111 research outputs found

    A design of variable transmission power control for wireless ad-hoc network

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    Includes bibliography.Wireless Ad-hoc Network has emanated to be a promising network paradigm that can handle last mile technology due to unprecedented growth of internet users. This network is promising because it extends network to remote areas such as congested environments, rural environments etc. It is known that nodes involved in Wireless Ad-hoc Network rely on battery energy as their source of power. Energy consumption has become one of the major challenges experienced in Wireless Ad-hoc Network, which must be properly tackled. This could be traced to the effect of transmission power on the nodes in the network. Transmission power largely determines the amount of energy consumed by each node in the network. Therefore, a power control technique must be adopted in order to manage and select the optimal transmission power with respect to distance. This transmission power must be sufficient to transfer information from one node to another. Literature have proposed different algorithms for power control technique in Wireless Ad-hoc Network. Some researchers looked at the power control technique in terms of minimising energy consumed from different perspectives, which include power aware routing and power control topology management. However, most of these algorithms were applied at different layers in OSI model such as physical layer, data link layer, network layer and application layer. To achieve a reduced energy consumption at each node in the network, a novel algorithm for transmission power control was designed to select optimal transmission power. The proposed algorithm was designed in such a way that it selects transmission power based on the distance between the nodes without affecting the network throughput. Graph theory is used in this research to model the network topology, and transmission power with respect to the distance

    Up-to-date, real-time localized ITS services provided on a mobile platform:version I

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    EOCC-TARA for Software Defined WBAN

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    Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) is a promising cost-effective technology for the privacy confined military applications and healthcare applications like remote health monitoring, telemedicine, and e-health services. The use of a Software-Defined Network (SDN) approach improves the control and management processes of the complex structured WBANs and also provides higher flexibility and dynamic network structure. To seamless routing performance in SDN-based WBAN, the energy-efficiency problems must be tackled effectively. The main contribution of this paper is to develop a novel Energy Optimized Congestion Control based on Temperature Aware Routing Algorithm (EOCC-TARA) using Enhanced Multi-objective Spider Monkey Optimization (EMSMO) for SDN-based WBAN. This algorithm overcomes the vital challenges, namely energy-efficiency, congestion-free communication, and reducing adverse thermal effects in WBAN routing. First, the proposed EOCC-TARA routing algorithm considers the effects of temperature due to the thermal dissipation of sensor nodes and formulates a strategy to adaptively select the forwarding nodes based on temperature and energy. Then the congestion avoidance concept is added with the energy-efficiency, link reliability, and path loss for modeling the cost function based on which the EMSMO provides the optimal routing. Simulations were performed, and the evaluation results showed that the proposed EOCC-TARA routing algorithm has superior performance than the traditional routing approaches in terms of energy consumption, network lifetime, throughput, temperature control, congestion overhead, delay, and successful transmission rate

    Security Enhancement for ZigBee and Bluetooth

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    With the development of wireless technology, the social daily life has an increasing relationship with the wireless networks and the issue of wireless network security has caught more and more attention. In this thesis, two new protocols for ZigBee security are proposed. For the first time public key technology has been used to enhance the security strength for ZigBee master key establishment. The proposed protocols strengthened ZigBee master key establishment security, which subsequently secure the establishment of the network key and link key, both derived from the master key. By integrating unbalanced RSA into the key establishment protocols, the new methods can distribute different computation amount to the ZigBee devices in communication based on their computational capacities. An efficient key establishment protocol for Bluetooth is proposed. It also utilizes public key technology to avoid the involvement of a third party and to improve the security strength. This proposed work requires fewer protocol steps and is thus faster than the existing similar works

    Transport mechanism for wireless micro sensor network

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    Wireless sensor network (WSN) is a wireless ad hoc network that consists of very large number of tiny sensor nodes communicating with each other with limited power and memory constrain. WSN demands real-time routing which requires messages to be delivered within their end-to-end deadlines (packet lifetime). This report proposes a novel real-time with load distribution (RTLD) routing protocol that provides real time data transfer and efficient distributed energy usage in WSN. The RTLD routing protocol ensures high packet throughput with minimized packet overhead and prolongs the lifetime of WSN. The routing depends on optimal forwarding (OF) decision that takes into account of the link quality, packet delay time and the remaining power of next hop sensor nodes. RTLD routing protocol possesses built-in security measure. The random selection of next hop node using location aided routing and multi-path forwarding contributes to built-in security measure. RTLD routing protocol in WSN has been successfully studied and verified through simulation and real test bed implementation. The performance of RTLD routing in WSN has been compared with the baseline real-time routing protocol. The simulation results show that RTLD experiences less than 150 ms packet delay to forward a packet through 10 hops. It increases the delivery ratio up to 7 % and decreases power consumption down to 15% in unicast forwarding when compared to the baseline routing protocol. However, multi-path forwarding in RTLD increases the delivery ratio up to 20%. In addition, RTLD routing spreads out and balances the forwarding load among sensor nodes towards the destination and thus prolongs the lifetime of WSN by 16% compared to the baseline protocol. The real test bed experiences only slight differences of about 7.5% lower delivery ratio compared to the simulation. The test bed confirms that RTLD routing protocol can be used in many WSN applications including disasters fighting, forest fire detection and volcanic eruption detection

