14 research outputs found

    Non-Invasive Induction Link Model for Implantable Biomedical Microsystems: Pacemaker to Monitor Arrhythmic Patients in Body Area Networks

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    In this paper, a non-invasive inductive link model for an Implantable Biomedical Microsystems (IBMs) such as, a pacemaker to monitor Arrhythmic Patients (APs) in Body Area Networks (BANs) is proposed. The model acts as a driving source to keep the batteries charged, inside a device called, pacemaker. The device monitors any drift from natural human heart beats, a condition of arrythmia and also in turn, produces electrical pulses that create forced rhythms that, matches with the original normal heart rhythms. It constantly sends a medical report to the health center to keep the medical personnel aware of the patient's conditions and let them handle any critical condition, before it actually happens. Two equivalent models are compared by carrying the simulations, based on the parameters of voltage gain and link efficiency. Results depict that the series tuned primary and parallel tuned secondary circuit achieves the best results for both the parameters, keeping in view the constraint of coupling co-efficient (k), which should be less than a value \emph{0.45} as, desirable for the safety of body tissues.Comment: IEEE 8th International Conference on Broadband and Wireless Computing, Communication and Applications (BWCCA'13), Compiegne, Franc

    AMCTD: Adaptive Mobility of Courier nodes in Threshold-optimized DBR Protocol for Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks

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    In dense underwater sensor networks (UWSN), the major confronts are high error probability, incessant variation in topology of sensor nodes, and much energy consumption for data transmission. However, there are some remarkable applications of UWSN such as management of seabed and oil reservoirs, exploration of deep sea situation and prevention of aqueous disasters. In order to accomplish these applications, ignorance of the limitations of acoustic communications such as high delay and low bandwidth is not feasible. In this paper, we propose Adaptive mobility of Courier nodes in Threshold-optimized Depth-based routing (AMCTD), exploring the proficient amendments in depth threshold and implementing the optimal weight function to achieve longer network lifetime. We segregate our scheme in 3 major phases of weight updating, depth threshold variation and adaptive mobility of courier nodes. During data forwarding, we provide the framework for alterations in threshold to cope with the sparse condition of network. We ultimately perform detailed simulations to scrutinize the performance of our proposed scheme and its comparison with other two notable routing protocols in term of network lifetime and other essential parameters. The simulations results verify that our scheme performs better than the other techniques and near to optimal in the field of UWSN.Comment: 8th International Conference on Broadband and Wireless Computing, Communication and Applications (BWCCA'13), Compiegne, Franc

    Effect of Packet Inter-arrival Time on the Energy Consumption of Beacon Enabled MAC Protocol for Body Area Networks

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    AbstractOne of the major concerns for the development of Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) is to increase the network lifetime. IEEE 802.15.4 standard for Medium Access Control (MAC) layer can be used for energy efficient and reliable transmission by modifying the different control parameters. Such a modification is very difficult, because an accurate model for the influence of these control parameters of minimum energy and delay is not available. Moreover, there is no mechanism available how to adopt and implement these parameters that can implement on the Body Nodes (BNs). In this paper, we provide the mechanism for emergency data along with normal and periodic data by modifying the superframe structure. Coordinator transmits and extra beacon upon the request of emergency data. A comprehensive analysis of energy consumption of BNs including the affect of packet inter-arrival time is given in this paper. Analysis show that, Contention Access Period (CAP) of superframe is not feasible for emergency data due to its extra delay and energy


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    In wireless network, all radio nodes are tuned to the same frequency to interconnect and establish communication between each other. All nodes in the network broadcasts their packets over a common medium and in such scenario collisions are considered as instinctive attribute. Therefore, a proper method/regulation known as Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol is required to regulate and manage an efficient access to the common channel. The protocol is designed to allow radio nodes in wireless network to broadcast their packets in an orderly and efficient manner to eliminate the collision among them. It also provides a fair bandwidth sharing to all contending nodes in the network. To date, various MAC protocols was developed to regulate the communication access among all radio nodes in wireless network. This article presents an exhaustive survey of existing contention based MAC protocols, their operations, advantages and disadvantages. Other than that, a typical MAC protocol used in IEEE 802.11 wireless networks standard, such as Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA) and Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA) also explained and presented in this article

