5,622 research outputs found

    Discovering information flow using a high dimensional conceptual space

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    This paper presents an informational inference mechanism realized via the use of a high dimensional conceptual space. More specifically, we claim to have operationalized important aspects of G?rdenforss recent three-level cognitive model. The connectionist level is primed with the Hyperspace Analogue to Language (HAL) algorithm which produces vector representations for use at the conceptual level. We show how inference at the symbolic level can be implemented by employing Barwise and Seligmans theory of information flow. This article also features heuristics for enhancing HAL-based representations via the use of quality properties, determining concept inclusion and computing concept composition. The worth of these heuristics in underpinning informational inference are demonstrated via a series of experiments. These experiments, though small in scale, show that informational inference proposed in this article has a very different character to the semantic associations produced by the Minkowski distance metric and concept similarity computed via the cosine coefficient. In short, informational inference generally uncovers concepts that are carried, or, in some cases, implied by another concept, (or combination of concepts)

    The Narrow Conception of Computational Psychology

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    One particularly successful approach to modeling within cognitive science is computational psychology. Computational psychology explores psychological processes by building and testing computational models with human data. In this paper, it is argued that a specific approach to understanding computation, what is called the ‘narrow conception’, has problematically limited the kinds of models, theories, and explanations that are offered within computational psychology. After raising two problems for the narrow conception, an alternative, ‘wide approach’ to computational psychology is proposed

    The Knowledge Level in Cognitive Architectures: Current Limitations and Possible Developments

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    In this paper we identify and characterize an analysis of two problematic aspects affecting the representational level of cognitive architectures (CAs), namely: the limited size and the homogeneous typology of the encoded and processed knowledge. We argue that such aspects may constitute not only a technological problem that, in our opinion, should be addressed in order to build articial agents able to exhibit intelligent behaviours in general scenarios, but also an epistemological one, since they limit the plausibility of the comparison of the CAs' knowledge representation and processing mechanisms with those executed by humans in their everyday activities. In the final part of the paper further directions of research will be explored, trying to address current limitations and future challenges

    Information Processing Models: Benefits and Limitations

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    This paper looks at the three main information processing models from the point of view of researchers in confidential human factors databases. It explores conceptual problems with two of these information processing models, and goes on to explore possible advantages of adopting a ‘connectionist’ paradigm. Links between connectionism and ‘situated cognition’ are demonstrated. Practical work carried out using a connectionist/situated cognition model is described, and the way in which the ‘situatedness’ of discourse can influence the kind of data that can be collected is discussed. Finally it is argued that more emphasis should be placed in ergonomics on sociation, situatedness and embodiment, and that this might help to deal with problems faced in creation and interrogating databases: especially as regards the creation of coherent and reliable ‘coding taxonomies’

    Quantum Interaction Approach in Cognition, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics

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    The mathematical formalism of quantum mechanics has been successfully employed in the last years to model situations in which the use of classical structures gives rise to problematical situations, and where typically quantum effects, such as 'contextuality' and 'entanglement', have been recognized. This 'Quantum Interaction Approach' is briefly reviewed in this paper focusing, in particular, on the quantum models that have been elaborated to describe how concepts combine in cognitive science, and on the ensuing identification of a quantum structure in human thought. We point out that these results provide interesting insights toward the development of a unified theory for meaning and knowledge formalization and representation. Then, we analyze the technological aspects and implications of our approach, and a particular attention is devoted to the connections with symbolic artificial intelligence, quantum computation and robotics.Comment: 10 page

    What working memory is for

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    Glenberg focuses on conceptualizations that change from moment to moment, yet he dismisses the concept of working memory (sect. 4.3), which offers an account of temporary storage and on-line cognition. This commentary questions whether Glenberg's account adequately caters for observations of consistent data patterns in temporary storage of verbal and visuospatial information in healthy adults and in brain-damaged patients with deficits in temporary retention.</jats:p

    Overcoming rule-based rigidity and connectionist limitations through massively-parallel case-based reasoning

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    Symbol manipulation as used in traditional Artificial Intelligence has been criticized by neural net researchers for being excessively inflexible and sequential. On the other hand, the application of neural net techniques to the types of high-level cognitive processing studied in traditional artificial intelligence presents major problems as well. A promising way out of this impasse is to build neural net models that accomplish massively parallel case-based reasoning. Case-based reasoning, which has received much attention recently, is essentially the same as analogy-based reasoning, and avoids many of the problems leveled at traditional artificial intelligence. Further problems are avoided by doing many strands of case-based reasoning in parallel, and by implementing the whole system as a neural net. In addition, such a system provides an approach to some aspects of the problems of noise, uncertainty and novelty in reasoning systems. The current neural net system (Conposit), which performs standard rule-based reasoning, is being modified into a massively parallel case-based reasoning version

    Binding and Normalization of Binary Sparse Distributed Representations by Context-Dependent Thinning

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    Distributed representations were often criticized as inappropriate for encoding of data with a complex structure. However Plate's Holographic Reduced Representations and Kanerva's Binary Spatter Codes are recent schemes that allow on-the-fly encoding of nested compositional structures by real-valued or dense binary vectors of fixed dimensionality. In this paper we consider procedures of the Context-Dependent Thinning which were developed for representation of complex hierarchical items in the architecture of Associative-Projective Neural Networks. These procedures provide binding of items represented by sparse binary codevectors (with low probability of 1s). Such an encoding is biologically plausible and allows a high storage capacity of distributed associative memory where the codevectors may be stored. In contrast to known binding procedures, Context-Dependent Thinning preserves the same low density (or sparseness) of the bound codevector for varied number of component codevectors. Besides, a bound codevector is not only similar to another one with similar component codevectors (as in other schemes), but it is also similar to the component codevectors themselves. This allows the similarity of structures to be estimated just by the overlap of their codevectors, without retrieval of the component codevectors. This also allows an easy retrieval of the component codevectors. Examples of algorithmic and neural-network implementations of the thinning procedures are considered. We also present representation examples for various types of nested structured data (propositions using role-filler and predicate-arguments representation schemes, trees, directed acyclic graphs) using sparse codevectors of fixed dimension. Such representations may provide a fruitful alternative to the symbolic representations of traditional AI, as well as to the localist and microfeature-based connectionist representations
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