8 research outputs found

    A handheld high-sensitivity micro-NMR CMOS platform with B-field stabilization for multi-type biological/chemical assays

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    We report a micro-nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) system compatible with multi-type biological/chemical lab-on-a-chip assays. Unified in a handheld scale (dimension: 14 x 6 x 11 cm³, weight: 1.4 kg), the system is capable to detect<100 pM of Enterococcus faecalis derived DNA from a 2.5 μL sample. The key components are a portable magnet (0.46 T, 1.25 kg) for nucleus magnetization, a system PCB for I/O interface, an FPGA for system control, a current driver for trimming the magnetic (B) field, and a silicon chip fabricated in 0.18 μm CMOS. The latter, integrated with a current-mode vertical Hall sensor and a low-noise readout circuit, facilitates closed-loop B-field stabilization (2 mT → 0.15 mT), which otherwise fluctuates with temperature or sample displacement. Together with a dynamic-B-field transceiver with a planar coil for micro-NMR assay and thermal control, the system demonstrates: 1) selective biological target pinpointing; 2) protein state analysis; and 3) solvent-polymer dynamics, suitable for healthcare, food and colloidal applications, respectively. Compared to a commercial NMR-assay product (Bruker mq-20), this platform greatly reduces the sample consumption (120x), hardware volume (175x), and weight (96x)

    A CMOS Current-Mode Magnetic Hall Sensor With Integrated Front-End

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    Design and development of a reduced form-factor high accuracy three-axis teslameter

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    Acknowledgments: The authors would like to thank Reuben Debono for his useful guidance and help in the PCB assembly of the instruments at the Electronic Systems Lab at the Faculty of Engineering at University of Malta. The authors would like to thank R. Ganter, project leader of the Athos undulator beamline and H-H. Braun, SwissFEL machine director, for their constant support throughout the entire project. The authors would like to thank Sasa Spasic and his team at Sentronis facilities for their fruitful discussions and their guidance during testing.A novel three-axis teslameter and other similar machines have been designed and developed for SwissFEL at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI). The developed instrument will be used for high fidelity characterisation and optimisation of the undulators for the ATHOS soft X-ray beamline. The teslameter incorporates analogue signal conditioning for the three-axes interface to a SENIS Hall probe, an interface to a Heidenhain linear absolute encoder and an on-board high-resolution 24-bit analogue-to-digital conversion. This is in contrast to the old instrumentation setup used, which only comprises the analogue circuitry with digitization being done externally to the instrument. The new instrument fits in a volumetric space of 150 mm × 50 mm × 45 mm, being very compact in size and also compatible with the in-vacuum undulators. This paper describes the design and the development of the different components of the teslameter. Performance results are presented that demonstrate offset fluctuation and drift (0.1–10 Hz) with a standard deviation of 0.78 µT and a broadband noise (10–500 Hz) of 2.05 µT with an acquisition frequency of 2 kHz.peer-reviewe

    Performance analysis of a reduced form-factor high accuracy three-axis teslameter

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    In the framework of the SwissFEL project at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), a Hall probe bench is being developed for the high-precision magnetic characterization of the insertion devices for the ATHOS soft X-ray beamline. For this purpose, a novel three-axis teslameter has been developed, which will be placed between the undulator and its outer shell in a very limited volumetric space of 150 × 50 × 45 mm. Together with a SENIS® 3-axis Hall probe at the center of the cross sectional area of the undulator, the setup will traverse along the undulator length on a specifically designed rig with minimal vibrations. This teslameter has all the analog signal conditioning circuitry for the Hall probe and also has on board 24-bit digitization. The instrument also handles an interface to a linear absolute encoder. The old instrumentation used only had analog signal conditioning circuitry whilst digitization was done off board. The new instrument also provides a very accurate magnetic field map in the µT range with simultaneous readings from the position encoder at an accuracy of ±3 µm. In this paper, a series of tests are described, which were performed at PSI in order to establish the measuring precision and repeatability of the instrument.peer-reviewe

    Calibration and characterization of a reduced form-factor high accuracy three-axis teslameter

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    A new reduced form-factor three axes digital teslameter, based on the spinning current technique, has been developed. This instrument will be used to characterize the SwissFEL insertion devices at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) for the ATHOS soft X-ray beamline. A detailed and standardized calibration procedure is critical to optimize the performance of this precision instrument. This paper presents the measurement techniques used for the corrective improvements implemented through non-linearity, temperature offset, temperature sensitivity compensation of the Hall probe and electronics temperature compensation. A detailed quantitative analysis of the reduction in errors on the application of each step of the calibration is presented. The percentage peak error reduction attained through calibration of the instrument for reference fields in the range of ±2 T is registered to drop from 1.94% down to 0.02%.peer-reviewe

    A Continuous-Time Ripple Reduction Technique for Spinning-Current Hall sensors

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    This paper presents a new ripple-reduction technique for spinning-current Hall sensors, which obviates the need for lowpass filtering to suppress the ripple caused by up-modulated sensor offset. A continuous-time ripple-free output is achieved by the use of three ripple reduction loops (RRLs), which continuously sense the offset ripple and then use this information to drive a feedbackloop that cancels sensor offset before amplification. Since no low-pass filter is involved, the bandwidth of the resulting system can be much higher than the spinning frequency. Moreover, since the front-end no longer has to process sensor offset, the requirements on its dynamic range can be significantly relaxed. A prototype system consisting of a Hall sensor readout system realized in a 0.18 m CMOS process was combined with three off-chip RRLs realized with off-chip electronics.At a spinning frequency of 1 kHz, the RRLs reduce the offset ripple by more than 40 dB to about 10 T, while also achieving low offset (25 T) and wide bandwidth (over 100 kHz).Accepted Author ManuscriptElectronic Instrumentatio

    A continuous-time ripple reduction technique for spinning-current Hall sensors

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    A Continuous-Time Ripple Reduction Technique for Spinning-Current Hall Sensors

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