2,132 research outputs found

    A composition theorem for the Fourier Entropy-Influence conjecture

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    The Fourier Entropy-Influence (FEI) conjecture of Friedgut and Kalai [FK96] seeks to relate two fundamental measures of Boolean function complexity: it states that H[f]CInf[f]H[f] \leq C Inf[f] holds for every Boolean function ff, where H[f]H[f] denotes the spectral entropy of ff, Inf[f]Inf[f] is its total influence, and C>0C > 0 is a universal constant. Despite significant interest in the conjecture it has only been shown to hold for a few classes of Boolean functions. Our main result is a composition theorem for the FEI conjecture. We show that if g1,...,gkg_1,...,g_k are functions over disjoint sets of variables satisfying the conjecture, and if the Fourier transform of FF taken with respect to the product distribution with biases E[g1],...,E[gk]E[g_1],...,E[g_k] satisfies the conjecture, then their composition F(g1(x1),...,gk(xk))F(g_1(x^1),...,g_k(x^k)) satisfies the conjecture. As an application we show that the FEI conjecture holds for read-once formulas over arbitrary gates of bounded arity, extending a recent result [OWZ11] which proved it for read-once decision trees. Our techniques also yield an explicit function with the largest known ratio of C6.278C \geq 6.278 between H[f]H[f] and Inf[f]Inf[f], improving on the previous lower bound of 4.615

    Decision Trees, Protocols, and the Fourier Entropy-Influence Conjecture

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    Given f:{1,1}n{1,1}f:\{-1, 1\}^n \rightarrow \{-1, 1\}, define the \emph{spectral distribution} of ff to be the distribution on subsets of [n][n] in which the set SS is sampled with probability f^(S)2\widehat{f}(S)^2. Then the Fourier Entropy-Influence (FEI) conjecture of Friedgut and Kalai (1996) states that there is some absolute constant CC such that H[f^2]CInf[f]\operatorname{H}[\widehat{f}^2] \leq C\cdot\operatorname{Inf}[f]. Here, H[f^2]\operatorname{H}[\widehat{f}^2] denotes the Shannon entropy of ff's spectral distribution, and Inf[f]\operatorname{Inf}[f] is the total influence of ff. This conjecture is one of the major open problems in the analysis of Boolean functions, and settling it would have several interesting consequences. Previous results on the FEI conjecture have been largely through direct calculation. In this paper we study a natural interpretation of the conjecture, which states that there exists a communication protocol which, given subset SS of [n][n] distributed as f^2\widehat{f}^2, can communicate the value of SS using at most CInf[f]C\cdot\operatorname{Inf}[f] bits in expectation. Using this interpretation, we are able show the following results: 1. First, if ff is computable by a read-kk decision tree, then H[f^2]9kInf[f]\operatorname{H}[\widehat{f}^2] \leq 9k\cdot \operatorname{Inf}[f]. 2. Next, if ff has Inf[f]1\operatorname{Inf}[f] \geq 1 and is computable by a decision tree with expected depth dd, then H[f^2]12dInf[f]\operatorname{H}[\widehat{f}^2] \leq 12d\cdot \operatorname{Inf}[f]. 3. Finally, we give a new proof of the main theorem of O'Donnell and Tan (ICALP 2013), i.e. that their FEI+^+ conjecture composes. In addition, we show that natural improvements to our decision tree results would be sufficient to prove the FEI conjecture in its entirety. We believe that our methods give more illuminating proofs than previous results about the FEI conjecture

    A composition theorem for parity kill number

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    In this work, we study the parity complexity measures Cmin[f]{\mathsf{C}^{\oplus}_{\min}}[f] and DT[f]{\mathsf{DT^{\oplus}}}[f]. Cmin[f]{\mathsf{C}^{\oplus}_{\min}}[f] is the \emph{parity kill number} of ff, the fewest number of parities on the input variables one has to fix in order to "kill" ff, i.e. to make it constant. DT[f]{\mathsf{DT^{\oplus}}}[f] is the depth of the shortest \emph{parity decision tree} which computes ff. These complexity measures have in recent years become increasingly important in the fields of communication complexity \cite{ZS09, MO09, ZS10, TWXZ13} and pseudorandomness \cite{BK12, Sha11, CT13}. Our main result is a composition theorem for Cmin{\mathsf{C}^{\oplus}_{\min}}. The kk-th power of ff, denoted fkf^{\circ k}, is the function which results from composing ff with itself kk times. We prove that if ff is not a parity function, then Cmin[fk]Ω(Cmin[f]k).{\mathsf{C}^{\oplus}_{\min}}[f^{\circ k}] \geq \Omega({\mathsf{C}_{\min}}[f]^{k}). In other words, the parity kill number of ff is essentially supermultiplicative in the \emph{normal} kill number of ff (also known as the minimum certificate complexity). As an application of our composition theorem, we show lower bounds on the parity complexity measures of Sortk\mathsf{Sort}^{\circ k} and HIk\mathsf{HI}^{\circ k}. Here Sort\mathsf{Sort} is the sort function due to Ambainis \cite{Amb06}, and HI\mathsf{HI} is Kushilevitz's hemi-icosahedron function \cite{NW95}. In doing so, we disprove a conjecture of Montanaro and Osborne \cite{MO09} which had applications to communication complexity and computational learning theory. In addition, we give new lower bounds for conjectures of \cite{MO09,ZS10} and \cite{TWXZ13}

    Szego limit theorem for operators with discontinuous symbols and applications to entanglement entropy

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    The main result in this paper is a one term Szego type asymptotic formula with a sharp remainder estimate for a class of integral operators of the pseudodifferential type with symbols which are allowed to be non-smooth or discontinuous in both position and momentum. The simplest example of such symbol is the product of the characteristic functions of two compact sets, one in real space and the other in momentum space. The results of this paper are used in a study of the violation of the area entropy law for free fermions in [18]. This work also provides evidence towards a conjecture due to Harold Widom.Comment: 18 pages, major revision, to appear in Int. Math. Res. No

    A Lower Bound on the Constant in the Fourier Min-Entropy/Influence Conjecture

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    We describe a new construction of Boolean functions. A specific instance of our construction provides a 30-variable Boolean function having min-entropy/influence ratio to be 128/452.8444128/45 \approx 2.8444 which is presently the highest known value of this ratio that is achieved by any Boolean function. Correspondingly, 128/45128/45 is also presently the best known lower bound on the universal constant of the Fourier min-entropy/influence conjecture