6 research outputs found

    Adaptive Streaming in P2P Live Video Systems: A Distributed Rate Control Approach

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    Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH) is a recently proposed standard that offers different versions of the same media content to adapt the delivery process over the Internet to dynamic bandwidth fluctuations and different user device capabilities. The peer-to-peer (P2P) paradigm for video streaming allows to leverage the cooperation among peers, guaranteeing to serve every video request with increased scalability and reduced cost. We propose to combine these two approaches in a P2P-DASH architecture, exploiting the potentiality of both. The new platform is made of several swarms, and a different DASH representation is streamed within each of them; unlike client-server DASH architectures, where each client autonomously selects which version to download according to current network conditions and to its device resources, we put forth a new rate control strategy implemented at peer site to maintain a good viewing quality to the local user and to simultaneously guarantee the successful operation of the P2P swarms. The effectiveness of the solution is demonstrated through simulation and it indicates that the P2P-DASH platform is able to warrant its users a very good performance, much more satisfying than in a conventional P2P environment where DASH is not employed. Through a comparison with a reference DASH system modeled via the Integer Linear Programming (ILP) approach, the new system is shown to outperform such reference architecture. To further validate the proposal, both in terms of robustness and scalability, system behavior is investigated in the critical condition of a flash crowd, showing that the strong upsurge of new users can be successfully revealed and gradually accommodated.Comment: 12 pages, 17 figures, this work has been submitted to the IEEE journal on selected Area in Communication

    QoE-Based Low-Delay Live Streaming Using Throughput Predictions

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    Recently, HTTP-based adaptive streaming has become the de facto standard for video streaming over the Internet. It allows clients to dynamically adapt media characteristics to network conditions in order to ensure a high quality of experience, that is, minimize playback interruptions, while maximizing video quality at a reasonable level of quality changes. In the case of live streaming, this task becomes particularly challenging due to the latency constraints. The challenge further increases if a client uses a wireless network, where the throughput is subject to considerable fluctuations. Consequently, live streams often exhibit latencies of up to 30 seconds. In the present work, we introduce an adaptation algorithm for HTTP-based live streaming called LOLYPOP (Low-Latency Prediction-Based Adaptation) that is designed to operate with a transport latency of few seconds. To reach this goal, LOLYPOP leverages TCP throughput predictions on multiple time scales, from 1 to 10 seconds, along with an estimate of the prediction error distribution. In addition to satisfying the latency constraint, the algorithm heuristically maximizes the quality of experience by maximizing the average video quality as a function of the number of skipped segments and quality transitions. In order to select an efficient prediction method, we studied the performance of several time series prediction methods in IEEE 802.11 wireless access networks. We evaluated LOLYPOP under a large set of experimental conditions limiting the transport latency to 3 seconds, against a state-of-the-art adaptation algorithm from the literature, called FESTIVE. We observed that the average video quality is by up to a factor of 3 higher than with FESTIVE. We also observed that LOLYPOP is able to reach a broader region in the quality of experience space, and thus it is better adjustable to the user profile or service provider requirements.Comment: Technical Report TKN-16-001, Telecommunication Networks Group, Technische Universitaet Berlin. This TR updated TR TKN-15-00