1,376 research outputs found

    Unbiased phishing detection using domain name based features

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    2018 Summer.Includes bibliographical references.Internet users are coming under a barrage of phishing attacks of increasing frequency and sophistication. While these attacks have been remarkably resilient against the vast range of defenses proposed by academia, industry, and research organizations, machine learning approaches appear to be a promising one in distinguishing between phishing and legitimate websites. There are three main concerns with existing machine learning approaches for phishing detection. The first concern is there is neither a framework, preferably open-source, for extracting feature and keeping the dataset updated nor an updated dataset of phishing and legitimate website. The second concern is the large number of features used and the lack of validating arguments for the choice of the features selected to train the machine learning classifier. The last concern relates to the type of datasets used in the literature that seems to be inadvertently biased with respect to the features based on URL or content. In this thesis, we describe the implementation of our open-source and extensible framework to extract features and create up-to-date phishing dataset. With having this framework, named Fresh-Phish, we implemented 29 different features that we used to detect whether a given website is legitimate or phishing. We used 26 features that were reported in related work and added 3 new features and created a dataset of 6,000 websites with these features of which 3,000 were malicious and 3,000 were genuine and tested our approach. Using 6 different classifiers we achieved the accuracy of 93% which is a reasonable high in this field. To address the second and third concerns, we put forward the intuition that the domain name of phishing websites is the tell-tale sign of phishing and holds the key to successful phishing detection. We focus on this aspect of phishing websites and design features that explore the relationship of the domain name to the key elements of the website. Our work differs from existing state-of-the-art as our feature set ensures that there is minimal or no bias with respect to a dataset. Our learning model trains with only seven features and achieves a true positive rate of 98% and a classification accuracy of 97%, on sample dataset. Compared to the state-of-the-art work, our per data instance processing and classification is 4 times faster for legitimate websites and 10 times faster for phishing websites. Importantly, we demonstrate the shortcomings of using features based on URLs as they are likely to be biased towards dataset collection and usage. We show the robustness of our learning algorithm by testing our classifiers on unknown live phishing URLs and achieve a higher detection accuracy of 99.7% compared to the earlier known best result of 95% detection rate

    A closer look at Intrusion Detection System for web applications

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    Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is one of the security measures being used as an additional defence mechanism to prevent the security breaches on web. It has been well known methodology for detecting network-based attacks but still immature in the domain of securing web application. The objective of the paper is to thoroughly understand the design methodology of the detection system in respect to web applications. In this paper, we discuss several specific aspects of a web application in detail that makes challenging for a developer to build an efficient web IDS. The paper also provides a comprehensive overview of the existing detection systems exclusively designed to observe web traffic. Furthermore, we identify various dimensions for comparing the IDS from different perspectives based on their design and functionalities. We also provide a conceptual framework of an IDS with prevention mechanism to offer a systematic guidance for the implementation of the system specific to the web applications. We compare its features with five existing detection systems, namely AppSensor, PHPIDS, ModSecurity, Shadow Daemon and AQTRONIX WebKnight. The paper will highly facilitate the interest groups with the cutting edge information to understand the stronger and weaker sections of the web IDS and provide a firm foundation for developing an intelligent and efficient system

    Emerging Phishing Trends and Effectiveness of the Anti-Phishing Landing Page

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    Each month, more attacks are launched with the aim of making web users believe that they are communicating with a trusted entity which compels them to share their personal, financial information. Phishing costs Internet users billions of dollars every year. Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) created an anti-phishing landing page supported by Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG) with the aim to train users on how to prevent themselves from phishing attacks. It is used by financial institutions, phish site take down vendors, government organizations, and online merchants. When a potential victim clicks on a phishing link that has been taken down, he / she is redirected to the landing page. In this paper, we present the comparative analysis on two datasets that we obtained from APWG's landing page log files; one, from September 7, 2008 - November 11, 2009, and other from January 1, 2014 - April 30, 2014. We found that the landing page has been successful in training users against phishing. Forty six percent users clicked lesser number of phishing URLs from January 2014 to April 2014 which shows that training from the landing page helped users not to fall for phishing attacks. Our analysis shows that phishers have started to modify their techniques by creating more legitimate looking URLs and buying large number of domains to increase their activity. We observed that phishers are exploiting ICANN accredited registrars to launch their attacks even after strict surveillance. We saw that phishers are trying to exploit free subdomain registration services to carry out attacks. In this paper, we also compared the phishing e-mails used by phishers to lure victims in 2008 and 2014. We found that the phishing e-mails have changed considerably over time. Phishers have adopted new techniques like sending promotional e-mails and emotionally targeting users in clicking phishing URLs

