verification and for the hierarchical refinement design method. It is worth noting that our approach allows the use of any process algebra depending on the needs of the user at different levels (expressiveness, existence of reasoning tools, user expertise)

    Input-output Conformance Testing for Channel-based Service Connectors

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    Service-based systems are software systems composed of autonomous components or services provided by different vendors, deployed on remote machines and accessible through the web. One of the challenges of modern software engineering is to ensure that such a system behaves as intended by its designer. The Reo coordination language is an extensible notation for formal modeling and execution of service compositions. Services that have no prior knowledge about each other communicate through advanced channel connectors which guarantee that each participant, service or client, receives the right data at the right time. Each channel is a binary relation that imposes synchronization and data constraints on input and output messages. Furthermore, channels are composed together to realize arbitrarily complex behavioral protocols. During this process, a designer may introduce errors into the connector model or the code for their execution, and thus affect the behavior of a composed service. In this paper, we present an approach for model-based testing of coordination protocols designed in Reo. Our approach is based on the input-output conformance (ioco) testing theory and exploits the mapping of automata-based semantic models for Reo to equivalent process algebra specifications