55 research outputs found

    The Design of Low Power Ultra-Wideband Transceiver

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    Passive Mixer-based UWB Receiver with Low Loss, High Linearity and Noise-cancelling for Medical Applications

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    A double balanced passive mixer-based receiver operating in the 3-5 GHz UWB for medical applications is described in this paper. The receiver front-end circuit is composed of an inductorless low noise amplifier (LNA) followed by a fully differential voltage-driven double-balanced passive mixer. A duty cycle of 25% was chosen to eliminate overlap between LO signals, thereby improving receiver linearity. The LNA realizes a gain of 25.3 dB and a noise figure of 2.9 dB. The proposed receiver achieves an IIP3 of 3.14 dBm, an IIP2 of 17.5 dBm and an input return loss (S11) below -12.5dB. Designed in 0.18μm CMOS technology, the proposed mixer consumes 0.72pW from a 1.8V power supply. The designed receiver demonstrated a good ports isolation performance with LO_IF isolation of 60dB and RF_IF isolation of 78dB

    Dual-band FSK receiver and building block design for UWB impulse radio

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    UWB communication systems acquisition at symbol rate sampling for IEEE standard channel models

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    For ultra-wideband (UWB) communications, acquisition is challenging. The reason is from the ultra short pulse shape and ultra dense multipath interference. Ultra short pulse indicates the acquisition region is very narrow. Sampling is another challenge for UWB design due to the need for ultra high speed analog-to digital converter.A sub-optimum and under-sampling scheme using pilot codes as transmitted reference is proposed here for acquisition. The sampling rate for the receiver is at the symbol rate. A new architecture, the reference aided matched filter is studied in this project. The reference aided matched filter method avoids using complex rake receiver to estimate channel parameters and high sampling rate for interpolation. A limited number of matched filters are used as a filter bank to search for the strongest path. Timing offset for acquisition is then estimated and passed to an advanced verification algorithm. For optimum performance of acquisition, the adaptive post detection integration is proposed to solve the problem from dense inter-symbol interference during the acquisition. A low-complex early-late gate tracking loop is one element of the adaptive post detection integration. This tracking scheme assists in improving acquisition accuracy. The proposed scheme is evaluated using Matlab Simulink simulations in term of mean acquisition time, system performance and false alarm. Simulation results show proposed algorithm is very effective in ultra dense multipath channels. This research proves reference aided acquisition with tracking loop is promising in UWB application

    Radar Technology

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    In this book “Radar Technology”, the chapters are divided into four main topic areas: Topic area 1: “Radar Systems” consists of chapters which treat whole radar systems, environment and target functional chain. Topic area 2: “Radar Applications” shows various applications of radar systems, including meteorological radars, ground penetrating radars and glaciology. Topic area 3: “Radar Functional Chain and Signal Processing” describes several aspects of the radar signal processing. From parameter extraction, target detection over tracking and classification technologies. Topic area 4: “Radar Subsystems and Components” consists of design technology of radar subsystem components like antenna design or waveform design