    Phishing Detection Using Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning

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    Phishing emails are a primary mode of entry for attackers into an organization. A successful phishing attempt leads to unauthorized access to sensitive information and systems. However, automatically identifying phishing emails is often difficult since many phishing emails have composite features such as body text and metadata that are nearly indistinguishable from valid emails. This paper presents a novel machine learning-based framework, the DARTH framework, that characterizes and combines multiple models, with one model for each composite feature, that enables the accurate identification of phishing emails. The framework analyses each composite feature independently utilizing a multi-faceted approach using Natural Language Processing (NLP) and neural network-based techniques and combines the results of these analyses to classify the emails as malicious or legitimate. Utilizing the framework on more than 150,000 emails and training data from multiple sources, including the authors’ emails and phishtank.com, resulted in the precision (correct identification of malicious observations to the total prediction of malicious observations) of 99.97% with an f-score of 99.98% and accurately identifying phishing emails 99.98% of the time. Utilizing multiple machine learning techniques combined in an ensemble approach across a range of composite features yields highly accurate identification of phishing emails


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    Although the internet enables many important functions of modern life, it is also a ground for nefarious activity by malicious actors and cybercriminals. For example, malicious websites facilitate phishing attacks, malware infections, data theft, and disruption. A major component of cybersecurity is to detect and mitigate attacks enabled by malicious websites. Although prior researchers have presented promising results – specifically in the use of website features to detect malicious websites – malicious website detection continues to pose major challenges. This dissertation presents an investigation into feature-based malicious website detection. We conducted six studies on malicious website detection, with a focus on discovering new features for malicious website detection, challenging assumptions of features from prior research, comparing the importance of the features for malicious website detection, building and evaluating detection models over various scenarios, and evaluating malicious website detection models across different datasets and over time. We evaluated this approach on various datasets, including: a dataset composed of several threats from industry; a dataset derived from the Alexa top one million domains and supplemented with open source threat intelligence information; and a dataset consisting of websites gathered repeatedly over time. Results led us to postulate that new, unstudied, features could be incorporated to improve malicious website detection models, since, in many cases, models built with new features outperformed models built from features used in prior research and did so with fewer features. We also found that features discovered using feature selection could be applied to other datasets with minor adjustments. In addition: we demonstrated that the performance of detection models decreased over time; we measured the change of websites in relation to our detection model; and we demonstrated the benefit of re-training in various scenarios

    Addressing the new generation of spam (Spam 2.0) through Web usage models

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    New Internet collaborative media introduce new ways of communicating that are not immune to abuse. A fake eye-catching profile in social networking websites, a promotional review, a response to a thread in online forums with unsolicited content or a manipulated Wiki page, are examples of new the generation of spam on the web, referred to as Web 2.0 Spam or Spam 2.0. Spam 2.0 is defined as the propagation of unsolicited, anonymous, mass content to infiltrate legitimate Web 2.0 applications.The current literature does not address Spam 2.0 in depth and the outcome of efforts to date are inadequate. The aim of this research is to formalise a definition for Spam 2.0 and provide Spam 2.0 filtering solutions. Early-detection, extendibility, robustness and adaptability are key factors in the design of the proposed method.This dissertation provides a comprehensive survey of the state-of-the-art web spam and Spam 2.0 filtering methods to highlight the unresolved issues and open problems, while at the same time effectively capturing the knowledge in the domain of spam filtering.This dissertation proposes three solutions in the area of Spam 2.0 filtering including: (1) characterising and profiling Spam 2.0, (2) Early-Detection based Spam 2.0 Filtering (EDSF) approach, and (3) On-the-Fly Spam 2.0 Filtering (OFSF) approach. All the proposed solutions are tested against real-world datasets and their performance is compared with that of existing Spam 2.0 filtering methods.This work has coined the term ‘Spam 2.0’, provided insight into the nature of Spam 2.0, and proposed filtering mechanisms to address this new and rapidly evolving problem
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