861 research outputs found

    On Coarse Spectral Geometry in Even Dimension

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    Let σ\sigma be the involution of the Roe algebra \Roe{\RR} which is induced from the reflection \RR\to\RR; x\mapsto -x. A graded Fredholm module over a separable CC^*-algebra AA gives rise to a homomorphism \tilde{\rho}:A\to\Roe{\RR}^\sigma to the fixed-point subalgebra. We use this observation to give an even-dimensional analogue of a result of Roe. Namely, we show that the KK-theory of this symmetric Roe algebra is K_0(\Roe{\RR}^\sigma)\cong\ZZ, K_1(\Roe{\RR})=0, and that the induced map \tilde{\rho}_*:K_0(A) \to \ZZ on KK-theory gives the index pairing of KK-homology with KK-theory