395 research outputs found

    A cross layer multi hop network architecture for wireless Ad Hoc networks

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    In this paper, a novel decentralized cross-layer multi-hop cooperative network architecture is presented. Our architecture involves the design of a simple yet efficient cooperative flooding scheme,two decentralized opportunistic cooperative forwarding mechanisms as well as the design of Routing Enabled Cooperative Medium Access Control (RECOMAC) protocol that spans and incorporates the physical, medium access control (MAC) and routing layers for improving the performance of multihop communication. The proposed architecture exploits randomized coding at the physical layer to realize cooperative diversity. Randomized coding alleviates relay selection and actuation mechanisms,and therefore reduces the coordination among the relays. The coded packets are forwarded via opportunistically formed cooperative sets within a region, without communication among the relays and without establishing a prior route. In our architecture, routing layer functionality is submerged into the MAC layer to provide seamless cooperative communication while the messaging overhead to set up routes, select and actuate relays is minimized. RECOMAC is shown to provide dramatic performance improvements, such as eight times higher throughput and ten times lower end-to-end delay as well as reduced overhead, as compared to networks based on well-known IEEE 802.11 and Ad hoc On Demand Distance Vector (AODV) protocols

    RECOMAC: a cross-layer cooperative network protocol for wireless ad hoc networks

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    A novel decentralized cross-layer multi-hop cooperative protocol, namely, Routing Enabled Cooperative Medium Access Control (RECOMAC) is proposed for wireless ad hoc networks. The protocol architecture makes use of cooperative forwarding methods, in which coded packets are forwarded via opportunistically formed cooperative sets within a region, as RECOMAC spans the physical, medium access control (MAC) and routing layers. Randomized coding is exploited at the physical layer to realize cooperative transmissions, and cooperative forwarding is implemented for routing functionality, which is submerged into the MAC layer, while the overhead for MAC and route set up is minimized. RECOMAC is shown to provide dramatic performance improvements of eight times higher throughput and one tenth of end-to-end delay than that of the conventional architecture in practical wireless mesh networks

    Reliable multi-hop routing with cooperative transmissions in energy-constrained networks

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    We present a novel approach in characterizing the optimal reliable multi-hop virtual multiple-input single-output (vMISO) routing in ad hoc networks. Under a high node density regime, we determine the optimal cardinality of the cooperation sets at each hop on a path minimizing the total energy cost per transmitted bit. Optimal cooperating set cardinality curves are derived, and they can be used to determine the optimal routing strategy based on the required reliability, transmission power, and path loss coefficient. We design a new greedy geographical routing algorithm suitable for vMISO transmissions, and demonstrate the applicability of our results for more general networks

    Throughput analysis of ALOHA with cooperative diversity

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    Cooperative transmissions emulate multi-antenna systems and can improve the quality of signal reception. In this paper, we propose and analyze a cross layer random access scheme, C-ALOHA, that enables cooperative transmissions in the context of ALOHA system. Our analysis shows that over a fading channel C-ALOHA can improve the throughput by 30%, as compared to standard ALOHA protocol

    A Cooperative Diversity-Based Robust Mac Protocol in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks

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    In interference-rich and noisy environment, wireless communication is often hampered by unreliable communication links. Recently, there has been active research on cooperative communication that improves the communication reliability by having a collection of radio terminals transmit signals in a cooperative way. This paper proposes a medium access control (MAC) algorithm, called Cooperative Diversity MAC (CD-MAC), which exploits the cooperative communication capability of the physical (PHY) layer to improve robustness in wireless ad hoc networks. In CD-MAC, each terminal proactively selects a partner for cooperation and lets it transmit simultaneously so that this mitigates interference from nearby terminals, and thus, improves the network performance. For practicability, CD-MAC is designed based on the widely adopted IEEE 802.11 MAC. For accurate evaluation, this study presents and uses a realistic reception model by taking bit error rate (BER), derived from Intersil HFA3861B radio hardware, and the corresponding frame error rate (FER) into consideration. System-level simulation study shows that CD-MAC significantly outperforms the original IEEE 802.11 MAC in terms of packet delivery ratio and end-to-end delay

    Dynamic Radio Cooperation for Downlink Cloud-RANs with Computing Resource Sharing

