164 research outputs found

    Matching fields and lattice points of simplices

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    We show that the Chow covectors of a linkage matching field define a bijection between certain degree vectors and lattice points, and we demonstrate how one can recover the linkage matching field from this bijection. This resolves two open questions from Sturmfels and Zelevinsky (1993) [26] on linkage matching fields. For this, we give an explicit construction that associates a bipartite incidence graph of an ordered partition of a common set to each lattice point in a dilated simplex. Given a triangulation of a product of two simplices encoded by a set of spanning trees on a bipartite node set, we similarly prove that the bijection from left to right degree vectors of the trees is enough to recover the triangulation. As additional results, we show a cryptomorphic description of linkage matching fields and characterise the flip graph of a linkage matching field in terms of its prodsimplicial flag complex. Finally, we relate our findings to transversal matroids through the tropical Stiefel map

    Partial triangulations of surfaces with girth constraints

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    Barnette and Edelson have shown that there are finitely many minimal triangulations of a connected compact 2-manifold M. A similar finiteness result is obtained for cellular partial triangulations that satisfy the Maxwell count 3v-e=6 and girth inequality constraints for certain embedded cycles. Also a characterisation of cellular M-embedded (3,6)-tight graphs is given in terms of the satisfaction of higher genus girth inequalities.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figure

    Computational Geometric and Algebraic Topology

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    Computational topology is a young, emerging field of mathematics that seeks out practical algorithmic methods for solving complex and fundamental problems in geometry and topology. It draws on a wide variety of techniques from across pure mathematics (including topology, differential geometry, combinatorics, algebra, and discrete geometry), as well as applied mathematics and theoretical computer science. In turn, solutions to these problems have a wide-ranging impact: already they have enabled significant progress in the core area of geometric topology, introduced new methods in applied mathematics, and yielded new insights into the role that topology has to play in fundamental problems surrounding computational complexity. At least three significant branches have emerged in computational topology: algorithmic 3-manifold and knot theory, persistent homology and surfaces and graph embeddings. These branches have emerged largely independently. However, it is clear that they have much to offer each other. The goal of this workshop was to be the first significant step to bring these three areas together, to share ideas in depth, and to pool our expertise in approaching some of the major open problems in the field

    Minors for alternating dimaps

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    We develop a theory of minors for alternating dimaps --- orientably embedded digraphs where, at each vertex, the incident edges (taken in the order given by the embedding) are directed alternately into, and out of, the vertex. We show that they are related by the triality relation of Tutte. They do not commute in general, though do in many circumstances, and we characterise the situations where they do. The relationship with triality is reminiscent of similar relationships for binary functions, due to the author, so we characterise those alternating dimaps which correspond to binary functions. We give a characterisation of alternating dimaps of at most a given genus, using a finite set of excluded minors. We also use the minor operations to define simple Tutte invariants for alternating dimaps and characterise them. We establish a connection with the Tutte polynomial, and pose the problem of characterising universal Tutte-like invariants for alternating dimaps based on these minor operations.Comment: 51 pages, 7 figure