5 research outputs found

    Addressing Complexity and Intelligence in Systems Dependability Evaluation

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    Engineering and computing systems are increasingly complex, intelligent, and open adaptive. When it comes to the dependability evaluation of such systems, there are certain challenges posed by the characteristics of “complexity” and “intelligence”. The first aspect of complexity is the dependability modelling of large systems with many interconnected components and dynamic behaviours such as Priority, Sequencing and Repairs. To address this, the thesis proposes a novel hierarchical solution to dynamic fault tree analysis using Semi-Markov Processes. A second aspect of complexity is the environmental conditions that may impact dependability and their modelling. For instance, weather and logistics can influence maintenance actions and hence dependability of an offshore wind farm. The thesis proposes a semi-Markov-based maintenance model called “Butterfly Maintenance Model (BMM)” to model this complexity and accommodate it in dependability evaluation. A third aspect of complexity is the open nature of system of systems like swarms of drones which makes complete design-time dependability analysis infeasible. To address this aspect, the thesis proposes a dynamic dependability evaluation method using Fault Trees and Markov-Models at runtime.The challenge of “intelligence” arises because Machine Learning (ML) components do not exhibit programmed behaviour; their behaviour is learned from data. However, in traditional dependability analysis, systems are assumed to be programmed or designed. When a system has learned from data, then a distributional shift of operational data from training data may cause ML to behave incorrectly, e.g., misclassify objects. To address this, a new approach called SafeML is developed that uses statistical distance measures for monitoring the performance of ML against such distributional shifts. The thesis develops the proposed models, and evaluates them on case studies, highlighting improvements to the state-of-the-art, limitations and future work

    A conceptual framework to incorporate complex basic events in HiP-HOPS

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    Reliability evaluation for ensuring the uninterrupted system operation is an integral part of dependable system development. Model-based safety analysis (MBSA) techniques such as Hierarchically Performed Hazard Origin and Propagation Studies (HiP-HOPS) have made the reliability analysis process less expensive in terms of effort and time required. HiP-HOPS uses an analytical modelling approach for Fault tree analysis to automate the reliability analysis process, where each system component is associated with its failure rate or failure probability. However, such non-state-space analysis models are not capable of modelling more complex failure behaviour of component like failure/repair dependencies, e.g., spares, shared repair, imperfect coverage, etc. State-space based paradigms like Markov chain can model complex failure behaviour, but their use can lead to state-space explosion, thus undermining the overall analysis capacity. Therefore, to maintain the benefits of MBSA while not compromising on modelling capability, in this paper, we propose a conceptual framework to incorporate complex basic events in HiP-HOPS. The idea is demonstrated via an illustrative example

    Safety Analysis Concept and Methodology for EDDI development (Initial Version)

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    Executive Summary:This deliverable describes the proposed safety analysis concept and accompanying methodology to be defined in the SESAME project. Three overarching challenges to the development of safe and secure multi-robot systems are identified — complexity, intelligence, and autonomy — and in each case, we review state-of-the-art techniques that can be used to address them and explain how we intend to integrate them as part of the key SESAME safety and security concept, the EDDI.The challenge of complexity is largely addressed by means of compositional model-based safety analysis techniques that can break down the complexity into more manageable parts. This applies both to scale — modelling systems hierarchically and embedding local failure logic at the component-level — and to tasks, where different safety-related tasks (including not just analysis but also requirements allocation and assurance case generation) can be handled by the same set of models. All of this can be combined with the existing DDI concept to create models — EDDIs — that store all of the necessary information to support a gamut of design-time safety processes.Against the challenge of intelligence, we propose a trio of techniques: SafeML and Uncertainty Wrappers for estimating the confidence of a given classification, which can be used as a form of reliability measure, and SMILE for explainability purposes. By enabling us to measure and explain the reliability of ML decision making, we can integrate ML behaviour as part of a wider system safety model, e.g. as one input into a fault tree or Bayesian network. In addition to providing valuable feedback during training, testing, and verification, this allows the EDDI to perform runtime safety monitoring of ML components.The EDDI itself is therefore our primary solution to the twin challenges of autonomy and openness. Using the ConSert approach as a foundation, EDDIs can be made to operate cooperatively as part of a distributed system, issuing and receiving guarantees on the basis of their internal executable safety models to collectively achieve tasks in a safe and secure manner. Finally, a simple methodology is defined to show how the relevant techniques can be applied as part of the EDDI concept throughout the safety development lifecycle