2,268 research outputs found

    Reinventing the Utility for DERs: A Proposal for a DSO-Centric Retail Electricity Market

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    The increasing penetration of intermittent renewables, storage devices, and flexible loads is introducing operational challenges in distribution grids. The proper coordination and scheduling of these resources using a distributed approach is warranted, and can only be achieved through local retail markets employing transactive energy schemes. To this end, we propose a distribution-level retail market operated by a Distribution System Operator (DSO), which schedules DERs and determines the real-time distribution-level Locational Marginal Price (d-LPM). The retail market is built using a distributed Proximal Atomic Coordination (PAC) algorithm, which solves the optimal power flow model while accounting for network physics, rendering locationally and temporally varying d-LMPs. A numerical study of the market structure is carried out via simulations of the IEEE-123 node network using data from ISO-NE and Eversource in Massachusetts, US. The market performance is compared to existing retail practices, including demand response (DR) with no-export rules and net metering. The DSO-centric market increases DER utilization, permits continual market participation for DR, lowers electricity rates for customers, and eliminates the subsidies inherent to net metering programs. The resulting lower revenue stream for the DSO highlights the evolving business model of the modern utility, moving from commoditized markets towards performance-based ratemaking

    Over the Precipice: Transitional Pressures from Household PV Battery Adoption on Electricity Markets and the Potential for Decarbonisation

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    The electricity system is undergoing simultaneous change from the integration of large-scale wind and solar farms to the rapid growth of rooftop solar in over 3 million Australian households. This research establishes a range of future impacts that households with solar PV and battery systems could have on the wider power sector, the extent to which policymakers may influence their outcome, and their potential contribution to decarbonisation as an emerging source of renewable energy

    Demand Side Management of Electric Vehicles in Smart Grids: A survey on strategies, challenges, modeling, and optimization

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    The shift of transportation technology from internal combustion engine (ICE) based vehicles to electricvehicles (EVs) in recent times due to their lower emissions, fuel costs, and greater efficiency hasbrought EV technology to the forefront of the electric power distribution systems due to theirability to interact with the grid through vehicle-to-grid (V2G) infrastructure. The greater adoptionof EVs presents an ideal use-case scenario of EVs acting as power dispatch, storage, and ancillaryservice-providing units. This EV aspect can be utilized more in the current smart grid (SG) scenarioby incorporating demand-side management (DSM) through EV integration. The integration of EVswith DSM techniques is hurdled with various issues and challenges addressed throughout thisliterature review. The various research conducted on EV-DSM programs has been surveyed. This reviewarticle focuses on the issues, solutions, and challenges, with suggestions on modeling the charginginfrastructure to suit DSM applications, and optimization aspects of EV-DSM are addressed separatelyto enhance the EV-DSM operation. Gaps in current research and possible research directions have beendiscussed extensively to present a comprehensive insight into the current status of DSM programsemployed with EV integration. This extensive review of EV-DSM will facilitate all the researchersto initiate research for superior and efficient energy management and EV scheduling strategies andmitigate the issues faced by system uncertainty modeling, variations, and constraints


