1,312 research outputs found

    Design and stability analysis of high performance packet switches

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    With the rapid development of optical interconnection technology, high-performance packet switches are required to resolve contentions in a fast manner to satisfy the demand for high throughput and high speed rates. Combined input-crosspoint buffered (CICB) switches are an alternative to input-buffered (IB) packet switches to provide high-performance switching and to relax arbitration timing for packet switches with high-speed ports. A maximum weight matching (MWM) scheme can provide 100% throughput under admissible traffic for lB switches. However, the high complexity of MWM prohibits its implementation in high-speed switches. In this dissertation, a feedback-based arbitration scheme for CICB switches is studied, where cell selection is based on the provided service to virtual output queues (VOQs). The feedback-based scheme is named round-robin with adaptable frame size (RR-AF) arbitration. The frame size in RR-AF is adaptably changed by the serviced and unserviced traffic. If a switch is stable, the switch provides 100% throughput. Here, it is proved that RR-AF can achieve 100% throughput under uniform admissible traffic. Switches with crosspoint buffers need to consider the transmission delays, or round-trip times to define the crosspoint buffer size. As the buffered crossbar switch can be physically located far from the input ports, actual round-trip times can be non-negligible. To support non-negligible round-trip times in a buffered crossbar switch, the crosspoint buffer size needs to be increased. To satisfy this demand, this dissertation investigates how to select the crosspoint buffer size under non-negligible round trip times and under uniform traffic. With the analysis of stability margin, the relationship between the crosspoint buffer size and round-trip time is derived. Considering that CICB switches deliver higher performance than lB switches and require no speedup, this dissertation investigates the maximum throughput performance that these switches can achieve. It is shown that CICB switches without speedup achieve 100% throughput under any admissible traffic through a fluid model. In addition, a new hybrid scheme, based on longest queue-first (as input arbitration) and longest column occupancy first (as output arbitration) is proposed, which achieves 100% throughput under uniform and non-uniform traffic patterns. In order to give a better insight of the feedback nature of arbitration scheme for CICB switches, a frame-based round-robin arbitration scheme with explicit feedback control (FRE) is introduced. FRE dynamically sets the frame size according to the input load and to the accumulation of cells in a VOQ. FRE is used as the input arbitration scheme and it is combined with RR, PRR, and FRE as output arbitration schemes. These combined schemes deliver high performance under uniform and nonuniform traffic models using a buffered crossbar with one-cell crosspoint buffers. The novelty of FRE lies in that each VOQ sets the frame size by an adjustable parameter, Δ(i,j) which indicates the degree of service needed by VOQ(i, j). This value is adjusted according to the input loading and the accumulation of cells experienced in previous service cycles. This dissertation also explores an analysis technique based on feedback control theory. This methodology is proposed to study the stability of arbitration and matching schemes for packet switches. A continuous system is used and a control model is used to emulate a queuing system. The technique is applied to a matching scheme. In addition, the study shows that the dwell time, which is defined as the time a queue receives service in a service opportunity, is a factor that affects the stability of a queuing system. This feedback control model is an alternative approach to evaluate the stability of arbitration and matching schemes

    Bounded control of multiple-delay systems with applications to ATM networks

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    Congestion control in the available bit rate (ABR) class of asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) networks poses interesting challenges due to the presence of multiple-delays, magnitude and rate constraints on the inputs and additive disturbances. We consider a fixed-structure controller for an ATM/ABR network, and solve a robust tracking control problem in which the target is a threshold on the queue level

    Application of Finite-Time Stability Concepts to the Control of ATM Networks

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    When dealing with the stability of a system, a distinction should be made between classical Lyapunov Stability and Finite-Time Stability (FTS) (or Short-Time Stability). The concept of Lyapunov Asymptotic Stability is largely known to the control community; on the other hand a system is said to be finite-time stable if, once we fix a time-interval, its state does not exceeds some bounds during this time-interval. Often asymptotic stability is enough for practical applications, but there are some cases where large values of the state are not acceptable, for instance in the presence of saturations. In these cases, we need to check that these unacceptable values are not attained by the state; for these purposes FTS could be used. Some early results on FTS can be found in [9], [12] and [8]; more recently the concept of FTS has been revisited in the light of recent results coming from Linear Matrix Inequalities (LMIs) theory, which has allowed to find less conservative conditions guaranteeing FTS and finite time stabilization of uncertain, linear continuous-time systems (see [3]). In this note we consider the problem of applying some sufficient conditions for finite time stabilization to design the control algorithm of an ATM network described via a discrete-time system. The extended abstract is organized as follows: in Section 2 we provide a sufficient condition for finite time stabilization of a discrete time system; in Section 3 we detail the model of an ATM network; finally in Section 4 some concluding remarks and plans for the final version of the paper are given

