7,361 research outputs found

    Usability Evaluation in Virtual Environments: Classification and Comparison of Methods

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    Virtual environments (VEs) are a relatively new type of human-computer interface in which users perceive and act in a three-dimensional world. The designers of such systems cannot rely solely on design guidelines for traditional two-dimensional interfaces, so usability evaluation is crucial for VEs. We present an overview of VE usability evaluation. First, we discuss some of the issues that differentiate VE usability evaluation from evaluation of traditional user interfaces such as GUIs. We also present a review of VE evaluation methods currently in use, and discuss a simple classification space for VE usability evaluation methods. This classification space provides a structured means for comparing evaluation methods according to three key characteristics: involvement of representative users, context of evaluation, and types of results produced. To illustrate these concepts, we compare two existing evaluation approaches: testbed evaluation [Bowman, Johnson, & Hodges, 1999], and sequential evaluation [Gabbard, Hix, & Swan, 1999]. We conclude by presenting novel ways to effectively link these two approaches to VE usability evaluation

    Locating Real-time Location of Perak Transit Buses and Determining its Estimation of Time of Arrival (ETA) at a Particular Bus Stop through the Development of Mobile Application on Android Platform

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    The main objective of this project is to develop a mobile application as an alternative to empower the current passengers and prospective users of Perak Transit buses. The mobile application will be known as ‘myPerakTransit’ is designed and developed to enable users to track the real-time location of Perak Transit buses and providing them with the estimation of arrival time of a particular bus to reach a specific bus station. Although there are many applications and of similar nature, this project differentiates from others through additional features that facilitate for the users of the Perak Transit buses in making informed travelling decision. The project will be developed using Rapid Application Development (RAD) method through the use of prototyping and utilize the GPS technology to track the location of the buses. This paper consists of five (5) chapters: Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology, Results and Discussions, and Conclusion and Recommendations for ‘myPerakTransit’

    UTP Online Book Catalog

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    This research serves as the initial delivery and as a guideline for the project, which contains an overview of the project background of study, problems that have been identified, and how do the author see the project's usefulness for users of a DBMS. The main objectives of this study is to do research on the usage and effect of Human Computer Interaction (HCI) and the effect of applying it in the User Interface (UI) Design, to review the current DBMS interface andcompare it withthe proper elements of the UI Design, to produce a new guidelines regarding this area of research and also to produce with the refined prototype of theDBMS interface. For this purpose, the author has chosen the TOAD software, which is a DBMS tool to be compared and analyzed according to the elements and guidelines of HCI. Poor representation of the graphical user interface will lead to confusion and misinterpretation by the users and to overcome the matter, the author will come out with a proper set of guidelines as well as a refined set of interface which is more user-friendly and efficient. In orderto accomplish this project, the author has followed the methodology, which begins with the Research/Analysis phase, Conceptual Design phase, Physical Design and ends with User Testing phases. Based on the result and findings, the main factor that contributes to the ineffectiveness of a user interface is the lack of consideration and planning on the design of the user interface as most of the programmers focus on the coding part of the design. This will lead to improper usage of terms and inappropriate metaphors. In conclusion, the importance of the usage and consideration of using HCI in designing the user interface is applicable not only for this project, but to any software developers in developing a useful and efficient programs

    Knowledge skills and abilities demanded of graduates in the new learning environment

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    Changes in technology and employer demands require that we regularly survey our stakeholder communities to ensure the relevance and currency of what we are teaching, and the qualifications we offer to prepare our students for practice. At a presentation to an IT breakfast of the NZCS Auckland Branch in October 1998, the audience were surveyed in order to gauge how well we were doing in developing tomorrow's practitioners. Topics surveyed were: the relative importance of different technical skills required by employers, the key trends that we need to prepare graduates for, the impact of the Internet on skills required, the most urgent up skilling requirements of employees and the relative value of vendor vs. formal Polytechnic qualifications. The results of the survey are reported, the key findings analysed and some strategies are suggested which address the identified gaps


