5 research outputs found

    Study of interconnection networks /

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    A multi-stage N x N interconnection network is said to be universal if it realizes the set of all permutations on N objects. A new bound on the number of stages required for the universality of shuffle-exchange network as well as the analysis of the combinational power for the block-structured networks are given. Finally, the complexity of the verification of a new sufficient condition for rearrangeability due to Benes B5 is analyzed

    The Design, modeling and simulation of switching fabrics: For an ATM network switch

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    The requirements of today\u27s telecommunication systems to support high bandwidth and added flexibility brought about the expansion of (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) ATM as a new method of high-speed data transmission. Various analytical and simulation methods may be used to estimate the performance of ATM switches. Analytical methods considerably limit the range of parameters to be evaluated due to extensive formulae used and time consuming iterations. They are not as effective for large networks because of excessive computations that do not scale linearly with network size. One the other hand, simulation-based methods allow determining a bigger range of performance parameters in a shorter amount of time even for large networks. A simulation model, however, is more elaborate in terms of implementation. Instead of using formulae to obtain results, it has to operate software or hardware modules requiring a certain amount of effort to create. In this work simulation is accomplished by utilizing the ATM library - an object oriented software tool, which uses software chips for building ATM switches. The distinguishing feature of this approach is cut-through routing realized on the bit level abstraction treating ATM protocol data units, called cells, as groups of 424 bits. The arrival events of cells to the system are not instantaneous contrary to commonly used methods of simulation that consider cells as instant messages. The simulation was run for basic multistage interconnection network types with varying source arrival rate and buffer sizes producing a set of graphs of cell delays, throughput, cell loss probability, and queue sizes. The techniques of rearranging and sorting were considered in the simulation. The results indicate that better performance is always achieved by bringing additional stages of elements to the switching system

    Devices and networks for optical switching

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    This thesis is concerned with some aspects of the application of optics to switching and computing. Two areas are dealt with: the design of switching networks which use optical interconnects, and the development and application of the t-SEED optical logic device. The work on optical interconnects looks at the multistage interconnection network which has been proposed as a hybrid switch using both electronics and optics. It is shown that the architecture can be mapped from one dimensional to two dimensional format, so that the machine makes full use of the space available to the optics. Other mapping rules are described which allow the network to make optimum use of the optical interconnects, and the endpoint is a hybrid optical-electronic machine which should be able to outperform an all-electronic equivalent. The development of the t-SEED optical logic device is described, which is the integration of a phototransistor with a multiple quantum well optical modulator. It is found to be important to have the modulator underneath rather than on top of the transistor to avoid unwanted thyristor action. In order for the transistor to have a high gain the collector must have a low doping level, the exit window in the substrate must be etched all the way to the emitter layer, and the etch must not damage the emitter-base junction. A real optical gain of 1.6 has been obtained, which is higher than has ever been reached before but is not as high as should be possible. Improvements to the device are suggested. A new model of the Fabry-Perot cavity is introduced which helps considerably in the interpretation of experimental measurements made on the quantum well modulators. Also a method of improving the contrast of the multiple quantum well modulator by grading the well widths is proposed which may find application in long wavelength transmission modulators. Some systems which make use of the t-SEED are considered. It is shown that the t-SEED device has the right characteristics for use as a neuron element in the optical implementation of a neural network. A new image processing network for clutter removal in binary images is introduced which uses the t-SEED, and a brief performance analysis suggests that the network may be superior to an all-electronic machine

    Switching techniques for broadband ISDN

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    The properties of switching techniques suitable for use in broadband networks have been investigated. Methods for evaluating the performance of such switches have been reviewed. A notation has been introduced to describe a class of binary self-routing networks. Hence a technique has been developed for determining the nature of the equivalence between two networks drawn from this class. The necessary and sufficient condition for two packets not to collide in a binary self-routing network has been obtained. This has been used to prove the non-blocking property of the Batcher-banyan switch. A condition for a three-stage network with channel grouping and link speed-up to be nonblocking has been obtained, of which previous conditions are special cases. A new three-stage switch architecture has been proposed, based upon a novel cell-level algorithm for path allocation in the intermediate stage of the switch. The algorithm is suited to hardware implementation using parallelism to achieve a very short execution time. An array of processors is required to implement the algorithm The processor has been shown to be of simple design. It must be initialised with a count representing the number of cells requesting a given output module. A fast method has been described for performing the request counting using a non-blocking binary self-routing network. Hardware is also required to forward routing tags from the processors to the appropriate data cells, when they have been allocated a path through the intermediate stage. A method of distributing these routing tags by means of a non-blocking copy network has been presented. The performance of the new path allocation algorithm has been determined by simulation. The rate of cell loss can increase substantially in a three-stage switch when the output modules are non-uniformly loaded. It has been shown that the appropriate use of channel grouping in the intermediate stage of the switch can reduce the effect of non-uniform loading on performance