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    A novel dynamic radio-cooperation strategy is proposed for Cloud Radio Access Networks (C-RANs) consisting of multiple Remote Radio Heads (RRHs) connected to a central Virtual Base Station (VBS) pool. In particular, the key capabilities of C-RANs in computing-resource sharing and real-time communication among the VBSs are leveraged to design a joint dynamic radio clustering and cooperative beamforming scheme that maximizes the downlink weighted sum-rate system utility (WSRSU). Due to the combinatorial nature of the radio clustering process and the non-convexity of the cooperative beamforming design, the underlying optimization problem is NP-hard, and is extremely difficult to solve for a large network. Our approach aims for a suboptimal solution by transforming the original problem into a Mixed-Integer Second-Order Cone Program (MI-SOCP), which can be solved efficiently using a proposed iterative algorithm. Numerical simulation results show that our low-complexity algorithm provides close-to-optimal performance in terms of WSRSU while significantly outperforming conventional radio clustering and beamforming schemes. Additionally, the results also demonstrate the significant improvement in computing-resource utilization of C-RANs over traditional RANs with distributed computing resources.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, accepted to IEEE MASS 201

    Cooperative diversity architecture for wireless networks

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    The burgeoning demand for wireless networks necessitates reliable and energy-efficient communication architectures that are robust to the impairments of the wireless medium. Cooperative communication emerges as an appropriate technique that mitigates the severe effects of channel impairments through the use of cooperative diversity. Notwithstanding the fact that cooperative diversity is a very suitable technique to provide robust and reliable communication, the realization of cooperation idea precipitates many technical challenges that are associated with the overhaul of the wireless network design. This dissertation proposes a cooperative diversity architecture for wireless networks, that spans the physical, medium access and routing layers with parameters (jointly) optimized for overall system performance, taking into account the cost of cooperation in each layer. First, we present a new cooperative MAC protocol, COMAC, that enables cooperation of multiple relays in a distributed fashion. Through the proposed protocol, we investigate and demonstrate at what rate and for which scenarios cooperation brings benefits in terms of throughput and energy-efficiency. Our results demonstrate that cooperation initiation has a significant cost on both the throughput and energy-efficiency, which have been often disregarded in the literature. We next study the energy minimal joint cooperator selection and power assignment problem under transmit power constraints such that the cooperative transmissions satisfy an average bit error rate (BER) target. We derive the average BER of the cooperative system and we propose a simple yet close approximation to facilitate cooperator selection methods with closed form power assignment solutions. We formulate the joint cooperator selection and power assignment problem, we present the optimal solution (O-CSPA) and we also propose a distributed implementation (D-CSPA). Our results demonstrate that smart cooperator selection is essential, as it provides efficient resource allocation with reduced overhead leading to improved system performance. Our implementation and simulations of D-CSPA algorithm in COMAC protocol demonstrate that our distributed algorithm causes minimal overhead, yields improved throughput and reduced delay, while reducing the energy consumption. Finally, we propose a cooperative routing framework and a cross-layer architecture, RECOMAC, for wireless ad hoc networks. The RECOMAC architecture facilitates formation of cooperative sets on the fly in a decentralized and distributed fashion, requiring no overhead for relay selection and actuation, and resulting in opportunistically formed cooperative links that provide robust and reliable end-to-end communication, without the need for establishing a prior non-cooperative route, unlike existing schemes. The results demonstrate that under wireless channel impairments, such as fading and path loss, our cooperative forwarding framework and cross-layer architecture, RECOMAC significantly improve the system performance, in terms of throughput and delay, as compared to non-cooperative conventional layered network architecture with AODV routing over IEEE 802.11 MAC

    Cooperative communication in wireless networks: algorithms, protocols and systems

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    Current wireless network solutions are based on a link abstraction where a single co-channel transmitter transmits in any time duration. This model severely limits the performance that can be obtained from the network. Being inherently an extension of a wired network model, this model is also incapable of handling the unique challenges that arise in a wireless medium. The prevailing theme of this research is to explore wireless link abstractions that incorporate the broadcast and space-time varying nature of the wireless channel. Recently, a new paradigm for wireless networks which uses the idea of 'cooperative transmissions' (CT) has garnered significant attention. Unlike current approaches where a single transmitter transmits at a time in any channel, with CT, multiple transmitters transmit concurrently after appropriately encoding their transmissions. While the physical layer mechanisms for CT have been well studied, the higher layer applicability of CT has been relatively unexplored. In this work, we show that when wireless links use CT, several network performance metrics such as aggregate throughput, security and spatial reuse can be improved significantly compared to the current state of the art. In this context, our first contribution is Aegis, a framework for securing wireless networks against eavesdropping which uses CT with intelligent scheduling and coding in Wireless Local Area networks. The second contribution is Symbiotic Coding, an approach to encode information such that successful reception is possible even upon collisions. The third contribution is Proteus, a routing protocol that improves aggregate throughput in multi-hop networks by leveraging CT to adapt the rate and range of links in a flow. Finally, we also explore the practical aspects of realizing CT using real systems.PhDCommittee Chair: Sivakumar, Raghupathy; Committee Member: Ammar, Mostafa; Committee Member: Ingram, Mary Ann; Committee Member: Jayant, Nikil; Committee Member: Riley, Georg
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