31 research outputs found

    The Adjacency Graphs of Some Feedback Shift Registers

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    The adjacency graphs of feedback shift registers (FSRs) with characteristic function of the form g=(x_0+x_1)*f are considered in this paper. Some properties about these FSRs are given. It is proved that these FSRs contains only prime cycles and these cycles can be divided into two sets such that each set contains no adjacent cycles. When f is a linear function, more properties about these FSRs are derived. It is shown that, when f is a linear function and contains an odd number of terms, the adjacency graph of \mathrm{FSR}((x_0+x_1)*f) can be determined directly from the adjacency graph of \mathrm{FSR}(f). As an application of these results, we determine the adjacency graphs of \mathrm{FSR}((1+x)^4p(x)) and \mathrm{FSR}((1+x)^5p(x)), where p(x) is a primitive polynomial, and construct a large class of de Bruijn sequences from them

    On Binary de Bruijn Sequences from LFSRs with Arbitrary Characteristic Polynomials

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    We propose a construction of de Bruijn sequences by the cycle joining method from linear feedback shift registers (LFSRs) with arbitrary characteristic polynomial f(x)f(x). We study in detail the cycle structure of the set Ω(f(x))\Omega(f(x)) that contains all sequences produced by a specific LFSR on distinct inputs and provide a fast way to find a state of each cycle. This leads to an efficient algorithm to find all conjugate pairs between any two cycles, yielding the adjacency graph. The approach is practical to generate a large class of de Bruijn sequences up to order n≈20n \approx 20. Many previously proposed constructions of de Bruijn sequences are shown to be special cases of our construction

    The Adjacency Graphs of Linear Feedback Shift Registers with Primitive-like Characteristic Polynomials

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    We consider the adjacency graphs of the linear feedback shift registers (LFSRs) with characteristic polynomials of the form l(x)p(x), where l(x) is a polynomial of small degree and p(x) is a primitive polynomial. It is shown that, their adjacency graphs are closely related to the association graph of l(x) and the cyclotomic numbers over finite fields. By using this connection, we give a unified method to determine their adjacency graphs. As an application of this method, we explicitly calculate the adjacency graphs of LFSRs with characteristic polynomials of the form (1+x+x^3+x^4)p(x), and construct a large class of De Bruijn sequences from them

    De Bruijn Sequences from Joining Cycles of Nonlinear Feedback Shift Registers

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    De Bruijn sequences are a class of nonlinear recurring sequences that have wide applications in cryptography and modern communication systems. One main method for constructing them is to join the cycles of a feedback shift register (FSR) into a full cycle, which is called the cycle joining method. Jansen et al. (IEEE Trans on Information Theory 1991) proposed an algorithm for joining cycles of an arbitrary FSR. This classical algorithm is further studied in this paper. Motivated by their work, we propose a new algorithm for joining cycles, which doubles the efficiency of the classical cycle joining algorithm. Since both algorithms need FSRs that only generate short cycles, we also propose efficient ways to construct short-cycle FSRs. These FSRs are nonlinear and are easy to obtain. As a result, a large number of de Bruijn sequences are constructed from them. We explicitly determine the size of these de Bruijn sequences. Besides, we show a property of the pure circulating register, which is important for searching for short-cycle FSRs

    De Bruijn Sequences from Symmetric Shift Registers

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    We consider the symmetric Feedback Shift Registers (FSRs), especially a special class of symmetric FSRs (we call them scattered symmetric FSRs), and construct a large class of De Bruijn sequences from them. It is shown that, at least O(2^((n-6)(logn)/2)) De Bruijn sequences of order n can be constructed from just one n-stage scattered symmetric FSR. To generate the next bit in the De Bruijn sequence from the current state, it requires no more than 2n comparisons and n+1 FSR shifts. By further analyse the cycle structure of the scattered symmetric FSRs, other methods for constructing De Bruijn sequences are suggested

    De Bruijn Sequences, Adjacency Graphs and Cyclotomy

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    We study the problem of constructing De Bruijn sequences by joining cycles of linear feedback shift registers (LFSRs) with reducible characteristic polynomials. The main difficulty for joining cycles is to find the location of conjugate pairs between cycles, and the distribution of conjugate pairs in cycles is defined to be adjacency graphs. Let l(x) be a characteristic polynomial, and l(x)=l_1(x)l_2(x)\cdots l_r(x) be a decomposition of l(x) into pairwise co-prime factors. Firstly, we show a connection between the adjacency graph of FSR(l(x)) and the association graphs of FSR(l_i(x)), 1\leq i\leq r. By this connection, the problem of determining the adjacency graph of FSR(l(x)) is decomposed to the problem of determining the association graphs of FSR(l_i(x)), 1\leq i\leq r, which is much easier to handle. Then, we study the association graphs of LFSRs with irreducible characteristic polynomials and give a relationship between these association graphs and the cyclotomic numbers over finite fields. At last, as an application of these results, we explicitly determine the adjacency graphs of some LFSRs, and show that our results cover the previous ones

    Quantum circuits with many photons on a programmable nanophotonic chip

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    Growing interest in quantum computing for practical applications has led to a surge in the availability of programmable machines for executing quantum algorithms. Present day photonic quantum computers have been limited either to non-deterministic operation, low photon numbers and rates, or fixed random gate sequences. Here we introduce a full-stack hardware-software system for executing many-photon quantum circuits using integrated nanophotonics: a programmable chip, operating at room temperature and interfaced with a fully automated control system. It enables remote users to execute quantum algorithms requiring up to eight modes of strongly squeezed vacuum initialized as two-mode squeezed states in single temporal modes, a fully general and programmable four-mode interferometer, and genuine photon number-resolving readout on all outputs. Multi-photon detection events with photon numbers and rates exceeding any previous quantum optical demonstration on a programmable device are made possible by strong squeezing and high sampling rates. We verify the non-classicality of the device output, and use the platform to carry out proof-of-principle demonstrations of three quantum algorithms: Gaussian boson sampling, molecular vibronic spectra, and graph similarity