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    Climate change and the ever-growing demand for energy are pushing us to find new ways to manage energy production, distribution, and consumption. This energy transition is enabled, for example, by the digitalization, decentralization, and democratization of the energy system. The energy system is already transitioning from fossil-fuel and large power-plant–based generation toward a flexible system based on renewable energy sources. Traditional transmission grids are being replaced by smart grids enabled by digitalization that facilitate bi-directional flows of information and energy. At the consumption end, smart energy meters, energy monitoring devices and applications, and renewable energy technologies such as solar photovoltaic and battery storages empower energy consumers to evolve into prosumers: the producers and consumers of energy. These prosumers, also referred to as active consumers and energy citizens, are envisioned to play an important role in the sustainable energy system in the future. While the energy prosumer role has gained more research attention during the past few years, plenty of gaps in completely understanding energy prosumerism still remain. This research focuses on studying the prosumer role in the sustainable energy system. I study the enablers and activities of energy prosumers and explore how the growing number of prosumers may influence the socio-technical energy transition. The research presents two main perspectives on prosumerism; it explores both the micro and macro-level influences on the energy prosumers. The main research fields of this study are sustainability transitions, innovation studies, and policy. Based on theory and literature review, a novel research framework synthesizing the theoretical concepts and earlier research related to prosumers is introduced. From the methodology viewpoint, a pragmatic research approach and mixed methods are used to explore the enablers for prosumerism as well as prosumer activities and their impact on the ongoing energy transition. The research results are displayed in the form of six articles published in international peer-reviewed journals and conferences. The first two articles make propositions about the prosumer role as part of the changing socio-technical energy and innovation system. The next two articles focus on understanding the micro-level impact on the energy prosumers and examine the producer–consumer, in particular, as a co-developer of energy-related innovations. The remaining two articles address the impact of macro-level policies on prosumers. Overall, this research contributes to the understanding of the energy prosumer role in the future sustainable energy system. Theoretical contributions are related to the novel research framework that combines the concepts from the socio-technical multi-level perspective, innovation studies, and policy research as well as offers a more pragmatic framework for inquiry in the context of the changing energy system to observe the prosumer role therein. A specific theoretical contribution is made to the technology acceptance model that is tested in the context of external policy influence. Furthermore, the research contributes to innovation studies and especially to the field of user-centric innovations by bringing new results for understanding the factors behind end users’ collaboration interests. Practical contributions of the study are related to the understanding of the micro-foundations of prosumer interests toward innovation co-creation activities. Practitioners benefit from evidence concerning the differences between consumers and prosumers, which may help them in designing products and services for these different categories. This improved understanding is necessary, for example, to accelerate the diffusion of renewable energy technologies that is crucial for the sustainability transition. Policy- makers may benefit from the findings related to the policy analysis that combines and compares different prosumer activities with policy mixes and calls for a more holistic and systemic approach for the development of the prosumer related policies. While prosumer research has increased during the past decade, many future research avenues for the topic exist. For example, more research on prosumer role as part of the sustainability transition can help in designing better policies as well as products and services for consumers and prosumers. Moreover, systemic activities, such as those related to the integration of electric vehicle smart charging into the power system combined with other prosumer activities, offer opportunities for researchers. Furthermore, research concerning novel prosumer-centric business models, for instance related to energy communities, is needed to accelerate the diffusion of sustainable technology solutions. -- Ilmastomuutos ja kasvava energian kysyntä ajavat meidät etsimään uusia tapoja hallita energian tuotantoa, jakelua ja kulutusta. Energiajärjestelmä onkin jo siirtymässä fossiilisten polttoaineiden ja suurten voimalaitosten tuotannosta uusiutuviin energialähteisiin perustuvaan joustavaan järjestelmään. Sähköverkot on transformoitu digitalisoinnin mahdollistamana älykkäiksi Smart Grid -verkoiksi, jotka pystyvät siirtämään sekä energiaa että dataa molempiin suuntiin tuotannon ja kulutuksen välillä. Kulutuspäässä älykkäät energiamittarit, seurantalaitteet ja - sovellukset sekä uusiutuvien energialähteiden teknologiat, kuten aurinkosähkö ja akkuvarasto, antavat energiankuluttajille mahdollisuuden kehittyä prosumereiksi eli energian tuottaja-kuluttajiksi (engl. prosumer = producer-consumer). Prosumereilla, joihin viitataan myös nimillä ”aktiivinen kuluttaja” ja “energiakansalainen”, on tulevaisuudessa tärkeä rooli kestävässä energiajärjestelmässä. Vaikka prosumerit ovat saaneet lisää huomiota tutkimuksessa viime vuosina, energia prosumerismin ymmärtämisessä on vielä paljon aukkoja. Tämä tutkimus keskittyy selvittämään prosumerien roolia osana kestävää energiajärjestelmää ja sen murrosta. Tutkin prosumereihin liittyviä mahdollistajia, prosumerien toimintaa osana energiajärjestelmää sekä vaikutuksia kestävän kehityksen energiamurrokseen. Tutkimus on luonteeltaan monialainen, yhdistäen innovaatiotutkimusta, transitiotutkimusta ja myös jossain määrin politiikantutkimusta. Tässä pragmaattisessa tutkimuksessa käytetään sekä kvantitatiivisia että laadullisia tutkimusmetodeja. Tutkimuksen tulokset esitetään liitteenä olevien kuuden vertaisarvioidun konferenssi ja -journaaliartikkelin avulla. Ensimmäiset kaksi artikkelia esittävät propositioita prosumerin roolista osana muuttuvaa sosio-teknistä energia- ja innovaatiopelikenttää. Seuraavat kaksi artikkelia keskittyvät ymmärtämään mikrotason vaikutusta näihin toimijoihin ja tutkivat erityisesti energiaan liittyvien innovaatioiden yhteiskehittämistä. Lopuksi kaksi artikkelia käsittelevät makrotason politiikkatoimien vaikutusta prosumereihin. Tutkimuksen pääkontribuutio on ymmärryksen lisääminen kuluttajan muuttuvasta roolista osana energiajärjestelmää. Teoriakontribuutiot kytkeytyvät uusiin tapoihin yhdistää keskeisiä teorioita kestävän kehityksen transitiotutkimuksesta, innovaatiotutkimuksesta sekä politiikan tutkimuksesta. Käytännön elämään vaikuttavat kontribuutiot liittyvät empiirisiin tutkimustuloksiin esimerkiksi tavallisten kuluttajien ja prosumereiden eroista. Tietämyksen lisääminen auttaa teknologia- ja palveluyrityksiä suunnittelemaan tuotteita ja palveluita, jotka sopivat erilaisiin tarpeisiin, joka voi edelleen auttaa nopeuttamaan uusiutuvaan energiaan liittyvien innovaatioiden leviämistä ja siten edistää kestävää kehitystä. Prosumer -tutkimuksessa on edelleen paljon tilaa uudelle tieteenharjoitukselle. Esimerkiksi energiayhteisöt ovat yleistymässä ja tutkimus niiden roolista osana energiajärjestelmää on vasta käynnistynyt. Tutkimalla energiayhteisöjä pystytään lisäämään ymmärrystä niiden vaikutuksesta esimerkiksi sähköverkkoon ja lainsäädäntöön. Toisaalta myös yksittäisten aktiviteettien ja ajureiden tutkimuksessa on vielä paljon mahdollisuuksia. Esimerkiksi systeemiset ja integroidut ratkaisut, kuten sähköautojen käyttäminen osana kysyntäjoustoa, tarjoavat hyviä tutkimusaiheita. Lisäksi erityisesti uudet liiketoimintamallit liittyen prosumereihin ja energiayhteisöihin kaipaavat selkeyttämistä ja kokeiluja sekä regulaation muunnoksia

