457 research outputs found

    A control theoretic approach to achieve proportional fairness in 802.11e EDCA WLANs

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    This paper considers proportional fairness amongst ACs in an EDCA WLAN for provision of distinct QoS requirements and priority parameters. A detailed theoretical analysis is provided to derive the optimal station attempt probability which leads to a proportional fair allocation of station throughputs. The desirable fairness can be achieved using a centralised adaptive control approach. This approach is based on multivariable statespace control theory and uses the Linear Quadratic Integral (LQI) controller to periodically update CWmin till the optimal fair point of operation. Performance evaluation demonstrates that the control approach has high accuracy performance and fast convergence speed for general network scenarios. To our knowledge this might be the first time that a closed-loop control system is designed for EDCA WLANs to achieve proportional fairness

    Thwarting Selfish Behavior in 802.11 WLANs

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    The 802.11e standard enables user configuration of several MAC parameters, making WLANs vulnerable to users that selfishly configure these parameters to gain throughput. In this paper we propose a novel distributed algorithm to thwart such selfish behavior. The key idea of the algorithm is for honest stations to react, upon detecting a selfish station, by using a more aggressive configuration that penalizes this station. We show that the proposed algorithm guarantees global stability while providing good response times. By conducting a game theoretic analysis of the algorithm based on repeated games, we also show its effectiveness against selfish stations. Simulation results confirm that the proposed algorithm optimizes throughput performance while discouraging selfish behavior. We also present an experimental prototype of the proposed algorithm demonstrating that it can be implemented on commodity hardware.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, journa

    A control theoretic approach to achieve proportional fairness in 802.11e EDCA WLANs

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    This paper considers proportional fairness amongst ACs in an EDCA WLAN redfor provision of distinct QoS requirements and priority parameters. A detailed theoretical analysis is provided to derive the optimal station attempt probability which leads to a proportional fair allocation of station throughputs. The desirable fairness can be achieved using a centralised adaptive control approach. This approach is based on multivariable statespace control theory and uses the Linear Quadratic Integral (LQI) controller to periodically update CWmin till the optimal fair point of operation. Performance evaluation demonstrates that the control approach has high accuracy performance and fast convergence speed for general network scenarios. To our knowledge this might be the first time that a closed-loop control system is designed for EDCA WLANs to achieve proportional fairness

    Adaptive Resource Control in 2-hop Ad-Hoc Networks

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    This paper presents a simple resource control\ud mechanism with traffic scheduling for 2-hop ad-hoc networks, in\ud which the Request-To-Send (RTS) packet is utilized to deliver\ud feedback information. With this feedback information, the\ud Transmission Opportunity (TXOP) limit of the sources can be\ud controlled to balance the traffic. Furthermore, a bottleneck\ud transmission scheduling scheme is introduced to provide fairness\ud between local and forwarding flows. The proposed mechanism is\ud modeled and evaluated using the well-known 20-sim dynamic\ud system simulator. Experimental results show that a fairer and\ud more efficient bandwidth utilization can be achieved than\ud without the feedback mechanism. The use of the structured and\ud formalized control-theoretical modeling framework has as\ud advantage that results can be obtained in a fast and efficient way

    Control-theoretic approaches for efficient transmission on IEEE 802.11e wireless networks

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    With the increasing use of multimedia applications on the wireless network, the functionalities of the IEEE 802.11 WLAN was extended to allow traffic differentiation so that priority traffic gets quicker service time depending on their Quality of Service (QoS) requirements. The extended functionalities contained in the IEEE Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications, i.e. the IEEE 802.11e specifications, are recommended values for channel access parameters along traffic lines and the channel access parameters are: the Minimum Contention Window CWmin, Maximum Contention Window CWmax, Arbitration inter-frame space number, (AIFSN) and the Transmission Opportunity (TXOP). These default Enhanced Distributed Channel Access (EDCA) contention values used by each traffic type in accessing the wireless medium are only recommended values which could be adjusted or changed based on the condition of number of associated nodes on the network. In particular, we focus on the Contention Window (CW) parameter and it has been shown that when the number of nodes on the network is small, a smaller value of CWmin should be used for channel access in order to avoid underutilization of channel time and when the number of associated nodes is large, a larger value of CWmin should be used in order to avoid large collisions and retransmissions on the network. Fortunately, allowance was made for these default values to be adjusted or changed but the challenge has been in designing an algorithm that constantly and automatically tunes the CWmin value so that the Access Point (AP) gives out the right CWmin value to be used on the WLAN and this value should be derived based on the level of activity experienced on the network or predefined QoS constraints while considering the dynamic nature of the WLAN. In this thesis, we propose the use of feedback based control and we design a controller for wireless medium access. The controller will give an output which will be the EDCA CWmin value to be used by contending stations/nodes in accessing the medium and this value will be based on current WLAN conditions. We propose the use of feedback control due to its established mathematical concepts particularly for single-input-single-output systems and multi-variable systems which are scenarios that apply to the WLAN

    A control theoretic approach for throughput optimization in IEEE 802.11e EDCA WLANs

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    The MAC layer of the 802.11 standard, based on the CSMA/CA mechanism, specifies a set of parameters to control the aggressiveness of stations when trying to access the channel. However, these parameters are statically set independently of the conditions of the WLAN (e.g. the number of contending stations), leading to poor performance for most scenarios. To overcome this limitation previous work proposes to adapt the value of one of those parameters, namely the CW, based on an estimation of the conditions of the WLAN. However, these approaches suffer from two major drawbacks: i) they require extending the capabilities of standard devices or ii) are based on heuristics. In this paper we propose a control theoretic approach to adapt the CW to the conditions of the WLAN, based on an analytical model of its operation, that is fully compliant with the 802.11e standard. We use a Proportional Integrator controller in order to drive the WLAN to its optimal point of operation and perform a theoretic analysis to determine its configuration. We show by means of an exhaustive performance evaluation that our algorithm maximizes the total throughput of the WLAN and substantially outperforms previous standard-compliant proposals.European Community's Seventh Framework ProgramThe work described in this article has been partially supported by the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme under the ICT FP7 Integrated Project CARMEN (INFSO-ICT-214994) and by the Spanish Government under the POSEIDON project (TSI2006-12507-C03).Publicad

    Thwarting Selfish Behavior in 802.11 WLANs

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