945 research outputs found

    A Cheeger Inequality for the Graph Connection Laplacian

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    The O(d) Synchronization problem consists of estimating a set of unknown orthogonal transformations O_i from noisy measurements of a subset of the pairwise ratios O_iO_j^{-1}. We formulate and prove a Cheeger-type inequality that relates a measure of how well it is possible to solve the O(d) synchronization problem with the spectra of an operator, the graph Connection Laplacian. We also show how this inequality provides a worst case performance guarantee for a spectral method to solve this problem.Comment: To appear in the SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications (SIMAX

    A Cheeger Inequality for the Graph Connection Laplacian

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    Isoperimetric Inequalities in Simplicial Complexes

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    In graph theory there are intimate connections between the expansion properties of a graph and the spectrum of its Laplacian. In this paper we define a notion of combinatorial expansion for simplicial complexes of general dimension, and prove that similar connections exist between the combinatorial expansion of a complex, and the spectrum of the high dimensional Laplacian defined by Eckmann. In particular, we present a Cheeger-type inequality, and a high-dimensional Expander Mixing Lemma. As a corollary, using the work of Pach, we obtain a connection between spectral properties of complexes and Gromov's notion of geometric overlap. Using the work of Gunder and Wagner, we give an estimate for the combinatorial expansion and geometric overlap of random Linial-Meshulam complexes

    Higher Dimensional Discrete Cheeger Inequalities

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    For graphs there exists a strong connection between spectral and combinatorial expansion properties. This is expressed, e.g., by the discrete Cheeger inequality, the lower bound of which states that λ(G)h(G)\lambda(G) \leq h(G), where λ(G)\lambda(G) is the second smallest eigenvalue of the Laplacian of a graph GG and h(G)h(G) is the Cheeger constant measuring the edge expansion of GG. We are interested in generalizations of expansion properties to finite simplicial complexes of higher dimension (or uniform hypergraphs). Whereas higher dimensional Laplacians were introduced already in 1945 by Eckmann, the generalization of edge expansion to simplicial complexes is not straightforward. Recently, a topologically motivated notion analogous to edge expansion that is based on Z2\mathbb{Z}_2-cohomology was introduced by Gromov and independently by Linial, Meshulam and Wallach. It is known that for this generalization there is no higher dimensional analogue of the lower bound of the Cheeger inequality. A different, combinatorially motivated generalization of the Cheeger constant, denoted by h(X)h(X), was studied by Parzanchevski, Rosenthal and Tessler. They showed that indeed λ(X)h(X)\lambda(X) \leq h(X), where λ(X)\lambda(X) is the smallest non-trivial eigenvalue of the ((k1)(k-1)-dimensional upper) Laplacian, for the case of kk-dimensional simplicial complexes XX with complete (k1)(k-1)-skeleton. Whether this inequality also holds for kk-dimensional complexes with non-complete (k1)(k-1)-skeleton has been an open question. We give two proofs of the inequality for arbitrary complexes. The proofs differ strongly in the methods and structures employed, and each allows for a different kind of additional strengthening of the original result.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figure

    Cheeger Inequalities for Vertex Expansion and Reweighted Eigenvalues

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    The classical Cheeger's inequality relates the edge conductance ϕ\phi of a graph and the second smallest eigenvalue λ2\lambda_2 of the Laplacian matrix. Recently, Olesker-Taylor and Zanetti discovered a Cheeger-type inequality ψ2/logVλ2ψ\psi^2 / \log |V| \lesssim \lambda_2^* \lesssim \psi connecting the vertex expansion ψ\psi of a graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) and the maximum reweighted second smallest eigenvalue λ2\lambda_2^* of the Laplacian matrix. In this work, we first improve their result to ψ2/logdλ2ψ\psi^2 / \log d \lesssim \lambda_2^* \lesssim \psi where dd is the maximum degree in GG, which is optimal assuming the small-set expansion conjecture. Also, the improved result holds for weighted vertex expansion, answering an open question by Olesker-Taylor and Zanetti. Building on this connection, we then develop a new spectral theory for vertex expansion. We discover that several interesting generalizations of Cheeger inequalities relating edge conductances and eigenvalues have a close analog in relating vertex expansions and reweighted eigenvalues. These include an analog of Trevisan's result on bipartiteness, an analog of higher order Cheeger's inequality, and an analog of improved Cheeger's inequality. Finally, inspired by this connection, we present negative evidence to the 0/10/1-polytope edge expansion conjecture by Mihail and Vazirani. We construct 0/10/1-polytopes whose graphs have very poor vertex expansion. This implies that the fastest mixing time to the uniform distribution on the vertices of these 0/10/1-polytopes is almost linear in the graph size. This does not provide a counterexample to the conjecture, but this is in contrast with known positive results which proved poly-logarithmic mixing time to the uniform distribution on the vertices of subclasses of 0/10/1-polytopes.Comment: 65 pages, 1 figure. Minor change