    Local Electricity Market Operation in Presence of Residential Energy Storage in Low Voltage Distribution Network: Role of Retail Market Pricing

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    Local Electricity Market (LEM) appears as a promising consumer-centric market-based approach that extends the self-consumption method, widely implemented in residential households, to collective self-consumption in the local energy communities, enabled through peer-to-peer (P2P) transactions. To facilitate the integration of LEM in the wholesale electricity market (WEM), it is paramount to comprehend the synergy of retail electricity pricing on the LEM operation hosted in the low-voltage distribution network (LVDN). The paper presents a co-simulation framework consisting of a local electricity market model coupled with a three-phase distribution network simulator to perform a holistic case study for a smart energy community in Ireland. The novel contribution of the work is to explore the potential of local electricity trading in the presence of residential energy storage (ES), under different retail pricing schemes existent in Ireland, by evaluating economic benefits to the energy community and network performance of three-phase LVDN. Extensive simulation studies indicate that the presence of residential ES significantly boosts P2P transactions under static time-of-use (SToU) pricing. These P2P transactions are primarily contributed by energy arbitrage (among customers in LEM) in the winter and surplus PV-generated electricity in the summer. On the other hand, the scheduling of ES under SToU pricing deteriorates the network performance of LVDN in winter, showing the highest active power loss and under-voltage scenario among all the cases. Another unique aspect of LVDN is the voltage unbalance studied and found to be highly correlated with ES operation under SToU pricing. Recommendations have been made to the relevant stakeholders and market actors, identifying key aspects necessary to roll out the LEM under retail electricity pricing schemes

    Is broadband now essential to sustain the environment?

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    Benchmarking Utility Clean Energy Deployment: 2016

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    Benchmarking Utility Clean Energy Deployment: 2016 provides a window into how the global transition toward clean energy is playing out in the U.S. electric power sector. Specifically, it reveals the extent to which 30 of the largest U.S. investor-owned electric utility holding companies are increasingly deploying clean energy resources to meet customer needs.Benchmarking these companies provides an opportunity for transparent reporting and analysis of important industry trends. It fills a knowledge gap by offering utilities, regulators, investors, policymakers and other stakeholders consistent and comparable information on which to base their decisions. And it provides perspective on which utilities are best positioned in a shifting policy landscape, including likely implementation of the U.S. EPA's Clean Power Plan aimed at reducing carbon pollution from power plants

    Sustainable business model perspectives for the electric vehicle industry : the case of battery second use

