7 research outputs found

    Robust Vehicular Communications Using the Fast-Frequency-Hopping-OFDM Technology and the MIMO Spatial Multiplexing

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    Vehicle-to-Vehicle communication is one of the more emerging technologies in the 21st century from either the comfortable transportation or safer transportation point of view. Vehicle-to-Vehicle communication has one crucial factor, which is the huge information to be shared among vehicles, such as the position, the road data. In such situation, the accurate information sharing process is the most important factor in order to make the vehicles operating in the most feasible way. This work proposes a more robust vehicle communication system to make the existing vehicle transportation system more efficient. In this paper, we propose a fast frequency hopping orthogonal frequency division multiplexing to mitigate the Doppler spread effect on our previously published clustering benchmark.  This benchmark contains both of a clustering weighting factor based stage and a multiparallel processing stage. This is in addition to modify the PHY layer of the existing IEEE 802.11p standard in order to impose Multiple Input Multiple Output for higher throughput purposes.The results show a noticeable stability compared to our previously published work. Furthermore, the results are almost exceeds the achieved results from the Lower-ID Distributed Clustering Algorithm (DCA) from both of the speed and communication range

    Traffic Responsive Intersection Control Algorithm Using GPS Data

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    This paper reports on the performance of signalised intersection control using vehicle GPS information compared to fixed-time and inductive loop based control. Traffic congestion forecasts estimate an increase of about 60% in 2030. At present, poor choice of signal timings by isolated intersection controllers cause traffic delays that have enormous negative impacts on the economy and environment. Signal timings can be improved by using vehicles' GPS information to overcome the control action deficit at isolated intersections. This new signal control algorithm is beneficial for traffic engineers and governmental agencies, as traffic flow can be optimised and, hence, fuel consumption and emissions decreased. Under the open European Telecommunication Standards Institute (ETSI) Cooperative Awareness Message (CAM) framework, a traffic responsive GPS based vehicle actuation algorithm (GPS-VA) is proposed. GPS-VA uses position and heading data from vehicle status broadcasts, and inferred velocity information to determine vehicle queue lengths and detect vehicles passing through the intersection. The gathered information is then used to actuate intersection signal timings. Microscopic simulations comparing GPS-VA to fixed-time control and inductive loop based vehicle actuation (Loop-VA) on four urban road networks were performed to see how the proposed GPS-VA algorithm performs compared to existing control strategies. The results show that GPS-VA is an effective alternative to traditional intersection control strategies, offering delay reductions of up to 50% for connected vehicle fleet penetrations above 30%

    Electric vehicle as a service (EVaaS):applications, challenges and enablers

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    Under the vehicle-to-grid (V2G) concept, electric vehicles (EVs) can be deployed as loads to absorb excess production or as distributed energy resources to supply part of their stored energy back to the grid. This paper overviews the technologies, technical components and system requirements needed for EV deployment. Electric vehicle as a service (EVaaS) exploits V2G technology to develop a system where suitable EVs within the distribution network are chosen individually or in aggregate to exchange energy with the grid, individual customers or both. The EVaaS framework is introduced, and interactions among EVaaS subsystems such as EV batteries, charging stations, loads and advanced metering infrastructure are studied. The communication infrastructure and processing facilities that enable data and information exchange between EVs and the grid are reviewed. Different strategies for EV charging/discharging and their impact on the distribution grid are reviewed. Several market designs that incentivize energy trading in V2G environments are discussed. The benefits of V2G are studied from the perspectives of ancillary services, supporting of renewables and the environment. The challenges to V2G are studied with respect to battery degradation, energy conversion losses and effects on distribution system

    A Comparative Study between 802.11p and Mobile WiMAX-based V2I Communication Networks

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    The Pull Paradigm : foundations of user-centric advanced driver assistant systems based on bidirectional car2X communication

