67,868 research outputs found

    A Contrast Invariant Approach to Motion Estimation. In:

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    Summary. We consider a contrast invariant approach to motion estimation which uses the direction of the gradient fields. The approach is region-based and assumes an affine motion model for each region. We propose to check if the estimated motion parameters fit properly the apparent motion of the region by a motion significance analysis. Moreover, we propose a motion field improvement which consider those regions that are not properly estimated according to the significance analysis and reassign them a motion model of a properly estimated neighboring region

    DeMoN: Depth and Motion Network for Learning Monocular Stereo

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    In this paper we formulate structure from motion as a learning problem. We train a convolutional network end-to-end to compute depth and camera motion from successive, unconstrained image pairs. The architecture is composed of multiple stacked encoder-decoder networks, the core part being an iterative network that is able to improve its own predictions. The network estimates not only depth and motion, but additionally surface normals, optical flow between the images and confidence of the matching. A crucial component of the approach is a training loss based on spatial relative differences. Compared to traditional two-frame structure from motion methods, results are more accurate and more robust. In contrast to the popular depth-from-single-image networks, DeMoN learns the concept of matching and, thus, better generalizes to structures not seen during training.Comment: Camera ready version for CVPR 2017. Supplementary material included. Project page: http://lmb.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/people/ummenhof/depthmotionnet

    Learning to Extract Motion from Videos in Convolutional Neural Networks

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    This paper shows how to extract dense optical flow from videos with a convolutional neural network (CNN). The proposed model constitutes a potential building block for deeper architectures to allow using motion without resorting to an external algorithm, \eg for recognition in videos. We derive our network architecture from signal processing principles to provide desired invariances to image contrast, phase and texture. We constrain weights within the network to enforce strict rotation invariance and substantially reduce the number of parameters to learn. We demonstrate end-to-end training on only 8 sequences of the Middlebury dataset, orders of magnitude less than competing CNN-based motion estimation methods, and obtain comparable performance to classical methods on the Middlebury benchmark. Importantly, our method outputs a distributed representation of motion that allows representing multiple, transparent motions, and dynamic textures. Our contributions on network design and rotation invariance offer insights nonspecific to motion estimation

    DeepMatching: Hierarchical Deformable Dense Matching

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    We introduce a novel matching algorithm, called DeepMatching, to compute dense correspondences between images. DeepMatching relies on a hierarchical, multi-layer, correlational architecture designed for matching images and was inspired by deep convolutional approaches. The proposed matching algorithm can handle non-rigid deformations and repetitive textures and efficiently determines dense correspondences in the presence of significant changes between images. We evaluate the performance of DeepMatching, in comparison with state-of-the-art matching algorithms, on the Mikolajczyk (Mikolajczyk et al 2005), the MPI-Sintel (Butler et al 2012) and the Kitti (Geiger et al 2013) datasets. DeepMatching outperforms the state-of-the-art algorithms and shows excellent results in particular for repetitive textures.We also propose a method for estimating optical flow, called DeepFlow, by integrating DeepMatching in the large displacement optical flow (LDOF) approach of Brox and Malik (2011). Compared to existing matching algorithms, additional robustness to large displacements and complex motion is obtained thanks to our matching approach. DeepFlow obtains competitive performance on public benchmarks for optical flow estimation

    Covariate Analysis for View-point Independent Gait Recognition

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    Many studies have shown that gait can be deployed as a biometric. Few of these have addressed the effects of view-point and covariate factors on the recognition process. We describe the first analysis which combines view-point invariance for gait recognition which is based on a model-based pose estimation approach from a single un-calibrated camera. A set of experiments are carried out to explore how such factors including clothing, carrying conditions and view-point can affect the identification process using gait. Based on a covariate-based probe dataset of over 270 samples, a recognition rate of 73.4% is achieved using the KNN classifier. This confirms that people identification using dynamic gait features is still perceivable with better recognition rate even under the different covariate factors. As such, this is an important step in translating research from the laboratory to a surveillance environment
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