648 research outputs found

    A simple combinatorial proof of Shapiro's Catalan convolution

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    Shapiro proved an elegant convolution formula involving Catalan numbers of even index. This paper gives a simple combinatorial proof of his formula. In addition, we show that it is equivalent with the alternating convolution formula of central binomial coefficients

    Central Binomial Sums, Multiple Clausen Values and Zeta Values

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    We find and prove relationships between Riemann zeta values and central binomial sums. We also investigate alternating binomial sums (also called Ap\'ery sums). The study of non-alternating sums leads to an investigation of different types of sums which we call multiple Clausen values. The study of alternating sums leads to a tower of experimental results involving polylogarithms in the golden ratio. In the non-alternating case, there is a strong connection to polylogarithms of the sixth root of unity, encountered in the 3-loop Feynman diagrams of {\tt hep-th/9803091} and subsequently in hep-ph/9910223, hep-ph/9910224, cond-mat/9911452 and hep-th/0004010.Comment: 17 pages, LaTeX, with use of amsmath and amssymb packages, to appear in Journal of Experimental Mathematic

    Remarks on the Vietoris sequence and corresponding convolution formulas

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    In this paper we consider the so-called Vietoris sequence, a sequence of rational numbers of the form ck=12k(k⌊k2⌋), k= 0, 1, ⋯. This sequence plays an important role in many applications and has received a lot of attention over the years. In this work we present the main properties of the Vietoris sequence, having in mind its role in the context of hypercomplex function theory. Properties and patterns of the convolution triangles associated with (ck)k are also presented.Research at CMAT was partially financed by Portuguese funds through FCT - Funda¸c˜ao para a Ciˆencia e a Tecnologia, within the Projects UIDB/00013/2020 and UIDP/00013/2020. Research at CIDMA has been financed by FCT, within the Projects UIDB/04106/2020 and UIDP/04106/2020

    The Euler and Springer numbers as moment sequences

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    I study the sequences of Euler and Springer numbers from the point of view of the classical moment problem.Comment: LaTeX2e, 30 pages. Version 2 contains some small clarifications suggested by a referee. Version 3 contains new footnotes 9 and 10. To appear in Expositiones Mathematica
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