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    The research project was conducted to develop a mobile application as a medium of communication between speech pathologists and the stutterers. This application involves storing data, retrieve data and it is a medium of communication between stutterers and their speech pathologists. This project will identify the appropriate ways for speech pathologists to retrieve their patients’ results to evaluate their performances. Other than that, it is also to identify ways for speech pathologist to communicate with their patients rather than the patients need to meet them face to face regularly. Nowadays, there are lots of mobile applications available in the market that provide techniques to improve stuttering problem among children and adults. However, none of the application allows speech pathologists to access their patients’ data based on the techniques provided or communicate with their patients through the mobile application. Current stutter mobile application only provide assessment and exercise for the stutterers but they did not allow the patient to save and store recorded files for sharing. This mobile application is targeted for speech pathologist in clinics or hospitals in Malaysia and it is built on Android platform. In this project, the method used to achieve the objectives is Rapid Application Development. From the survey that have been conducted with Speech Pathologists, most of them suggested that the application can be used as an exercise for stutterers. The Speech Pathologists stated that this application can assist them in providing results for them to monitor their patients’ results. This Stutter Manager Mobile Application will be providing all the results for Delayed Auditory Feedback (DAF) & Mirroring technique, Metronome technique, Stutter Rate techniques and Add Word Game. As for DAF & Mirroring and Metronome results it will in the form of recorded file. While for Stutter Rate, it is in the form of graph where speech pathologists can review the progress of their patients. While for Add Word Game, the results will show the percentage word the patient could pronounce. Therefore, with the presence of this application, speech pathologists are able to communicate with their patients and also review their patient’s results

    Application of Modified Agile Methodology to Improve Usability of SAP ECC

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    Enterprise Resource Planning application has become the basic need for business in recent times. Most organizations have implemented ERP application despite the configuration and cost issues, but are not exploiting the true benefits of application. In this project the usability of SAP R/3 application (which is a leading ERP vendor in the market) was studied and how SAP Fiori implementation can overcome few of the drawbacks in application usability is explained. Implementation cost, Application Configuration, difficulty in use and poor training to employees are the major drawbacks of SAP R/3 application. SAP Fiori is a set of applications developed by SAP, which target the most frequently-used SAP transaction codes, workflow approvals and various other self-service reporting needs. SAP Fiori provides simple and friendly user experience across multiple devices like smartphones, tablets, and desktops. Project management in Implementation of customized SAP Fiori app for HCM module is discussed and the impact of new app on the organization is also analyzed as part of this project. Finally, feedback of the end user is collected to understand the usability of the new SAP Fiori HCM application


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    Evidence Based N{edicine has become a popular approach to medica! decision making. It is a method of assisting clinical decision making by using the most relevant research evidence to answer the clinical question. First formally described in 1992, the method offered the chance of improving the quality of clinical care by encouraging rigorous appraisal of new evidence (Thomas KB, 1974). Complete Blood Count is one of the most commonly ordered blood test that could be done within minutes and is mostly used as a basis for future testing. (Siamak T. Nabili) Therefore CBC is a great way to quickly diagnose a patient and later on, use evidence via EBM to further diagnose the patient. This project will answer the problem of general practitioners needing a system to annr.rofclrr nrnr{rr^o o minimioazl lic+ nf rncoi}rla ;liooaocc oc ntriaLlv onrl oc oaarrrotcl., 4VVUr OrVrJ Pr VUUVV Cl rllllrlrrlr-vu rr9f \rr lr\rJsrurv \rrow4irwJ (rr) YurvNJ aur\l (ait clA/wur4lvry as possible through CBC test result data. The system would then help general practitioners overcome the problem with EBM by assisting them in browsing through the vast amount of evidence effectively and feasibly in order to make a quick decision. 'Tho nrniont onnrc mnoflr, ^nrrarc r rrv +ha alininol rlofo aoaAoA fnr o nlininal zlcaicina PrvJvvr Jvvl.rv rrrvJlrJ vvvvlD lllw vrnlrvtlr \t4f.(r uvv\lv\a rvr aa wuurv(lr tlvwrlrlvlr support system to run. Knowledge on CBC results and blood disorders are also required to form an algorithm that takes in all factors into producing a list of probable diseases. Ways of indexing and evaluating evidences are needed for producing a system that assists in EBM. The keyword filtering concept is used to allow general practitioner to browse through evidence quickly and capture tacit knowledge on evidence browsing. Methodology used for the project is the spiral development model where the project will be broken down into 3 parts and built step by step. A fully developed prototype proposed by this projeot would promise a quick and easy way to diagnose patients with probable hematological disorders based on CBC test results and allow general practitioners to efficiently and feasibly browse through evidence to make a decision

    The Use of Firewalls in an Academic Environment

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