    A MAC protocol for quality of service provisioning in adaptive biomedical wireless sensor networks

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    Doctorate program on Electronics and Computer EngineeringNew healthcare solutions are being explored to improve the quality of care and the quality of life of patients, as well as the sustainability and efficiency of the healthcare services. In this context, wireless sensor networks (WSNs) constitute a key technology for closing the loop between patients and healthcare providers, as WSNs provide sensing ability, as well as mobility and portability, essential characteristics for wide acceptance of wireless healthcare technology. Despite the recent advances in the field, the wide adoption of healthcare WSNs is still conditioned by quality of service (QoS) issues, namely at the medium access control (MAC) level. MAC protocols currently available for WSNs are not able to provide the required QoS to healthcare applications in scenarios of medical emergency or intensive medical care. To cover this shortage, the present work introduces a MAC protocol with novel concepts to assure the required QoS regarding the data transmission robustness, packet delivery deadline, bandwidth efficiency, and energy preservation. The proposed MAC protocol provides a new and efficient dynamic reconfiguration mechanism, so that relevant operational parameters may be redefined dynamically in accordance with the patients’ clinical state. The protocol also provides a channel switching mechanism and the capacity of forwarding frames in two-tier network structures. To test the performance of the proposed MAC protocol and compare it with other MAC protocols, a simulation platform was implemented. In order to validate the simulation results, a physical testbed was implemented to replicate the tests and verify the results. Sensor nodes were specifically designed and assembled to implement this physical testbed. New healthcare solutions are being explored to improve the quality of care and the quality of life of patients, as well as the sustainability and efficiency of the healthcare services. In this context, wireless sensor networks (WSNs) constitute a key technology for closing the loop between patients and healthcare providers, as WSNs provide sensing ability, as well as mobility and portability, essential characteristics for wide acceptance of wireless healthcare technology. Despite the recent advances in the field, the wide adoption of healthcare WSNs is still conditioned by quality of service (QoS) issues, namely at the medium access control (MAC) level. MAC protocols currently available for WSNs are not able to provide the required QoS to healthcare applications in scenarios of medical emergency or intensive medical care. To cover this shortage, the present work introduces a MAC protocol with novel concepts to assure the required QoS regarding the data transmission robustness, packet delivery deadline, bandwidth efficiency, and energy preservation. The proposed MAC protocol provides a new and efficient dynamic reconfiguration mechanism, so that relevant operational parameters may be redefined dynamically in accordance with the patients’ clinical state. The protocol also provides a channel switching mechanism and the capacity of forwarding frames in two-tier network structures. To test the performance of the proposed MAC protocol and compare it with other MAC protocols, a simulation platform was implemented. In order to validate the simulation results, a physical testbed was implemented to replicate the tests and verify the results. Sensor nodes were specifically designed and assembled to implement this physical testbed. Preliminary tests using the simulation and physical platforms showed that simulation results diverge significantly from reality, if the performance of the WSN software components is not considered. Therefore, a parametric model was developed to reflect the impact of this aspect on a physical WSN. Simulation tests using the parametric model revealed that the results match satisfactorily those obtained in reality. After validating the simulation platform, comparative tests against IEEE 802.15.4, a prominent standard used in many wireless healthcare systems, showed that the proposed MAC protocol leads to a performance increase regarding diverse QoS metrics, such as packet loss and bandwidth efficiency, as well as scalability, adaptability, and power consumption. In this way, AR-MAC is a valuable contribution to the deployment of wireless e-health technology and related applications.Novas soluçÔes de cuidados de saĂșde estĂŁo a ser exploradas para melhorar a qualidade de tratamento e a qualidade de vida dos pacientes, assim como a sustentabilidade e eficiĂȘncia dos serviços de cuidado de saĂșde. Neste contexto, as redes de sensores sem fios (wireless sensor networks - WSN) sĂŁo uma tecnologia chave para fecharem o ciclo entre os pacientes e os prestadores de cuidados de saĂșde, uma vez que as WSNs proporcionam nĂŁo sĂł capacidade sensorial mas tambĂ©m mobilidade e portabilidade, caracteristicas essenciais para a aceitação Ă  larga escala da tecnologia dos cuidados de saĂșde sem fios. Apesar dos avanços recentes na ĂĄrea, a aceitação genĂ©rica das WSNs de cuidados de saĂșde ainda estĂĄ condicionada por aspectos relacionados com a qualidade de serviço (quality of service - QoS), nomeadamente ao nĂ­vel do controlo de acesso ao meio (medium access control - MAC). Os protocolos MAC actualmente disponĂ­veis para WSNs sĂŁo incapazes de fornecer a QoS desejada pelas aplicaçÔes mĂ©dicas em cenĂĄrios de emergĂȘncia ou cuidados mĂ©dicos intensivos. Para suprimir esta carĂȘncia, o presente trabalho apresenta um protocolo MAC com novos conceitos a fim de assegurar a QoS respeitante Ă  robustez de transmissĂŁo de dados, ao limite temporal da entrega de pacotes, Ă  utilização da largura de banda e Ă  preservação da energia elĂ©ctrica. O protocolo MAC proposto dispĂ”e de um novo e eficiente mecanismo de reconfiguração para que os parĂąmetros operacionais relevantes possam ser redefinidos dinamicamente de acordo com o estado de saĂșde do paciente. O protocolo tambĂ©m oferece um mecanismo autĂłnomo de comutação de canal, bem como a capacidade de encaminhar pacotes em redes de duas camadas. Para testar o desempenho do protocolo MAC proposto e comparĂĄ-lo com outros protocolos MAC foi implementada uma plataforma de simulação. A fim de validar os resultados da simulação foi tambĂ©m implementada uma plataforma fĂ­sica para permitir replicar os testes e verificar os resultados. Esta plataforma fĂ­sica inclui nĂłs sensoriais concebidos e construĂ­dos de raiz para o efeito. Testes preliminares usando as plataformas de simulação e fĂ­sica mostraram que os resultados de simulação divergem significativamente da realidade, caso o desempenho dos componentes do software presentes nos componentes da WSN nĂŁo seja considerado. Por conseguinte, desenvolveu-se um modelo paramĂ©trico para reflectir o impacto deste aspecto numa WSN real. Testes de simulação efectuados com o modelo paramĂ©trico apresentaram resultados muito satisfatĂłrios quando comparados com os obtidos na realidade. Uma vez validada a plataforma de simulação, efectuaram-se testes comparativos com a norma IEEE 802.15.4, proeminentemente usada em projectos acadĂ©micos de cuidados de saĂșde sem fios. Os resultados mostraram que o protocolo MAC conduz a um desempenho superior no tocante a diversas mĂ©tricas QoS, tais como perdas de pacotes e utilização de largura de banda, bem como no respeitante Ă  escalabilidade, adaptabilidade e consumo de energia elĂ©ctrica. Assim sendo, o protocolo MAC proposto representa um valioso contributo para a concretização efectiva dos cuidados de saĂșde sem fios e suas aplicaçÔes