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    This thesis develops applications for vehicular ad-hoc networks that go far beyond the currently established areas of driving safety and traffic efficiency. The ad-hoc network is regarded as a dynamic information resource which is available to any vehicle at any time. In contrast to current state-of-the-art research, the proposed Pull Paradigm starts at the user\u27s vehicle rather than at an information source somewhere in the network, e.g. a braking car. To access information from highly dynamic ad-hoc networks, bidirectional communication and information discovery and retrieval play a vital role. Therefore, in the course of the work, the applicability of the Pull Paradigm to established vehicular ad-hoc networks is thoroughly examined and missing aspects are identified. It turns out that a number of enhancements to almost all layers of the network stack are necessary in order to apply the Pull Paradigm using existing technology. The central elements here are two novel algorithms for managing information flow and dissemination in ad-hoc networks, which are at first formulated from the abstract perspective of graph theory. Using the knowledge gained leads to the development of PADE, a platform that supports development of vehicular ad-hoc network applications. The designed algorithms are then implemented as a routing scheme, integrated and evaluated in large, simulated city scenarios. Furthermore, PADE combines real\u27\u27 and simulated communication technologies and abstracts from them, so that applications can be transferred from the lab into a test vehicle with minimal effort. In order to achieve this ambitious goal, PADE builds on a number of existing simulation and communication technologies. The practical applicability of the Pull approach is shown in two demonstrators that are integrated into a BMW 5 series test vehicle. The presentation module of the PADE platform was tested in the currently largest field operational test for vehicular ad-hoc communication. Over 400 drivers in 120 vehicles experienced the system on a daily basis.In dieser Doktorarbeit werden Anwendungen für Fahrzeug Ad-hoc Netzwerke erarbeitet, die weit über die derzeit etablierten Bereiche der Fahrsicherheit und Verkehrseffizienz hinausgehen. Das Ad-hoc Netzwerk wird dabei als dynamische Informationsressource angesehen, die jedem Fahrzeug zu jedem Zeitpunkt zur Verfügung steht. Im Gegensatz zum derzeitigen Stand der Forschung geht das vorgestellte Pull Paradigma vom Fahrzeug des Benutzers und nicht von der Informationsquelle aus, z.B. einem bremsenden Fahrzeug. Für den Zugriff auf Informationen aus hochdynamischen Ad-hoc Netzen, spielen bidirektionale Kommunikation, Informationssuche und -rücktransport eine entscheidende Rolle. Im Verlauf der Arbeit wird deshalb die Anwendbarkeit des Pull Paradigmas auf etablierte Fahrzeug Ad-hoc Netze untersucht und fehlende Aspekte identifiziert. Es zeigt sich, dass eine Reihe an Erweiterungen auf fast allen Ebenen des Netzwerkstapels nötig sind damit die bestehende Technologie um das Pull Paradigma erweitert werden kann. Zentraler Punkt hierbei sind zwei neuartige Algorithmen zur Informationsverwaltung und -verbreitung in Ad-hoc Netzwerken die zunächst abstrakt aus Sicht der Graphentheorie formuliert werden. Mit Hilfe der gewonnenen Erkenntnisse wird PADE, eine Plattform zur Entwicklung von Anwendungen für Fahrzeug Ad-hoc Netze, entwickelt. Die entworfenen Algorithmen werden dann als Routingverfahren im Netzwerkstapel realisiert, in diesen integriert und auf großflächigen Stadtszenarien im Simulator evaluiert. Des Weiteren vereint PADE echte\u27\u27 und simulierte Kommunikationstechnologien und abstrahiert von diesen, sodass Anwendungen mit minimalem Aufwand vom Labor in ein Testfahrzeug überführt werden können. Um dieses ambitionierte Ziel zu erreichen, wird auf einer Reihe bereits bestehender Simulations- und Kommunikationstechnologien aufgebaut. Die praktische Anwendbarkeit des Pull Paradigmas wird anschließend in zwei Demonstratoren implementiert und in ein BMW 5er Testfahrzeug integriert. Das Präsentationsmodul der PADE Plattform wurde im derzeit weltgrößten Feldversuch für Fahrzeug Ad-hoc Kommunikation von über 400 Fahrern in 120 Fahrzeugen im Alltag getestet