78 research outputs found

    Physical Properties of Quantum Field Theory Measures

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    Well known methods of measure theory on infinite dimensional spaces are used to study physical properties of measures relevant to quantum field theory. The difference of typical configurations of free massive scalar field theories with different masses is studied. We apply the same methods to study the Ashtekar-Lewandowski (AL) measure on spaces of connections. We prove that the diffeomorphism group acts ergodically, with respect to the AL measure, on the Ashtekar-Isham space of quantum connections modulo gauge transformations. We also prove that a typical, with respect to the AL measure, quantum connection restricted to a (piecewise analytic) curve leads to a parallel transport discontinuous at every point of the curve.Comment: 24 pages, LaTeX, added proof for section 4.2, added reference

    A hierarchy of Palm measures for determinantal point processes with gamma kernels

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    The gamma kernels are a family of projection kernels K(z,z′)=K(z,z′)(x,y)K^{(z,z')}=K^{(z,z')}(x,y) on a doubly infinite 11-dimensional lattice. They are expressed through Euler's gamma function and depend on two continuous parameters z,z′z,z'. The gamma kernels initially arose from a model of random partitions via a limit transition. On the other hand, these kernels are closely related to unitarizable representations of the Lie algebra su(1,1)\mathfrak{su}(1,1). Every gamma kernel K(z,z′)K^{(z,z')} serves as a correlation kernel for a determinantal measure M(z,z′)M^{(z,z')}, which lives on the space of infinite point configurations on the lattice. We examine chains of kernels of the form …,K(z−1,z′−1),  K(z,z′),  K(z+1,z′+1),…, \ldots, K^{(z-1,z'-1)}, \; K^{(z,z')},\; K^{(z+1,z'+1)}, \ldots, and establish the following hierarchical relations inside any such chain: Given (z,z′)(z,z'), the kernel K(z,z′)K^{(z,z')} is a one-dimensional perturbation of (a twisting of) the kernel K(z+1,z′+1)K^{(z+1,z'+1)}, and the one-point Palm distributions for the measure M(z,z′)M^{(z,z')} are absolutely continuous with respect to M(z+1,z′+1)M^{(z+1,z'+1)}. We also explicitly compute the corresponding Radon-Nikod\'ym derivatives and show that they are given by certain normalized multiplicative functionals.Comment: Version 2: minor changes, typos fixe

    Compactness in Banach space theory - selected problems

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    We list a number of problems in several topics related to compactness in nonseparable Banach spaces. Namely, about the Hilbertian ball in its weak topology, spaces of continuous functions on Eberlein compacta, WCG Banach spaces, Valdivia compacta and Radon-Nikod\'{y}m compacta

    Geometric Modular Action and Spacetime Symmetry Groups

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    A condition of geometric modular action is proposed as a selection principle for physically interesting states on general space-times. This condition is naturally associated with transformation groups of partially ordered sets and provides these groups with projective representations. Under suitable additional conditions, these groups induce groups of point transformations on these space-times, which may be interpreted as symmetry groups. The consequences of this condition are studied in detail in application to two concrete space-times -- four-dimensional Minkowski and three-dimensional de Sitter spaces -- for which it is shown how this condition characterizes the states invariant under the respective isometry group. An intriguing new algebraic characterization of vacuum states is given. In addition, the logical relations between the condition proposed in this paper and the condition of modular covariance, widely used in the literature, are completely illuminated.Comment: 83 pages, AMS-TEX (format changed to US letter size

    On a senary cubic form

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    A strong form of the Manin-Peyre conjecture with a power saving error term is proved for a certain cubic fourfold.Comment: 49 page
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