4 research outputs found

    SQL Tools and Optimization

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    Query optimization gives the good performance of the system and manages heavy workload on the database when transmission on data occurs and the effective usage of database engine and lesser memory consumed. For better performance we need to use best, faster and well-ordered queries. Since we need SQL query tuning based on the customer requirements. Firstly the data in database is optimized and then query. In this paper we propose database watermarking technique which is an effective method for database security. To improve query response time is to reduce the number of disk Inputs/Outputs by partitioning the database vertically and/or horizontally which we achieve using clustering. We present a technique for structured database decomposition based on the relational data

    Watermarking for Security in Database

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    Watermarking technology is used to embed copyright information in objects such as images, audio, video and databases. The increasing use of relational database systems in many real-life applications creates the need for database watermarking systems for protection of database. As a result, watermarking relational database system deals with the legal issue of copyright protection of database system. There are different types of databases like, Numerical and Categorical Databases. Working with numerical data is easier as compared to categorical databases which is much harder to work with. This report addresses a unique, robust copyright protection scheme for Relational Database. Watermark (Characteristic code) is a binary string calculated through the characteristic operation on the original database. A watermark is called robust if it resists a designated class of transformations. Robust watermarks may be used in copy protection applications to carry copy and access control information. The algorithm correlates characteristics according to the content of the databases, which can resist invertibility attack efficiently.Invertibility attack on database is being considered in this paper

    Survey on relational database watermarking techniques

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    Digital watermarking has been in multimedia data use over the past years. Recently it has become applicable in relational database system not only to secure copyright ownership but also to ensure data contents integrity. Further, it is used in locating tampered and modified places. However, the watermarking relational database has its own requirements, challenges, attacks and limitations. This paper, surveys recent database watermarking techniques focusing on the importance of watermarking relational database, the difference between watermarking relational database and multimedia objects, the issues in watermarking relational database, type of attacks on watermarked database, classifications, distortion introduced and the embedded information. The comparative study shows that watermarking relational database can be an effective tool for copyright protection, tampered detection, and hacker tracing while maintaining the integrity of data contents. In addition, this study explores the current issues in watermarking relational database as well as the significant differences between watermarking multimedia data and relational database contents. Finally, it provides a classification of database watermarking techniques according to the way of selecting the candidate key attributes and tuples, distortion introduced and decoding methods used