44 research outputs found

    Contextually aware intelligent control agents for heterogeneous swarms

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    An emerging challenge in swarm shepherding research is to design effective and efficient artificial intelligence algorithms that maintain simplicity in their decision models, whilst increasing the swarm’s abilities to operate in diverse contexts. We propose a methodology to design a context-aware swarm control intelligent agent (shepherd). We first use swarm metrics to recognise the type of swarm that the shepherd interacts with, then select a suitable parameterisation from its behavioural library for that particular swarm type. The design principle of our methodology is to increase the situation awareness (i.e. contents) of the control agent without sacrificing the low computational cost necessary for efficient swarm control. We demonstrate successful shepherding in both homogeneous and heterogeneous swarms.</p

    Path Planning for Shepherding a Swarm in a Cluttered Environment using Differential Evolution

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    Shepherding involves herding a swarm of agents (\emph{sheep}) by another a control agent (\emph{sheepdog}) towards a goal. Multiple approaches have been documented in the literature to model this behaviour. In this paper, we present a modification to a well-known shepherding approach, and show, via simulation, that this modification improves shepherding efficacy. We then argue that given complexity arising from obstacles laden environments, path planning approaches could further enhance this model. To validate this hypothesis, we present a 2-stage evolutionary-based path planning algorithm for shepherding a swarm of agents in 2D environments. In the first stage, the algorithm attempts to find the best path for the sheepdog to move from its initial location to a strategic driving location behind the sheep. In the second stage, it calculates and optimises a path for the sheep. It does so by using \emph{way points} on that path as the sequential sub-goals for the sheepdog to aim towards. The proposed algorithm is evaluated in obstacle laden environments via simulation with further improvements achieved

    Contextually Aware Intelligent Control Agents for Heterogeneous Swarms

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    An emerging challenge in swarm shepherding research is to design effective and efficient artificial intelligence algorithms that maintain a low-computational ceiling while increasing the swarm's abilities to operate in diverse contexts. We propose a methodology to design a context-aware swarm-control intelligent agent. The intelligent control agent (shepherd) first uses swarm metrics to recognise the type of swarm it interacts with to then select a suitable parameterisation from its behavioural library for that particular swarm type. The design principle of our methodology is to increase the situation awareness (i.e. information contents) of the control agent without sacrificing the low-computational cost necessary for efficient swarm control. We demonstrate successful shepherding in both homogeneous and heterogeneous swarms.Comment: 37 pages, 3 figures, 11 table

    Shepherding Heterogeneous Flocks: Overview and Prospect

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    The problem of guiding a flock of several autonomous agents using repulsion force exerted by a smaller number of agents is called the shepherding problem and has been attracting attention due to its potential engineering applications. Although several works propose methodologies for achieving the shepherding task in this context, most assume that sheep agents have the same dynamics, which only sometimes holds in reality. The objective of this discussion paper is to overview a recent research trend addressing the gap mentioned above between the commonly placed uniformity assumption and the reality. Specifically, we first introduce recent guidance methods for heterogeneous flocks and then describe the prospects of the shepherding problem for heterogeneous flocks

    Shepherding Control for Separating a Single Agent from a Swarm

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    In this paper, we consider the swarm-control problem of spatially separating a specified target agent within the swarm from all the other agents, while maintaining the connectivity among the other agents. We specifically aim to achieve the separation by designing the movement algorithm of an external agent, called a shepherd, which exerts repulsive forces on the agents in the swarm. This problem has potential applications in the context of the manipulation of the swarm of micro- and nano-particles. We first formulate the separation problem, where the swarm agents (called sheep) are modeled by the Boid model. We then analytically study the special case of two-sheep swarms. By leveraging the analysis, we then propose a potential function-based movement algorithm of the shepherd to achieve separation while maintaining the connectivity within the remaining swarm. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm with numerical simulations.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Biologically inspired herding of animal groups by robots

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    A single sheepdog can bring together and manoeuvre hundreds of sheep from one location to another. Engineers and ecologists are fascinated by this sheepdog herding because of the potential it provides for ‘bio-herding’: a biologically inspired herding of animal groups by robots. Although many herding algorithms have been proposed, most are studied via simulation.There are a variety of ecological problems where management of wild animal groups is currently impossible, dangerous and/or costly for humans to manage directly, and which may benefit from bio-herding solutions.Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) now deliver significant benefits to the economy and society. Here, we suggest the use of UAVs for bio-herding. Given their mobility and speed, UAVs can be used in a wide range of environments and interact with animal groups at sea, over the land and in the air.We present a potential roadmap for achieving bio-herding using a pair of UAVs. In our framework, one UAV performs ‘surveillance’ of animal groups, informing the movement of a second UAV that herds them. We highlight the promise and flexibility of a paired UAV approach while emphasising its practical and ethical challenges. We start by describing the types of experiments and data required to understand individual and collective responses to UAVs. Next, we describe how to develop appropriate herding algorithms. Finally, we describe the integration of bio-herding algorithms into software and hardware architecture