3 research outputs found

    Sistem Monitoring dan Kontrol pada Irigasi Tetes Berbasis IoT Menggunakan LoRa

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    Irigasi adalah salah satu instrumen penting dalam mendukung kualitas hasil pertanian. Fungsi dari irigasi ini adalah untuk menyuplai air yang memiliki pengaruh besar dalam unsur fisik tanah. Akan tetapi dalam aplikasinya, sistem irigasi yang ada memiliki tingkat efisiensi yang rendah dan tidak berdasarkan kebutuhan tanah. Berdasarkan kondisi tersebut, dibuat alat yang dapat melakukan pengontrolan dan monitoring kelembaban tanah. Alat ini terdiri dari dua bagian yaitu pengirim dan penerima. Bagian pengirim menggunakan mikrokontroller Arduino Nano untuk membaca 4 capacitive soil moistures sensor dan waktu dari RTC DS1307 yang hasilnya diproses menggunakan fuzzy logic untuk mengatur lama waktu pompa menyala. Data kelembaban yang telah terbaca dikirim menggunakan modul Transmitter LoRa SX1278 menuju Receiver LoRa SX1278 yang berada di rumah pemilik lahan. Bagian penerima ini terdiri dari Receiver LoRa SX1278 dengan pemrosesannya menggunakan Arduino Uno yang selanjutnya dihubungkan secara serial dengan NODEMCU ESP8266 untuk menampilkan data pada software Blynk menggunakan wifi. Alat ini telah dibuat yang terdiri dari 2 bagian yaitu bagian pengirim dan penerima. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah sistem dapat menjaga kelembaban tanah dengan error 0 – 5dari setppoint yang ditentukan yakni hasil pada kelembaban tanah kering 27 – 32 %, kelembaban tanah sedang 55 – 62 % dan kelembaban tanah basah 81 – 88 %. Sistem monitoring yang dibuat telah dapat memantau kelembaban tanah menggunakan aplikasi blynk. =============================================================================================================================== Irrigation is one of the important instruments in supporting the quality of agricultural products. Irrigation has function to supply water which has a large influence on the physical elements of the soil. In the application, existing irrigation systems have a low level of efficiency and are not based on land requirements. Based on these conditions, this projects are made that can control and monitor soil moisture. There are two parts in this projects, they are transmitter and receiver. Transmitter uses the Arduino Nano to read 4 capacitive soil moistures sensors and time from RTC DS1307. The results of reading data are processed using fuzzy logic which control the length of time the pump turning on. Data of moisture are sent using the LoRa SX1278 Transmitter module to the Receiver LoRa SX1278 which is in the home of the land owner. This receiver consists of a Receiver LoRa SX1278 with processing using Arduino Uno which is then connected serially with NODEMCU ESP8266 to display data in the Blynk software using wifi. The results of this study are that the system can maintain soil moisture with an error of 0 - 5%, namely dry soil moisture 27 - 32%, moderate soil moisture 55 - 62% and wet soil moisture 81 - 88% and applications made have been able to monitor soil moisture

    ComPOS - a Domain-Specific Language for Composing Internet-of-Things Systems

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    Internet-of-Things (IoT) systems consist of spatially distributed interacting devices. In contrast to desktop applications, IoT systems are always running and need to deal with unresponsive devices and weak connectivity. In this thesis, we propose techniques for simplifying the development of such systems. The work addresses IoT systems organised as reusable services connected by compositions. We propose to program such compositions using stateful reactions that mediate messages. To this end, we have designed a domain-specific language (DSL), called ComPOS. To help systems operate partly in cases of weak connectivity, we propose that ComPOS aborts older reactions when newer messages arrive. We evaluate our DSL in home-automation and e-health scenarios. Understanding IoT systems can be hard, and different analyses can help explain how they work. To support analysis, we propose a conceptual runtime model based on relational reference attribute grammars. We demonstrate the approach by formulating and implementing a Device Dependency Analysis (DDA). The DDA finds sets of devices needed for given parts of the system to work. The ComPOS editor supports live programming to allow development while the system is running. We propose a methodology for live ComPOS programming which divides the development into three, iteratively applied, phases: finding services (explore), composing services (assemble), and abstracting compositions as new services (expose). When developing a DSL, it takes substantial effort to specify the syntax and semantics, to build tools like editors, and to integrate with the environment (in this case the underlying middleware). To reduce the effort needed to experiment with ComPOS, we have created a tool called Jatte. Jatte is a generic projectional editor that developers can tune using attribute grammars. We used Jatte to implement the ComPOS editor

    A DSL for Composing IoT Systems

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    We believe that enabling services to collaborate, even if they were not designed to work together, will be important for the success of the Internet of Things (IoT). To support this we have designed a domain specific language (DSL) for service composition with the focus on mobile and IoT systems. We demonstrate this DSL by building an example system that helps a birdwatcher spy on the birds in her garden