    Noise-based Transmit Reference Modulation:A Feasibility Analysis

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) receive huge research interest for a multitude of applications, ranging from remote monitoring applications, such as monitoring of potential forest fires, floods and air pollution, to domestic and industrial monitoring of temperature, humidity, vibration, stress, etc. In the former set of applications, a large number of nodes can be involved which are usually deployed in remote or inaccessible environments. Due to logistic and cost reasons, battery replacement is undesired. Energy-efficient radios are needed, with a power-demand so little that batteries can last the lifetime of the node or that the energy can be harvested from the environment. Coherent direct-sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) based radios are widely employed in monitoring applications, due to their overall resilience to channel impairments and robustness against interference. However, a DSSS rake receiver has stringent requirements on precise synchronization and accurate channel knowledge. To obviate the complexity of a coherent DSSS receiver, particularly for low data rate sensor networks, a DSSS scheme that has fast synchronization and possibly low power consumption, is much desired. In this regard, this thesis studies a noncoherent DSSS scheme called transmit reference (TR), which promises a simple receiver architecture and fast synchronization. In traditional TR, the modulated information signal is sent along an unmodulated reference signal, with a small time offset between them. In this thesis, we present and investigate a variant of TR, called noise-based frequency offset modulation (N-FOM), which uses pure noise as the spreading signal and a small frequency offset (instead of a time offset) to separate the information and reference signals. The detection is based on correlation of the received signal with a frequency-shifted version of itself, which collects the transmitted energy without compromising the receiver simplicity. Analytical expressions on performance metrics, supplemented by simulation results, improve understanding of the underlying mechanisms and provide insights into utility of N-FOM in low-power WSNs. In point-to-point line-of-sight (LOS) communication, it was observed that the communication scheme has a minimal utility. The energy-detector type of receiver mixes all in-band signals, which magnifies the overall noise. Particularly, the self-mixing of the transmitted signal also elevates the noise level, which increases with a further increase in the received signal energy. Therefore, for a fixed set of system parameters, the performance attains an asymptote with increasing transmission power. The phenomenon also establishes a non-monotonic relation between performance and the spreading factor. It was observed that a higher spreading factor in N-FOM is beneficial only in a high-SNR regime. After developing an understanding of the performance degrading mechanisms, few design considerations are listed. It is found that a suitable choice of the receiver front-end filter can maximize the SNR. However, the optimal filter depends on received signal and noise levels. A practically feasible – albeit suboptimal – filter is presented which gives close to the optimal performance. Next, timing synchronization is considered. The implications of synchronization errors are analyzed, and a synchronization strategy is devised. The proposed synchronization strategy has little overhead and can be easily implemented for symbol-level synchronization. The N-FOM LOS link model is extended to assess the performance degradation due to interference. Performance metrics are derived which quantify the effects of multiple-user interference, as well as that from external interferers, such as WiFi. Since the correlation operation mixes all in-band signals, the total interfering entities are quadratically increased. The research shows the vulnerability of N-FOM to interference, which makes it optimistic to operate in a crowded shared spectrum (such as the ISM 2.4\,GHz band). We also observe an upper limit on the number of mutually interfering links in a multiple access (MA) network, that can be established with an acceptable quality. The scheme is further investigated for its resilience against impairments introduced by a dense multipath environment. It is observed that despite the noise enhancement, the N-FOM system performs reasonably well in a non-line-of-sight (NLOS) communication. The detection mechanism exploits the multipath channel diversity and leads to an improved performance in a rich scattering environment. An analytical expression for outage probability is also derived. The results indicate that a healthy N-FOM link with very low outage probability can be established at a nominal value of the received bit SNR. It is also found that the choice of the frequency offset is central to the system design. Due to multiple practical implications associated with this parameter, the maximum data rate and the number of usable frequency offsets are limited, particularly in a MA NLOS communication scenario. The analysis evolves into a rule-of-thumb criterion for the data rate and the frequency offset. It is deduced that, due to its limited capability to coexist in a shared spectrum, N-FOM is not a replacement for coherent DSSS systems. The scheme is mainly suited to a low data rate network with low overall traffic, operating in an interference-free rich scattering environment. Such a niche of sensor applications could benefit from N-FOM where the design goal requires a simple detection mechanism and immunity to multipath fading

    Analog-to-digital interface design in wireless receivers

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    As one of the major building blocks in a wireless receiver, the Analog-to-Digital Interface (ADI) provides link and transition between the analog Radio Frequency (RF) frontend and the baseband Digital Signal Processing (DSP) module. The rapid development of the radio technologies raises new design challenges for the receiver ADI implementation. Requirements, such as power consumption optimization, multi-standard compatibility, fast settling capability and wide signal bandwidth capacity, are often encountered in a low voltage ADI design environment. Previous research offers ADI design schemes that emphasize individual merit. A systematic ADI design methodology is, however, not suffciently studied. In this work, the ADI design for two receiver systems are employed as research vehicles to provide solutions for different ADI design issues. A zero-crossing demodulator ADI is designed in the 0.35µm CMOS technology for the Bluetooth receiver to provide fast settling. Architectural level modification improves the process variation and the Local Oscillation (LO) frequency offset immunity of the demodulator. A 16.2dB Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) at 0.1% Bit Error Rate (BER) is achieved with less than 9mW power dissipation in the lab measurement. For ADI in the 802.11b/Bluetooth dual-mode receiver, a configurable time-interleaved pipeline Analog-to-Digital-Converter (ADC) structure is adopted to provide the required multi-standard compatibility. An online digital calibration scheme is also proposed to compensate process variation and mismatching. The prototype chip is fabricated in the 0.25µm BiCMOS technology. Experimentally, an SNR of 60dB and 64dB are obtained under the 802.11b and Bluetooth receiving modes, respectively. The power consumption of the ADI is 20.2mW under the 802.11b receiving mode and 14.8mW under the Bluetooth mode. In this dissertation, each step of the receiver ADI design procedure, from system level optimization to the transistor level implementation and lab measurement, is illustrated in detail. The observations are carefully studied to provide insight on receiver ADI design issues. The ADI design for the Ultra-Wide Band (UWB) receiver is also studied at system level. Potential ADI structure is proposed to satisfy the wide signal bandwidth and high speed requirement for future applications