5,080 research outputs found

    Demonstration of relativistic electron beam focusing by a laser-plasma lens

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    Laser-plasma technology promises a drastic reduction of the size of high energy electron accelerators. It could make free electron lasers available to a broad scientific community, and push further the limits of electron accelerators for high energy physics. Furthermore the unique femtosecond nature of the source makes it a promising tool for the study of ultra-fast phenomena. However, applications are hindered by the lack of suitable lens to transport this kind of high-current electron beams, mainly due to their divergence. Here we show that this issue can be solved by using a laser-plasma lens, in which the field gradients are five order of magnitude larger than in conventional optics. We demonstrate a reduction of the divergence by nearly a factor of three, which should allow for an efficient coupling of the beam with a conventional beam transport line

    Technologies for Delivery of Proton and Ion Beams for Radiotherapy

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    Recent developments for the delivery of proton and ion beam therapy have been significant, and a number of technological solutions now exist for the creation and utilisation of these particles for the treatment of cancer. In this paper we review the historical development of particle accelerators used for external beam radiotherapy and discuss the more recent progress towards more capable and cost-effective sources of particles.Comment: 53 pages, 13 figures. Submitted to International Journal of Modern Physics

    Hybrid photonic-bandgap accelerating cavities

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    In a recent investigation, we studied two-dimensional point-defected photonic bandgap cavities composed of dielectric rods arranged according to various representative periodic and aperiodic lattices, with special emphasis on possible applications to particle acceleration (along the longitudinal axis). In this paper, we present a new study aimed at highlighting the possible advantages of using hybrid structures based on the above dielectric configurations, but featuring metallic rods in the outermost regions, for the design of extremely-high quality factor, bandgap-based, accelerating resonators. In this framework, we consider diverse configurations, with different (periodic and aperiodic) lattice geometries, sizes, and dielectric/metal fractions. Moreover, we also explore possible improvements attainable via the use of superconducting plates to confine the electromagnetic field in the longitudinal direction. Results from our comparative studies, based on numerical full-wave simulations backed by experimental validations (at room and cryogenic temperatures) in the microwave region, identify the candidate parametric configurations capable of yielding the highest quality factor.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables. One figure and one reference added; minor changes in the tex

    I-BEAT: New ultrasonic method for single bunch measurement of ion energy distribution

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    The shape of a wave carries all information about the spatial and temporal structure of its source, given that the medium and its properties are known. Most modern imaging methods seek to utilize this nature of waves originating from Huygens' principle. We discuss the retrieval of the complete kinetic energy distribution from the acoustic trace that is recorded when a short ion bunch deposits its energy in water. This novel method, which we refer to as Ion-Bunch Energy Acoustic Tracing (I-BEAT), is a generalization of the ionoacoustic approach. Featuring compactness, simple operation, indestructibility and high dynamic ranges in energy and intensity, I-BEAT is a promising approach to meet the needs of petawatt-class laser-based ion accelerators. With its capability of completely monitoring a single, focused proton bunch with prompt readout it, is expected to have particular impact for experiments and applications using ultrashort ion bunches in high flux regimes. We demonstrate its functionality using it with two laser-driven ion sources for quantitative determination of the kinetic energy distribution of single, focused proton bunches.Comment: Paper: 17 Pages, 3 figures Supplementary Material 16 pages, 7 figure

    Three-dimensional (3D) Fast Neutron Tomography at the Low Energy Neutron Source (LENS)

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    AbstractWe have constructed a neutron imaging station at the Low Energy Neutron Source (LENS), located within the Center for the Exploration of Energy and Matter at Indiana University. In contrast to many existing neutron imaging stations, we utilize a broad range of neutron energies, extending into the fast neutron regime, to take advantage of the higher fluxes and larger penetrating power of these high-energy neutrons. The imaging station consists of a collimator to define the beam, a rotating sample stage, and a cooled charge-coupled device camera (Alta U6) using a scintillator. A LiF + ZnS screen is used to produce scintillation light. Typical image collection times are a few seconds for a aperture to sample distance ratio of 100, yielding a spatial resolution of 0.2 × 0.2 mm2. Examples of the scanned and calculated image are presented

    The Heavy Photon Search test detector

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    The Heavy Photon Search (HPS), an experiment to search for a hidden sector photon in fixed target electroproduction, is preparing for installation at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (JLab) in the Fall of 2014. As the first stage of this project, the HPS Test Run apparatus was constructed and operated in 2012 to demonstrate the experiment׳s technical feasibility and to confirm that the trigger rates and occupancies are as expected. This paper describes the HPS Test Run apparatus and readout electronics and its performance. In this setting, a heavy photon can be identified as a narrow peak in the e+e− invariant mass spectrum above the trident background or as a narrow invariant mass peak with a decay vertex displaced from the production target, so charged particle tracking and vertexing are needed for its detection. In the HPS Test Run, charged particles are measured with a compact forward silicon microstrip tracker inside a dipole magnet. Electromagnetic showers are detected in a PbW04 crystal calorimeter situated behind the magnet, and are used to trigger the experiment and identify electrons and positrons. Both detectors are placed close to the beam line and split top-bottom. This arrangement provides sensitivity to low-mass heavy photons, allows clear passage of the unscattered beam, and avoids the spray of degraded electrons coming from the target. The discrimination between prompt and displaced e+e− pairs requires the first layer of silicon sensors be placed only 10 cm downstream of the target. The expected signal is small, and the trident background huge, so the experiment requires very large statistics. Accordingly, the HPS Test Run utilizes high-rate readout and data acquisition electronics and a fast trigger to exploit the essentially 100% duty cycle of the CEBAF accelerator at JLab