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    The purpose of this doctoral research dissertation is to examine sustainable business model (SBM) perspectives for the rapidly developing Battery Second Use (B2U) market within the emerging electric vehicle (EV) industry. Previous research has shown that a global mass market adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) is still hindered by the high costs of lithium-ion batteries (LIBs). Repurposing degraded EV batteries in second use applications holds the potential to reduce first-cost impediments of EVs. The research on new business models is limited. The ones that emerge rapidly within the EV and battery second use (B2U) industries focus mainly on economic aspects without integrating social and environmental dimensions. Simultaneously, the emerging research topic around sustainable business models (SBMs) seem to be able to bridge the environmental management concerns in conjunction with economic and social changes.This thesis further develops and extends extant literature by addressing this paucity through offering an interdisciplinary approach by drawing upon key perspectives from the emerging sustainable technology of EVs and its underlying B2U market in relation to SBMs. The research entails both, qualitative and quantitative assessments, to examine the correlation between SBMs and B2U. Major results indicate that B2U has led to innovative cross-sectoral multi stakeholder business relationships, particularly relevant for the previously isolated automotive and energy markets that are now investigating the full potential of second life batteries and hence new business opportunities for the first time in history. B2U holds the potential to facilitate current unsustainable practices in the EV industry. This in turn, will lead towards a faster EV market uptake and improvements of overall sustainability performance through SBM perspectives. Therefore, it was discovered that prospective innovative business models for B2U, which take a multi-stakeholder network centric business model design rather than firm-centric one, may prove to be a viable business case for sustainability. It was further unearthed that B2U leads to shared sustainable value creation mechanism for the EV industry (and newly emerging stakeholders) as part of innovative SBMs. Therefore, this doctoral dissertation proposes a new B2U innovative business model framework that records and explains the stakeholder relationships as an innovative and forming phenomenon, as well as opens new roads for future discussion among researchers and practitioners. This doctoral dissertation has addressed a paucity and inter-disciplinary literature gap and met an industrial and academic need accordingly. Overall, a new research stream emerges on SBMs for EV B2U and it is hoped that more contributions will follow to increase the impact and value of sustainable waste & resource management and the circular economy.El propósito de esta tesis doctoral de investigación, es examinar las diferentes perspectivas de los "Sustainable Business Models" (SBMs) para el mercado de "Battery Second Use" (B2U) ya que este se está desarrollando rápidamente dentro de la industria emergente del vehículo eléctrico (EV). Investigaciones anteriores han demostrado que la aceptación de vehículos eléctricos (EV) en el mercado mundial todavía se ve obstaculizada por los altos costes de las baterías de iones de litio (LIBs). La reutilización de baterías usadas de vehículos eléctricos (EV) en aplicaciones de "segundo uso" (B2U) tiene el potencial de reducir el alto coste de EV en la actualidad. La investigación de nuevos modelos de negocio es limitada. Los modelos que emergen rápidamente dentro de la industria tanto de EV como B2U se enfocan principalmente en aspectos económicos, sin tener en cuenta la importancia de la sociedad y del medio ambiente. Simultáneamente, la investigación en el nuevo campo de los SBMs parece ser capaz de encontrar la solución a las preocupaciones de la gestión medio ambiental a la vez que los cambios económicos y sociales. Esta tesis desarrolla y extiende aún más la literatura interdisciplinaria existente al abordar esta escasez y al ofrecer un enfoque interdisciplinario aprovechando las perspectivas claves de la tecnología sostenible emergente EV y su mercado B2U subyacente en relación con SBM. La investigación implica evaluaciones cualitativas y cuantitativas, para examinar la correlación entre SBMs y B2U. Los principales resultados indican que B2U ha conducido a nuevas relaciones comerciales en múltiples sectores y entre diferentes partes interesadas ("stakeholders"), particularmente relevante para los mercados automotrices y de energía que ahora están investigando todo el potencial de las baterías de segunda vida y, por lo tanto, nuevas oportunidades comerciales por primera vez en la historia. B2U tiene el potencial de facilitar las prácticas actuales no sostenibles en la industria de vehículos eléctricos. Esto, a su vez, conducirá a una adopción más rápida del mercado de vehículos eléctricos y a mejoras del rendimiento general de sostenibilidad a través de las perspectivas de SBMs. Por lo tanto, se ha descubierto que los posibles modelos de negocio innovadores para B2U que se basen en un modelo de negocio centrado en la red de múltiples partes interesadas en lugar del modelo centrado en una empresa podría ser un caso de negocio viable para asegura la sostenibilidad. Además, se ha descubierto que B2U conduce a un mecanismo de creación de valor sostenible compartido en la industria de vehículos eléctricos (y las nuevas partes interesadas emergentes) como parte de SBM innovadores. Por lo tanto, esta tesis doctoral propone un nuevo modelo de negocio innovador de B2U que registra y explica las relaciones con las partes interesadas como un fenómeno innovador y formador, así como abrir nuevos caminos para una futura discusión entre investigadores y profesionales. Esta tesis doctoral ha abordado una brecha de escasez y literatura interdisciplinaria y ha respondido a una necesidad industrial y académica en consecuencia. En general, surge un nuevo flujo de investigación sobre SBM para EV B2U y se espera que se sigan aportando más contribuciones para aumentar el impacto y el valor de la gestión sostenible de residuos y la economía circular.Postprint (published version