    Achieving Longevity in Wireless Body Area Network by Efficient Transmission Power Control for IoMT Applications

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    The application of tiny body sensors to collect, process, store, analyze, and retrieve medical information from a human body is a part of the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT).  IoMT helps to monitor and track human vital health parameters, predict disease, notify the patients and the health care professionals with relevant data for analyzing the problems before they become severe and for earlier invention. By 2022, more than 60 % of IoT applications will be health-related. The convergence of biomedical sensors, wireless body area networks (WBAN), Information technology, and bioinformatics will help improve the efficiency of saving human lives. In a WBAN, network longevity is challenging because of the limited supply of low power battery energy in tiny body sensor nodes. Here, we proposed an energy-efficient transmission power control (TPC) algorithm to extend the network lifetime in IoMT networks for healthcare applications by eliminating the transceiver overhearing problem. In TPC, human tissue resistivity properties are considered to adjust the transmission power, which reduces the communication power and extends the network lifetime. The simulation results show that network power consumption is reduced by 35%

    TRW-MAC: A thermal-aware receiver-driven wake-up radio enabled duty cycle MAC protocol for multi-hop implantable wireless body area networks in Internet of Things

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    Implantable Wireless Body Area Network (IWBAN), a network of implantable medical sensors, is one of the emerging network paradigms due to the rapid proliferation of wireless technologies and growing demand of sophisticated healthcare. The wireless sensors in IWBAN is capable of communicating with each other through radio frequency (RF) link. However, recurring wireless communication inside the human body induces heat causing severe thermal damage to the human tissue which, if not controlled, may appear as a threat to human life. Moreover, higher propagation loss inside the human body as well as low-power requirement of the sensor nodes necessitate multi-hop communication for IWBAN. A IWBAN also requires meeting certain Quality of Service demands in terms of energy, delay, reliability etc. These pressing concerns engender the design of TRW-MAC: A thermal-aware receiver-driven wake-up radio enabled duty cycle MAC protocol for multi-hop IWBANs in Internet of Things. TRW-MAC introduces a thermal-aware duty cycle adjustment mechanism to reduce temperature inside the body and adopts wake-up radio (WuR) scheme for attaining higher energy efficiency. The protocol devises a wake-up estimation scheme to facilitate staggered wake-up schedule for multi-hop transmission. A superframe structure is introduced that utilizes both contention-based and contention free medium access operations. The performance of TRW-MAC is evaluated through simulations that exhibit its superior performance in attaining lower thermal-rise as well as satisfying other QoS metrics in terms of energy-efficiency, delay and reliability

    Energy efficiency considerations in software‐defined wireless body area networks

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    Wireless body area networks (WBAN) provide remote services for patient monitoring which allows healthcare practitioners to diagnose, monitor, and prescribe them without their physical presence. To address the shortcomings of WBAN, software-defined networking (SDN) is regarded as an effective approach in this prototype. However, integrating SDN into WBAN presents several challenges in terms of safe data exchange, architectural framework, and resource efficiency. Because energy expenses account for a considerable portion of network expenditures, energy efficiency has to turn out to be a crucial design criterion for modern networking methods. However, creating energy-efficient systems is difficult because they must balance energy efficiency with network performance. In this article, the energy efficiency features are discussed that can widely be used in the software-defined wireless body area network (SDWBAN). A comprehensive survey has been carried out for various modern energy efficiency models based on routing algorithms, optimization models, secure data delivery, and traffic management. A comparative assessment of all the models has also been carried out for various parameters. Furthermore, we explore important concerns and future work in SDWBAN energy efficiency