17,006 research outputs found

    An Overview of Rendering from Volume Data --- including Surface and Volume Rendering

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    Volume rendering is a title often ambiguously used in science. One meaning often quoted is: `to render any three volume dimensional data set'; however, within this categorisation `surface rendering'' is contained. Surface rendering is a technique for visualising a geometric representation of a surface from a three dimensional volume data set. A more correct definition of Volume Rendering would only incorporate the direct visualisation of volumes, without the use of intermediate surface geometry representations. Hence we state: `Volume Rendering is the Direct Visualisation of any three dimensional Volume data set; without the use of an intermediate geometric representation for isosurfaces'; `Surface Rendering is the Visualisation of a surface, from a geometric approximation of an isosurface, within a Volume data set'; where an isosurface is a surface formed from a cross connection of data points, within a volume, of equal value or density. This paper is an overview of both Surface Rendering and Volume Rendering techniques. Surface Rendering mainly consists of contouring lines over data points and triangulations between contours. Volume rendering methods consist of ray casting techniques that allow the ray to be cast from the viewing plane into the object and the transparency, opacity and colour calculated for each cell; the rays are often cast until an opaque object is `hit' or the ray exits the volume

    Voxlines: Streamline Transparency through Voxelization and View-Dependent Line Orders

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    As tractography datasets continue to grow in size, there is a need for improved visualization methods that can capture structural patterns occurring in large tractography datasets. Transparency is an increasingly important aspect of finding these patterns in large datasets but is inaccessible to tractography due to performance limitations. In this paper, we propose a rendering method that achieves performant rendering of transparent streamlines, allowing for exploration of deeper brain structures interactively. The method achieves this through a novel approximate order-independent transparency method that utilizes voxelization and caching view-dependent line orders per voxel. We compare our transparency method with existing tractography visualization software in terms of performance and the ability to capture deeper structures in the dataset.Comment: 12 pages. 4 figures. Accepted at Computational Diffusion MRI Workshop (CDMRI) at Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) 202
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