    Optimization flow control -- I: Basic algorithm and convergence

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    We propose an optimization approach to flow control where the objective is to maximize the aggregate source utility over their transmission rates. We view network links and sources as processors of a distributed computation system to solve the dual problem using a gradient projection algorithm. In this system, sources select transmission rates that maximize their own benefits, utility minus bandwidth cost, and network links adjust bandwidth prices to coordinate the sources' decisions. We allow feedback delays to be different, substantial, and time varying, and links and sources to update at different times and with different frequencies. We provide asynchronous distributed algorithms and prove their convergence in a static environment. We present measurements obtained from a preliminary prototype to illustrate the convergence of the algorithm in a slowly time-varying environment. We discuss its fairness property

    Statistical multiplexing and connection admission control in ATM networks

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    Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) technology is widely employed for the transport of network traffic, and has the potential to be the base technology for the next generation of global communications. Connection Admission Control (CAC) is the effective traffic control mechanism which is necessary in ATM networks in order to avoid possible congestion at each network node and to achieve the Quality-of-Service (QoS) requested by each connection. CAC determines whether or not the network should accept a new connection. A new connection will only be accepted if the network has sufficient resources to meet its QoS requirements without affecting the QoS commitments already made by the network for existing connections. The design of a high-performance CAC is based on an in-depth understanding of the statistical characteristics of the traffic sources

    Performance modeling and control of web servers

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    This thesis deals with the task of modeling a web server and designing a mechanism that can prevent the web server from being overloaded. Four papers are presented. The first paper gives an M/G/1/K processor sharing model of a single web server. The model is validated against measurements ands imulations on the commonly usedw eb server Apache. A description is given on how to calculate the necessary parameters in the model. The second paper introduces an admission control mechanism for the Apache web server basedon a combination of queuing theory andcon trol theory. The admission control mechanism is tested in the laboratory, implemented as a stand-alone application in front of the web server. The third paper continues the work from the secondp aper by discussing stability. This time, the admission control mechanism is implemented as a module within the Apache source code. Experiments show the stability and settling time of the controller. Finally, the fourth paper investigates the concept of service level agreements for a web site. The agreements allow a maximum response time anda minimal throughput to be set. The requests are sorted into classes, where each class is assigneda weight (representing the income for the web site owner). Then an optimization algorithm is appliedso that the total profit for the web site during overload is maximized

    A new approach for asynchronous distributed rate control of elastic sessions in integrated packet networks

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    We develop a new class of asynchronous distributed algorithms for the explicit rate control of elastic sessions in an integrated packet network. Sessions can request for minimum guaranteed rate allocations (e.g., minimum cell rates in the ATM context), and, under this constraint, we seek to allocate the max-min fair rates to the sessions. We capture the integrated network context by permitting the link bandwidths available to elastic sessions to be stochastically time varying. The available capacity of each link is viewed as some statistic of this stochastic process [e.g., a fraction of the mean, or a large deviations-based equivalent service capacity (ESC)]. The ESC is obtained so as to satisfy an overflow probability constraint on the buffer length. For fixed available capacity at each link, we show that the vector of max-min fair rates can be computed from the root of a certain vector equation. A distributed asynchronous stochastic approximation technique is then used to develop a provably convergent distributed algorithm for obtaining the root of the equation, even when the link flows and the available capacities are obtained from on-line measurements. The switch algorithm does not require per connection monitoring, nor does it require per connection marking of control packets. A virtual buffer based approach for on-line estimation of the ESC is utilized. We also propose techniques for handling large variations in the available capacity owing to the arrivals or departures of CBR/VBR sessions. Finally, simulation results are provided to demonstrate the performance of this class of algorithms in the local and wide area network context

    Dynamic bandwidth allocation in ATM networks

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    Includes bibliographical references.This thesis investigates bandwidth allocation methodologies to transport new emerging bursty traffic types in ATM networks. However, existing ATM traffic management solutions are not readily able to handle the inevitable problem of congestion as result of the bursty traffic from the new emerging services. This research basically addresses bandwidth allocation issues for bursty traffic by proposing and exploring the concept of dynamic bandwidth allocation and comparing it to the traditional static bandwidth allocation schemes