    A trust framework for peer-to-peer interaction in ad hoc networks

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    PhDAs a wider public is increasingly adopting mobile devices with diverse applications, the idea of who to trust while on the move becomes a crucial one. The need to find dependable partners to interact is further exacerbated in situations where one finds oneself out of the range of backbone structures such as wireless base stations or cellular networks. One solution is to generate self-started networks, a variant of which is the ad hoc network that promotes peer-to-peer networking. The work in this thesis is aimed at defining a framework for such an ad hoc network that provides ways for participants to distinguish and collaborate with their most trustworthy neighbours. In this framework, entities create the ability to generate trust information by directly observing the behaviour of their peers. Such trust information is also shared in order to assist those entities in situations where prior interactions with their target peers may not have existed. The key novelty points of the framework focus on aggregating the trust evaluation process around the most trustworthy nodes thereby creating a hierarchy of nodes that are distinguished by the class, defined by cluster heads, to which they belong. Furthermore, the impact of such a framework in generating additional overheads for the network is minimised through the use of clusters. By design, the framework also houses a rule-based mechanism to thwart misbehaving behaviour or non-cooperation. Key performance indicators are also defined within this work that allow a framework to be quickly analysed through snapshot data, a concept analogous to those used within financial circles when assessing companies. This is also a novel point that may provide the basis for directly comparing models with different underlying technologies. The end result is a trust framework that fully meets the basic requirements for a sustainable model of trust that can be developed onto an ad hoc network and that provides enhancements in efficiency (using clustering) and trust performance
