4 research outputs found

    A Computation of the Maximal Order Type of the Term Ordering on Finite Multisets

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    We give a sharpening of a recent result of Aschenbrenner and Pong about the maximal order type of the term ordering on the finite multisets over a wpo. Moreover we discuss an approach to compute maximal order types of well-partial orders which are related to tree embeddings

    On Ordinal Invariants in Well Quasi Orders and Finite Antichain Orders

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    We investigate the ordinal invariants height, length, and width of well quasi orders (WQO), with particular emphasis on width, an invariant of interest for the larger class of orders with finite antichain condition (FAC). We show that the width in the class of FAC orders is completely determined by the width in the class of WQOs, in the sense that if we know how to calculate the width of any WQO then we have a procedure to calculate the width of any given FAC order. We show how the width of WQO orders obtained via some classical constructions can sometimes be computed in a compositional way. In particular, this allows proving that every ordinal can be obtained as the width of some WQO poset. One of the difficult questions is to give a complete formula for the width of Cartesian products of WQOs. Even the width of the product of two ordinals is only known through a complex recursive formula. Although we have not given a complete answer to this question we have advanced the state of knowledge by considering some more complex special cases and in particular by calculating the width of certain products containing three factors. In the course of writing the paper we have discovered that some of the relevant literature was written on cross-purposes and some of the notions re-discovered several times. Therefore we also use the occasion to give a unified presentation of the known results

    Connecting the two worlds: well-partial-orders and ordinal notation systems

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    Kruskal claims in his now-classical 1972 paper [47] that well-partial-orders are among the most frequently rediscovered mathematical objects. Well partial-orders have applications in many fields outside the theory of orders: computer science, proof theory, reverse mathematics, algebra, combinatorics, etc. The maximal order type of a well-partial-order characterizes that order’s strength. Moreover, in many natural cases, a well-partial-order’s maximal order type can be represented by an ordinal notation system. However, there are a number of natural well-partial-orders whose maximal order types and corresponding ordinal notation systems remain unknown. Prominent examples are Friedman’s well-partial-orders of trees with the gap-embeddability relation [76]. The main goal of this dissertation is to investigate a conjecture of Weiermann [86], thereby addressing the problem of the unknown maximal order types and corresponding ordinal notation systems for Friedman’s well-partial orders [76]. Weiermann’s conjecture concerns a class of structures, a typical member of which is denoted by T (W ), each are ordered by a certain gapembeddability relation. The conjecture indicates a possible approach towards determining the maximal order types of the structures T (W ). Specifically, Weiermann conjectures that the collapsing functions #i correspond to maximal linear extensions of these well-partial-orders T (W ), hence also that these collapsing functions correspond to maximal linear extensions of Friedman’s famous well-partial-orders